Twin Brocade

Chapter 132

Chapter 132
Wu Wanqing's voice was pleasant, and this chuckle was as pleasant as the ding-dong of spring water.

But to Tang Yuanyao's ears, this chuckle was extremely piercing, full of ridicule.Glancing over, he saw Qiao Tongxuan's complacent expression again, the anger suddenly rose from his heart, and he stood up suddenly.

Zhu Qingmei hurriedly pulled her back, the situation was obviously not good for them, and she was just asking for trouble when she went forward to argue.

What's more, she heard her mother say once at home that the Fang family's act of sending Fang Jinshu to the Jingyi nunnery was approved by the emperor.She also told Tang Yuanyao, but Tang Yuanyao finally found a reason to blame Fang Jinshu, so how could she let it go lightly.

At this time, seeing Qiao Tongxuan get the box of balm presented by Fang Jinshu confirmed her guess.Seeing that Tang Yuanyao still insisted on arguing with Qiao Tongxuan, Zhu Qingmei felt uneasy, so she quickly stopped her.

Unexpectedly, Tang Yuanyao was so angry that she didn't see who was holding her, and suddenly slapped her down.

With a crisp sound, Zhu Qingmei stared blankly at the back of her hand, where five fingerprints gradually became red and swollen.She bit her lip, tears filled the corners of her eyes, and stared at Tang Yuanyao in disbelief.

This is really a kind heart, being treated as a donkey's liver and lungs!
Zhu Qinglian hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Sister, does it hurt?" She raised her voice and commanded the servant girl of the Zhu family who was packing up the desk, and said, "Are you a dead person? Hurry up and get a basin of cold water for an ice compress."

This accident came suddenly, all the female students in Xiaoyue Pavilion looked over, and then looked away one after another.

Qiao Tongxuan took a look here and felt it was funny, she leaned into Wu Wanqing's ear and whispered: "Sister Qing, look, isn't this called a dog biting a dog's hair?"

"Sister Xuan, please be polite." Wu Wanqing said softly, "Miss Tang has been stimulated since the re-election, and her behavior has become more and more perverse. Just ignore her."

Qiao Tongxuan smiled nonchalantly, and said, "As long as she speaks strange things about Sister Shu behind her back, I won't let her go. It's not all my fault, no one is to blame."

Tang Yuanyao wanted to splash Fang Jinhui's ink, but ended up splashing it on Princess Duancheng, offending someone who couldn't afford it.It was entirely her own fault, Qiao Tongxuan didn't feel any sympathy at all.

The maid of Zhu's family brought in a basin of well water, and applied ice compresses in such a cold weather, even if the room was burnt with earth dragons, it would be warm, and Zhu Qingmei couldn't help shivering.

Tang Yuanyao realized that she had hit the wrong person, but she was so arrogant that she couldn't bear to apologize for a while.

When she realized that the best time to apologize had passed, she could only sit down in embarrassment, and couldn't help but glance at the Zhu family sisters.I just hope that no matter what the other party says, she can answer and apologize.

But Zhu Qingmei was already annoyed with her at this time, pretending not to see her eyes, applying ice to herself, and leaving her aside.

Song Liyun sat on the right back, a little further away from them.Seeing this accident, she simply hid behind.She thought very clearly that if she stepped forward, she might only become a target of anger for the two parties.

After a while, the master came in with the handouts, drove out all the maids who were serving the ladies' pens and inks in the Xiaoyue Pavilion, and began to give lectures.

Everything seemed to have returned to calm, only Tang Yuanyao clenched her fists hidden under the desk.At this moment, she felt that the whole world had abandoned her!

First her stepmother, then her biological father, and now it's her best friend's turn!

She gritted her silver teeth tightly, and her eyes shone with resentment and resentment.One by one, you all read my jokes, bullied me, and betrayed me!One day, if I find a chance, I must take revenge.

Tang Yuanyao's heart was gradually distorted, and her chest was filled with emotional ups and downs.

Fang Jinshu didn't expect that the few cans of plaster she gave out in order to report her safety would cause such a disturbance in Xiuwenfang Academy.

The Jingyi Nunnery ushered in the first heavy snowfall. The soft and light snowflakes were densely packed, like millions of jade scales falling from the sky, and like velvet butterfly wings flying all over the sky.

The snow in the mountains, ethereal and pure, gently covered the cornices and trees of the Jingyi Nunnery, covering these scenes with a layer of silver.

In such a pure and white world, Master Jingchen seized the last time to prepare supplies for the winter in the nunnery.The ones who went down the mountain this time were all teachers of the Jing family. Only they had the ability to walk through the snow-covered mountain road and bring their last reserves.

The female nuns of the phonetic generation are all in the nunnery, checking the warehouse and fire prevention measures.

Seeing them so busy, Fang Jinshu was a little puzzled, asked Huiyin the reason for this, and said, "I see that the warehouse is full, and the cabbage is also full of the cellar, can we finish it?" Because of Jing'an Because the princess brought a large amount of supplies up the mountain, there was almost no room for them in the warehouse.

Huiyin smiled and said, "Shuyin, you didn't spend the winter in the nunnery, so you don't know. The mountain is blocked by heavy snow, and there is no telling when it will be lifted. If it is sooner, it will be February, if it is slower, it may be the end of March."

"These things seem to be a lot, but there are so many people in the nunnery, once the road down the mountain is blocked, it's just sitting and eating, and it's not too much to stock up."

So that was the case, Fang Jinshu nodded, and asked again: "The guards in the outer courtyard, do you know?" The Jingyi Nunnery became a royal nunnery and began to be guarded by guards, that is, since this spring, none of them have spent winter.

"The presiding teacher told them last month that they are also transporting things to the mountain during this period of time, so don't worry."

"Sister Huiyin thinks the mountain will be closed in a few days?"

Huiyin looked at the goose feather-like snow outside, and said: "If this snow doesn't stop, I'm afraid it won't take two days, and the way down the mountain will be difficult even for the presiding teacher."

Sure enough, as Huiyin expected, after finishing the morning class three days later, Mrs. Jingchen announced that the mountain would be closed with heavy snow, and reiterated the rule of not going out of the nunnery, let alone taking out fire pockets and other things.

Winter is cold and dry, and the north wind howls between the mountains and forests, which not only takes away the body temperature of people, but also takes away the moisture in the trees and houses.Don't look at the snow on the trees now, once the fire starts, the snow will not work at all.

But in such a cold and twelfth lunar month, charcoal must be burned in the nunnery, otherwise, not to mention the old and the weak, even Jing Chen and a few nuns with martial arts skills could not resist such a biting chill.

There is no earth dragon built in the nunnery, and the charcoal fires burning in each room are the most likely source of fire.

Fortunately, Mrs. Jingchen was originally a closed disciple of the previous presiding officer. She spent dozens of springs, summers, autumns and winters on this mountain, inheriting the fire prevention regulations of her predecessors.

Not only is the distribution of charcoal fire strictly controlled, but there is also a special night patrol team, led by two quiet nuns and two phonetic nuns, patrolling every one and a half hours until dawn.

The large water storage tank used to extinguish the fire is kept at its fullest.There is a thin layer of ice on it, which can be used when needed.

(End of this chapter)

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