Twin Brocade

Chapter 302 Hate House and Wu

Chapter 302 Hate House and Wu
Fang Jinshu saluted and said, "I made you worry, it's Shu'er's fault."

"What silly things did this child say?" Wei Sijie looked at her with a smile, her brows and eyes softened, and said, "It's been a long time since I saw you, I'm still missing you."

In Fang Jinshu, she found the image of her daughter who had no destiny with her.While planning revenge wholeheartedly, how many sleepless nights were spent in thoughts.

The consort's smile appeared one after another, followed by the daughter's face.How many times has she fantasized that both of them are still alive.But the desolation in the room told her that those days are gone forever.

Fang Jinshu has become her only comfort.It's not that Wei Sijie has never thought about inviting Fang Jinshu to play in her princess mansion, just to see her.

But she knew that returning to the capital this time was a big conspiracy and she was not sure.In her capacity, to avenge the most favored prince is tantamount to nonsense.

Therefore, she would rather endure the longing than let Fang Jinshu come.She was afraid that one day her revenge would fail, and she would be fine if she died. If she got hurt, she would have nowhere to look for medicine for regret.

This time they will meet on Ninglan Plain. Looking at Fang Jinshu, she feels a lot more at ease for no reason.

"Shu'er misses you too." Fang Jinshu said crisply: "I haven't seen you for half a year. You look like a fairy in a painting. Shu'er didn't dare to recognize you at first, for fear of being mistaken."

Wei Sijie smiled lightly, stroked her cheek and said, "People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles, of course they are different." Her smile was very light, with a kind of understanding of the world situation, faintly visible traces of being quiet at the beginning.

She didn't want to continue this topic, so she turned her eyes to Fang Jinhui who was helped by Qiaoqin to half sit up and bowed to her, and asked, "You don't look well, but what's wrong?"

She had never seen the cause of the incident. When Quan Moxian hurried to invite her, she only knew that the Fang family girl was blocked by the two princesses.

Fang Jinhui clutched her stomach, the pain in her stomach made her face turn pale, and said weakly: "Thank you Seventh Princess for your concern, my daughter is a little bit unbearably in pain."

It was the first time for her to come to Kuishui, and she only had a dull pain when she went out early in the morning.But after all this tossing, let alone the fear and fear, the ground by the stream was already wet and cold, and it became more and more uncomfortable after lying down for a while.

They are both women, Wei Sijie understood the reason after thinking about it for a while.He ordered: "It's cold on the ground, help me to sit on a warm place above."

Fang Jinhui pleaded guilty and left with Qiaoqin's support.

There were fewer people, Wei Sijie took Fang Jinshu's hand, and asked with concern: "It's been a long time since I saw you, how are you doing these days? I heard a lot of gossip a year ago, but luckily the final result was good."

"Everything is fine with Shu'er. How about you, Your Highness Princess?"

"Of course I'm fine." Even if there was something wrong, Wei Sijie would not reveal it.The pain in her heart, she just suffered it alone.Thinking of the past, she asked: "Fortunately, I came today, why did you offend Bao Chun?"

Speaking of this name, she couldn't hide her disgust.

If there is a house of love and a bird in the world, there will also be a house of hate and a bird.The prince was the chief culprit who killed the son-in-law, and even with that, no one in the prince's house welcomed her.What's more, this Princess Baochun has a reputation of being domineering at a young age, which makes her dislike even more.

Hearing her question, Fang Jinshu said: "It's really a coincidence. Not long after we came down, we met Princess Duancheng. She asked Eldest Sister to compose a poem, but Eldest Sister declined because she was unwell today. Later, Princess Baochun Here it comes, Shu'er is watching, there seems to be some unhappiness between the two princesses."

What she said was straightforward.If it wasn't because she was in front of Wei Sijie, she definitely wouldn't have spoken so clearly.

"Your Highness, how did you come here by such a coincidence?" Fang Jinshu asked.Several people tacitly stalled for time, hoping that someone would come to rescue them.But she didn't expect that it was Wei Sijie who came.

No matter how neglected she was, she was still the princess left behind by the late emperor.If it wasn't for her seniority to firmly suppress Bao Chun and make them two, how could they leave so quickly?
Beside Wei Sijie, she saw Quan Moxian.Could it be that I owe him another debt of favor this time?

Fang Jinshu was a little tangled in his heart. Every time he met, he owed him something more or less each time.If he really went to rescue the soldiers this time, wouldn't he owe him another big favor?

In his previous life, he was clearly a power minister and treacherous, as cold as iron.Why was he so anxious for justice when he was a teenager?If things go on like this, what position does she have to plan to deal with him?

But Wei Sijie caressed her heart in fear and said, "Fortunately, I came here by coincidence. It's also thanks to Quan Juren seeing that the situation on your side is not good, and came to tell me specially."

"Fortunately, he was looking for me. If it was someone else, he might not come here on purpose."

Wei Sijie didn't understand why Quan Moxian happened to find her to rescue the Fang family, but Fang Jinshu was startled in his heart.Not for anything else, but for Quan Moxian's insight ability.

When she was in the Jingyi Nunnery, Jing Le only cared for her silently, even the nuns in the nunnery might not know it.However, Quan Moxian deduced through clues that Wei Sijie would not stand idly by.

This ability is really scary.

Fang Jinshu pursed his lips, and said softly: "Shu'er should thank Quan Juren properly. This is not the first time he has helped me."

Because of the love in her heart, Wei Sijie deliberately went to get to know Fang Jinshu, so she naturally knew about her being trafficked.Thinking of this, her eyes were full of kindness, she stroked Fang Jinshu's head, and said: "It's all over. I should thank him too, otherwise I won't be able to see you."

"your Highness……"

How could Fang Jinshu not feel the love and love for her? "With your love and care, Shu'er is lucky to have three lives."

Wei Sijie smiled and said: "Keep these words in my heart, and I can't say it again in the future."

Princess Jing'an is the one who can really protect Fang Jinshu, so she just watches silently.If the great revenge is avenged, it will be the day when she can let go of her arms.

When Fang Jinshu said this, she worried that if it got to Princess Jing'an's ears, it would make her unhappy and Jinshu would be disadvantaged.

At this moment, the servants Hao Junmo sent out to find the doctor and Hua Gan returned one after another.

It was a doctor from the Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Center who came to take Fang Jinhui's pulse, prescribed a prescription for recuperation, and told her to stay in bed for more rest.The body of the daughter's family is the most important thing, and Fang Jinhui is the eldest daughter of the Fang family, so he must not be careless.

No matter how reluctant Wei Sijie was, she had no choice but to say goodbye.This time she rescued the Fang family members mainly because of Fang Jinshu, and she was afraid that she would stay too long and attract the attention of interested people.

"You go now," she said with a smile to Fang Jinshu, "If there is a destiny, see you next time."

She waved her hand, and Fang Jinshu turned his head and walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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