Chapter 368

In fact, it didn't take much time for the bustling Suqing Pavilion to transform from the original depression and quietness to the current bustle and hustle and bustle.It has witnessed the destruction of a world, and also witnessed the various fantasy pasts of a young man.

The former Suqing Pavilion was just a desolate mansion standing quietly in a corner of Axel City, but one day, a team of unique adventurers bought it.It was refurbished and changed from the inside to the outside to the new owner's favorite appearance, and then it got its current name - Suqing Pavilion.

However, the renovated Suqing Pavilion did not keep the pace of one of the owners, because the young owner often likes to run out to do things.He first made a lot of noise around the city, and killed the legendary leader of the Demon King's army, Beldia. Then, in order to protect Axel, he defeated the mobile fortress that was as huge as a city, and became the leader of the city. A famous adventurer that everyone knows.

The boy who did all this is already very good, right?But this was just the beginning, because after that he went to the front line to fight against the demons alone, all the way to the base camp of the demons, and drove all the demons out of the area mainland.

After the threat of the demons disappeared from this continent, the young master who could have spent the rest of his life in peace returned to Suqing Pavilion.Yes, he finally came back, but he left again not long after, and this time the purpose was even more distant, another world that didn't know where it existed.

The boy left for three days, but when he came back, he seemed to have grown up by two or three years.Suqing Pavilion still stands in the corner that belongs to him. After the owner came back, he lived in again. However, Goddess Eris summoned him again, but made him leave again.

This time the boy left for three years, and the Suqing Pavilion became more and more deserted during this period.The hostesses left one after another, and in the end only the blond girl in black, who had never changed her face, was still waiting for the boy's return day after day.

In the end, the boy did come back, but at this time, Axel was already at the end of his rope because of the comeback of the demons.Such a result is simply like reloading the game file, even more difficult than playing for the first time.

After the boy came back, Axel was renamed Suqing City, which means the most beautiful city.Under his improvement, such a lifeless city has regained its vitality, and the Suqing Pavilion, which had been deserted until now, has also become lively again.

The blue-haired girl who was always making trouble for no reason came back, but she would go out to make trouble most of the time, and hang out with a group of her admirers; the red-eyed girl who had to go out every day to have a big explosion came back with a big change and a girl with the same red pupils as her; the blond-haired city lord no longer worked so hard, and finally moved back home from the city lord's mansion...

Everything went smoothly. If it's a story, it must have a perfect ending here, right?It's a pity that this is not the case, because the devil who is doing things has not calmed down yet!
The young master went out again, but this time, in order to completely erase the demons from his world, he was cruel.He first created a world with incomparably astonishing means, and then moved everyone there, and only then did he have a good fight with the Demon King.

This scene had a completely crushing ending, because the world had already become dilapidated under the young man's few moves. If it wasn't because he suddenly found a girl standing alone in the distance, the Demon King would definitely not be able to get rid of being trapped. The end of killing.Between the girl and the devil, the boy rescued the girl without hesitation and left this crumbling world.

The world with the Demon King was completely destroyed, and it became pieces of debris in the vast universe. Perhaps this is its original destiny!This is the destruction of a world, but perhaps also the birth of a world.

The boy who left took the girl back to his own world, and he began to create various miracles like a god, including another world like his back garden.

It seems to be peaceful at last, and I live leisurely every day, occasionally helping those ordinary people who are attached to their own world.But fate seemed unwilling to give him any time to breathe, and within a few days, a wave of strange intruders ran into his back garden.

Those were people from another world. They were much stronger than the residents of the boy's world, and they severely damaged his garden, which made the boy dissatisfied.But he is not a hypocritical person, but with these outsiders, he played an interesting and boring performance.

Under the power of the young man, all the outsiders were wiped out, and in order to repay the mistakes they committed, he took them for his own use.This group of people is quite easy to use, at least he doesn't have to do everything himself.

Having enjoyed the sweetness, this group of undocumented outsiders can be regarded as exchanging labor for a place to live under the young man's tolerance, except for one of them, that is the leader of these outsiders, a skull named Suzuki Satoru.This guy is different from other homeless outsiders, but he is a time traveler, and there is a world that belongs to him waiting for him to go back.

Since the young man had nothing to do, he simply helped the other party.Unexpectedly, this hometown of Suzuki Satoru was the world that made him delay for more than three years without returning.In a familiar different world, he met a familiar person again. This time, the boy faced his feelings directly and tied his love affair with multiple red strings.

The love affair that crossed the world was tied to a thread because of his own strength. Under the insistence of the young man, a world that did not belong to him was grasped in his hands and entered into his own world.This was an extremely difficult effort, and even though he had done it, he was very tired, but it seemed that he had found a way to not leave any regrets, so the boy rushed to another world that he had always kept in his heart.

No one can control the rules of time. Three days in one's own world may pass three years or even 3000 years in other worlds.This time, he found that the world he had promised to visit again had been put down by him for a full 20 years.Looking at the girls who had been waiting for him to go back, he felt extremely ashamed.

The worlds of these stories have a lifespan, and this place is about to come to an end.In the 20 years since he left, an old friend has disappeared into this world he abandoned for more than [-] years. This is cruel, but no one remembers it, except for those girls who have helped him to control part of his power ...

(End of this chapter)

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