Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 338 Returning to the Sword World

Chapter 338 Returning to the Sword World

Of course, Yang Han's words did not resonate with anyone, except that he himself was still laughing without feeling embarrassed, everyone else was very serious.

At this moment, Momoga also felt that this god was too out of line, and there was no correspondence with the descriptions in various myths.But he didn't care about these at the moment, but wanted to know how the other party planned to continue.

"Ahem, it seems that it's really embarrassing. All in all, let's get down to business first. Momoga, no, Suzuki Satoru, do you have anything else you want to change? If there are no other problems, I will let you The teleportation is gone, after all, it is not a problem to tie them up like this all the time." Yang Han said after laughing enough.

"Can't you let them go first?" Momoga asked Yang Han, looking at Albedo and the other layer guardians who had been resurrected and tied up.

"It's not a problem, but you should have seen the current Shalltear from the prop lens. After I rewritten them, these guys knew that they had been restricted in their way of thinking because of the game settings. You vent your anger to death!" Yang Han said with a smile.

This further prompted Momoga to listen to Yang Han's words and return to the real world he thought.This is not to blame Momonga for being ruthless. His profession of being the ruler of death is different from human thinking. From Momonga's daring to modify Albedo's settings, it can be seen that these NPCs Even the NPCs in his eyes were not living creatures. Even if they were living creatures, except for Pandora's Actor, a character he built himself, they were just pets created by friends.

It's an exaggeration to say this, but in theory it is.Be it Albedo or Shalltear, in a sense, they are commonly known as game babies, and they are also babies that others give to themselves when they cancel the game. Now that I don’t play games anymore, I hope The babies of these friends will have a good home in the future, which is his greatest emotional expression.

"Then what should I do?" Skipping this topic, Momoga chose to use this kind of inquiry to continue talking with Yang Han about changing himself back.

"Simple. Allow me to read your memory to see which world you were from before, and then just throw your soul there!" Yang Han replied.

Immediately afterwards, he used [Endless Martial Arts] as the creation condition, and activated the skills he wanted.I saw a ray of light hit Momoga, and then the data on the other party's body was fed back one after another.

Looking at the abnormal state on her body, Momoga was a little dazed.Looking at Yang Han's skill that can be activated without any cooperation from himself, he suddenly wondered why the other party was talking so much with him just now.

In fact, this is easy to explain, because Yang Han is in a panic!To be precise, he killed Momonga casually, and then randomly wrote down the attributes of the people in the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, and he could get the same effect, but it was boring to do that, and it was interesting to do that. difference.

"Huh? Let me go, you actually belong to this world!" Continuing on Yang Han's side, when he closed his eyes and felt the data detected from Momoga, he immediately felt that he had discovered a new continent.Not for anything else, just because I am too familiar with the world of Momoga's predecessor.

That familiar world coordinate is exactly... the world of Sword Art Online.

"Why, what's the matter?" Out of concern about whether he could go back normally, Momoga asked nervously when he returned to the time promised by the other party.

"It's nothing, it's just that the world you're in is just an old place I've been to. But that's okay, I just know a familiar timeline, and I think it's been more than two years since I left there. The server launch time of your game is not much different." Yang Han said something Momoga didn't quite understand.

"As long as there is no problem, as long as there is no problem." Therefore, Momoga had no choice but to answer like this.

"It's not too late, let's go now, I haven't been there for a long time, and see how the old acquaintances are doing!" Saying this, Yang Han immediately started to act, obviously he just thought of it. The type to do right away.


Time, end of December 2015, location, Sword Art Online World.

After handing over the floor guardians to Fia, he temporarily left his world with Momonga.The current level of Yang Han's divine source has been raised to 80. Although the 80th level of the divine source nucleus has not yet fused, but the 70th level has been fused in the month when he and Jue Shi Jue Ming attacked the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick .

There is also a reason why this is mentioned suddenly, because the power of this new Shenyuan nucleus is the double body.This is too general to say, in short, its own power is to create another clone of Yang Han.However, this avatar is completely composed of Shenyuan, so to put it bluntly, it can be regarded as Fiya finally having a body.

With the main body, Fiya not only possesses a very powerful combat power, but also can act independently, or control Yang Han's power with some divine source nuclei.So Yang Han handed over his three divine cores, the God's Emblem, the Slayer, and the Infinite Martial Arts, to Fei Ya for use, and he only brought with him the privileges of God's Treasure, God's Injury, and Reversal These three Shenyuan nuclei.

This part is to give Fia more power to drive, to better control the world, and to resist foreign enemies like Momoga when she is not at home.What's more, my current strength is too strong. When I come to Sword Art Online, which has a stealth game, but it is still a world of ordinary people, I may accidentally destroy this world.

Momoga stood on a familiar street, seeing the people around her dressed in the clothes she remembered ten years ago, suddenly felt so unreal.He looked at Yang Han who was standing not far in front of him with his pocket in his pocket, and suddenly felt that he might be a writer and write a book.

"What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and take me to where you used to be. I have to meet old acquaintances after I finish my business." Yang Han turned his head and looked at Momoga who was still in a daze, no, it should be now Call him Suzuki Enlightenment, and said here.

Suzuki Satoru's body had already been used by Yang Han as waste, and now he is just a soul.He couldn't speak, so he floated to Yang Han's side in a daze, motioning for him to follow.

Not long after, following the other party's guidance, Yang Han found Suzuki Satoru's current body.It was a dead house that looked like he was still in college, with the standard male lead appearance, neither handsome nor ugly, nor tall nor short, at this time the other party was sleeping on a lower bunk with bunk beds.

ps: What is the name of the new Shenyuan nucleon?Well, let's call it [World from the Heart], don't ask me why, I don't know, just thinking about it!As a result, give Fia a body, and you can have sex~
(End of this chapter)

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