Two-dimensional Guide to Becoming a God

Chapter 365 Didn't He Meet Us?

Chapter 365 Didn't He Meet Us?

At this moment, Yang Han felt that he was one head and two big, but before he could clarify something, he heard a confused female voice behind him: "Hey, why are there so many people at home today..."

The voice sounded very familiar, he didn't need to turn his head to know that it was Yoyo who came.And since Yoyo came back, then Huihui must be on his back. It would be too deceitful to choose this time to go home.

But what can he do, he has come back, at this moment Yang Han can only comfort himself with the fact that he is upright and not afraid of the shadow swaying, and that he has not done anything to offend the girls.Fortunately, Huihui is now in the state of exploding magic, at least there will be no situation where the house will be blown up with exploding magic.

When Yang Han was thinking about these things, Yoyo also saw clearly the group of elf girls in front of him.She froze for a moment, looking for something in the crowd nervously, until she found Yang Han, her face immediately turned pale.No need to ask, this girl is probably looking at that direction like Lalatina and thinking about it.After all, Yang Han has a criminal record, but not long ago he only brought back Asuna alone, this time it directly became eleven, which is quite different in this sense.

"Old man, these girls are...?" After getting married, Yoyo also changed her words. She looked expectantly at Yang Han who was not far away. asked about it.It's just that in her charming eyes, tears seemed to have formed before Yang Han could answer.

"Ah, it's actually like this..." Yang Han just wanted to explain.

"Yuyou don't listen to his lies, I'll tell you what you really want." Lalatina, who was rarely seen, was strong again. She quickly ran between the two to block Yang Han's body, and then began to talk to Youyou. What I have seen and heard, and some of my own understanding.

What does Lalatina understand?It was Yang Han who went out to recognize a lot of younger sisters, and then wanted to get on the base, but how could this be the truth? Among the elf girls, only Kotori and Yoshino belonged to the type called his brother. Although the seven sins were similar in age, But that guy gradually got attached to Yoshino after a long time, and he was going to engage in Lily, but he was always indifferent to Yang Han.

The other elf girls also called Yang Han by his name directly.To be more precise, because Yang Han's ability does not use kissing or other means at all, unlike Wuhe Shidao, these girls are completely innocent except for a little physical contact with him.

But all of this is unknown to Lalatina. According to her description, it just makes Yoyo's body more and more precarious, while Huihui behind her is unexpectedly not too loud or noisy, just like that Listen without saying a word.

"Is it the calm before the storm? Hey, sure enough, even a man who is only one step away from becoming a god will worry about the Shura field..." Yang Han watched that things were developing in a direction that he could not save, and stayed where he was helplessly. Said to himself.

"Aren't you going to explain something?" After Lalatina explained everything to Yoyo, Hui Hui saw that Yoyo didn't speak for a long time, so she asked for her.Of course, this question was also what she wanted to ask.

"There's nothing to explain. Kotori and Yoshito are the younger sisters I recognize. The others are very, very good friends. They are the kind of good friends who I would definitely marry back without you, that's all." Yang Han spread out his hands, simply smashed the jar, did not hide anything, and said it outright.

His words floated out lightly, the voice was not loud, but it exploded after being passed into the minds of every girl present.Everyone has different ideas, just a few words, it's like a fixing spell to fix them all in place.

"Then go in and sit down, but you can't stay overnight." While everyone was in a daze, Hui Hui's voice sounded again.Driven by it, Yoyo, Lalatina and other girls around also came to their senses one by one.

"Huihui, how can you indulge him like this! He just said that if he hadn't met us, he would marry these girls back home!" Lalatina hurriedly organized.

"But, didn't he meet us? The Yang Han I know is not the kind of person who doesn't dare to act when he does something, so it's fine. Yoyo, let's go into the house." Huihui explained while gently teasing Brushing the hair beside the ear, it really looks like a palace.

"Yeah." Yoyo didn't refute, she was really flustered just now, but unlike Lalatina, she grew up with Yang Han and Huihui since they were young, she not only believed in her own vision, but also believed in Huihui Hui's words.So his face gradually returned to normal, and he continued to walk in with Hui Hui on his back.

Lalatina stood on the spot and thought for a while, then raised her head, her eyes just met Yang Han's.Before she opened her mouth, the other party spoke first: "I never thought that when you really cared about one thing, even your M-shaking physique would disappear~" Yang Han said with a playful smile.

"Anyway, anyway, I don't understand you like your older and younger wives." Lalatina lost her anger at this moment, she avoided Yang Han's eyes in a panic, and replied in a somewhat arrogant tone.

"It doesn't matter. We have a long time to go. You don't understand me now, but you can slowly understand." Seeing the other party's head turned to one side, Yang Han immediately stepped forward, fixed the other party's head with both hands, and then put his eyes on the other side. The other party looked at each other.

Although Lalatina thought she was a married woman, she always looked heroic except when she was sick, but at this moment she was blushing rarely, and she didn't dare to move her red head, just being held by Yang Han and looking at her .The little face was getting redder and redder, and it was almost bleeding.

"That... Is it not the right time for me to come back..." At this time, the elf girls have already entered the house, and only Yang Han and Lalatina are left in the yard. The atmosphere is quite good, but It was a girl's sudden sound coming from outside the door, which frightened the guilty Lalatina to break away from Yang Han's control, and jumped out far away.

This time it was Asuna who came back to buy dinner ingredients. She is good at cooking, and now she will take over the position of Xiao An's home chef from time to time, because Xiao An's cooking skills were learned from Yang Han, and Yang Han's cooking skills It is slightly inferior to Asuna, so her dishes can be said to be the best food in this family.

"Oh, oh. It's nothing, we were just kidding. Then you, Asuna, why did you buy so many ingredients?" Yang Han quickly changed the topic, and while talking, he also helped Asuna I took the seemingly heavy cloth bag, which was full of vegetables and ingredients.

"Why, Yang Han, don't you know? The Harvest Festival, the Harvest Festival! Most of the goods in the city are sold at half price today!" Asuna replied even more surprised.

"Harvest Festival?" Yang Han was at a loss.

(End of this chapter)

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