Twin Brocade

Chapter 312 Rejection

Chapter 312 Rejection
He cupped his hands and said, "Master Hou ordered me to come to congratulate you, to congratulate your son's high school reunion."

The person who came was Liu Steward of Cheng Enhou's Mansion. When Quan Moxian found Cheng Enhou with a jade pendant, it was he who was ordered to resettle the Quan family.He is very familiar with everything from the furnishings to the servants in this house.

Cheng Enhou didn't know about the kindness he owed to the Quan family back then, only that the Quan family came to fight the autumn wind based on the thin old friendship.Although he was ordered, he actually looked down on the Quan family who had received the favor of Cheng Enhou, even if Quan Moxian won Huiyuan.

Although he concealed this kind of disdain from the bottom of his heart well, Quan Moxian had already seen it clearly.

"It's busy here, please invite Butler Liu to sit inside and let Xiaosheng entertain you." Quan Moxian's attitude was just right for enthusiasm, and his self-deprecating words were directed at Cheng Enhou rather than Steward Liu.

Seeing this, Steward Wan left and said, "Mr. Quan is busy first, and I have to go back and talk to the eldest lady."

Quan Moxian agreed, and said, "Steward Liu, send it off for me."

It was a coincidence that the housekeeper of the Quan family was also surnamed Liu.Although Housekeeper Liu of Cheng'en Mansion knew that he was not ordering him, he also felt a little unhappy.

Stepping up to follow Quan Moxian into the room, he waved his hand first, and asked the servant who followed him to bring a plate of silver covered with red silk and put it on the table, then cupped his hands and said: "Young Master's title on the gold list, Lord Hou is willing to come to congratulate you personally , but worried about disturbing the young master's cleanliness. So tomorrow, I will hold a banquet in the mansion to congratulate the young master."

Quan Moxian looked distressed, and said: "I'm not talented, how dare I be congratulated by the Marquis? I'm not talented, and I was lucky to be the first in the list, but the palace exam is just around the corner. After today's over, I plan to go back to the academy to study. The lecturer said about it."

"It's not a small student who got a university. Can you wait for the palace test to be over before going to the Marquis Mansion to thank you?"

He spoke modestly, but he obviously declined.

At that moment, Butler Liu's face looked very ugly.This Quan Moxian started to disobey Master Hou's orders after he had some achievements!I don't know who took him in when he was down and down, when he didn't even have a place to stand.

With a dark face, he snorted coldly, and said: "Young Master Quan, how can the lecturer of the academy deserve to be on the same level as Lord Hou? If you accept his appointment, just refuse it."

Quan Moxian lowered his eyes to hide a cold light, and said: "You can't say that, how can an untrustworthy person gain a foothold? Please also ask Butler Liu to speak a few words in front of Lord Hou for me, and I will definitely visit after the palace examination."

After finishing speaking, he took out two ingots of silver from his sleeve pocket and placed them gently in the palm of Butler Liu.

Steward Liu's expression was not good, and he really wanted to throw the money away.But who doesn't love such things?While hesitating, Quan Moxian put another ingot of silver in his palm, and then he turned pale, and said in a stiff tone: "I will report back to Lord Hou."

Seeing his leaving back, Quan Moxian stood there with dark pupils, his expression was gloomy.

It was very lively outside, butler Liu led his servants to busyly receive the guests who came to congratulate.The gongs and drummers played hard, and the red shredded paper after the firecrackers exploded at the door, and several children were busy grabbing copper coins, beaming.

But such a festive noise seemed to have nothing to do with him.He stood at the door, as if standing on a barren land, desolate and lonely.

This scene obviously came because of him, but he couldn't feel it in his heart.

The excitement is theirs, and I have nothing.Such a sentence suddenly flashed through his mind, and he felt that it was really ridiculous and absurd.Obviously he won the Hui Yuan, why are they happier than himself?

Among these people, which ones are sincerely happy for themselves, and which ones are just here to get acquainted?What kind of thoughts are hidden behind these smiling faces?
He stood with his hands behind his back like this, thinking calmly, discerning the real intention behind these smiling faces.Flattering, envious, jealous, rewarding... so ridiculous!
"Brother Xian?" Seeing him standing at the door with a candy plate in her hand, Quan Lu stopped in doubt and called him softly.Little brother, he looks a little bit wrong.

He should be the happiest person, why is he so solemn at this time?
Quan Moxian came back to his senses, saw the elder sister's caring eyes, the corners of his mouth curled up in response, and asked, "Is there something wrong, elder sister?"

"It's okay." Quan Lu shook her head and said, "What were you thinking just now, so lost in thought?"

Seeing the concern in her eyes, Quan Moxian didn't want to worry her, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, I'm so happy."

Interrupted by Quan Lu, he was withdrawn from the emotions brought about by Butler Liu of Cheng Enhou's Mansion.What are you thinking so much about?No matter how sincere these people are, I always have family members, close friends, and loyal Butler Liu.

As a human being, you can't be too greedy, right?
I am not that white money, everyone loves me.

It's just that this abnormal behavior of Cheng Enhou's mansion made him a little uneasy.Ordinarily, whether it was to repay him with favor, or to win him over, at least he had to wait until the palace examination was over before making any move.

Right now, the most appropriate way is to send someone to send a congratulatory gift.For example, the Fang family has a good sense of proportion.

At this time, I want to invite him to the mansion, saying that it is a banquet to congratulate him, but I don't know what I want.Out of instinct, Quan Moxian refused the request.He didn't make an appointment with the lecturer of the academy, but in this way, he really had to go back to Songxi Academy tomorrow.

But this is also good, leave the capital and avoid these mundane troubles.The head speaker of the academy, he should also prepare a gift and express his gratitude.And those classmates, there should be some who have won Jinshi, so they should congratulate them together.

As the time gradually approached noon, the guests who stayed behind to celebrate went to Zuibailou one after another.

He called Quan Lu to stop, and said: "Tomorrow I will go back to the academy, please prepare nine gifts for me, one of them is for the head of the mountain."

Let's say that Steward Liu returned to Cheng'enhou's Mansion and reported: "Young Master Quan said that he has made an appointment with the lecturer to return to the academy tomorrow, and he will visit after the palace examination."

Cheng Enhou patted the handle of the chair and said angrily: "This Quan Moxian! How dare you refuse me."

Butler Liu served tea, and said: "Master Hou is so angry that you can ignore this kind of person who doesn't know how to praise you." He took money from Quan Moxian, but he didn't intend to speak well for him.

"What do you know!"

Cheng Enhou slapped him, knocked the teacup on the ground, and said angrily, "Get out!"

Butler Liu didn't expect that he would speak ill of Quan Moxian along the lines of Marquis Cheng En, and it would make Marquis even more annoyed.Busily begging for mercy, he backed out of the room.

Hearing the movement inside, the guard at the door hurriedly lowered his eyes.Steward Liu was deflated in front of Lord Hou, but he didn't dare to look at it.

Butler Liu came out and saw him standing there shrinking his head, so he slapped him casually and reprimanded in a low voice: "You idiot, why don't you go and sweep up the pieces of the teacup?"

(End of this chapter)

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