Twin Brocade

Chapter 320 The Chen Family

Chapter 320 The Chen Family
One is the cousin mentioned by Fang Xin, who is the youngest concubine under Fang Yao's knees, and her boudoir name is Chen Wansu.Due to the rarity of the Chen family's daughters, even if she is only a concubine, she is doted upon by the whole Chen family.

It's just that she's already grown up, but she hasn't heard when she will get married yet.Among them, I am afraid there are other twists and turns.

The other is Fang Yao's only direct granddaughter, her maiden name is Chen Xiangyu, she is only nine years old.

This time the Chen family came to Beijing, it was Wen Shi, the wife of Fang Yao's eldest son, Chen Ruiliang.Chen Ruiliang is now the head of the Chen family. He and Fang Shuyu are cousins ​​of the same generation, and the Wen family is Fang Jinshu's cousin.

Earlier, Si Lansheng had received a letter from the Chen family, mentioning the news that Wen's family was coming to Beijing. For this reason, he even packed up a yard for them to stay.

Wen's is the daughter of another tea merchant in Weizhou.

Slightly different from the Chen family, the Wen family's business is not only tea, but also grain and oil.The Wen family came to Beijing this time because the Chen family and the Wen family partnered to open the first grain and oil store in Beijing, and the Chen family attached great importance to it.

With these news in mind, Fang Jinshu went to Ci'an Hall with Fang Jinhui.

In Ci'an Hall, it's time for laughter and banquets.

The Chen family is far away in Weizhou, not too far from the capital, and the men of the Chen family will also come to see them when they come to Beijing when they are doing business.But there are very few chances for female relatives to come here, this is the first time.

The blood relationship between the two families is not far away, even though it was not Fang Yao who came, Mrs. Fang was a little excited.When she married the Fang family, it was the time when the Fang family was in distress. Fortunately, Fang Yao was capable, and the two sisters-in-law supported the family together.

Now that the two places are separated, whenever the Chen family's new year gifts are delivered, Mrs. Fang can't help but lament the past.Meeting Fang Yao's descendants was naturally quite exciting.

Fang Jinshu stepped into the room, and saw Mrs. Fang sitting in the middle, and Si Lansheng sitting beside her.

On the other side was a strange woman, she was a few years younger than Si Lansheng, she must be Wen's.Next to her was a little girl who was about the same age as Fang Jinyi, presumably she was the only granddaughter of the Chen family, Chen Xiangyu.

Before coming, Fang Jinshu was a little worried.I'm afraid that such a daughter's family who is pampered by the whole family is not easy to get along with.Since the Chen family was going to live in Fang's house for a period of time, and the younger generations had to deal with each other, they were afraid that if there was a bad quarrel, it would hurt the relationship between relatives.

But the moment Fang Jinshu saw Chen Xiangyu, he felt relieved.It is said that faces come from the heart. Chen Xiangyu's big almond eyes are clear and bright, and there are a pair of shallow pear dimples around her mouth. She is sitting with a smile, and her whole body is full of sunshine.

How can such a little girl be difficult to get along with?

Fang Jinshu put his heart back in his stomach, followed Fang Jinhui, and greeted Mrs. Fang first.Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the girl sitting next to Chen Xiangyu.

She has a graceful temperament, and her appearance is a little ordinary among this crowd.But her skin is fair, her eyebrows are dignified, sitting there peacefully, one can feel the tranquility in her heart.

According to her age, she should be my cousin Chen Wansu.

Being able to raise such a good daughter, the Chen family's family style is as good as the rumors say.Fang Jinshu thought so in his heart.

Looking at her two beautiful granddaughters, Mrs. Fang narrowed her eyes with a smile, and said, "Come to me quickly. This is your cousin, aunt, and this is the younger sister of the Chen family."

She personally introduced her, and then felt emotional again, saying: "Oh, it's all because of the distance. Otherwise, the cousins ​​wouldn't have met at this time."

Wen said with a smile: "Auntie, don't say that, if my old lady finds out, she will be sad again. The family has a shop in Beijing, and there will be more walking around."

"That's right," Si Lansheng also persuaded, "The days are always getting better and better."

Fang Jinhui and Fang Jinshu stepped forward to meet and salute.As elders, Wen's family and Chen Wansu each gave their respects.

"Mother, my daughter-in-law won't accompany you for the time being. I'll come out to tidy up a few tables and clean up my cousin's family." Chen Ruiliang was busy with the opening of the store, so he wasn't here at the moment, and Fang Shuyu was still serving in front of the imperial palace. .

The relatives I haven't seen for a long time have arrived, so it should be lively and lively.

"Biao sister-in-law is too polite." Wen said hastily: "It's already very disturbing for us to live here, so why bother my cousin?" After saying that, she was about to get up.

Si Lansheng pressed her, and said: "They are all from my family, so don't say such polite words. I'll go to work first, you tell my cousin, come back early in the evening, and we will have a meal together. No matter how busy you are, the meal Always something to eat."

"Then I'll help you." Wen said.

"You guys have come from a long way, so just spend time talking with our old lady." Si Lansheng said angrily, "If you keep being polite, you'll be offended."

Only then did Wen's answer.

Mrs. Fang smiled and said: "Brother Yu's daughter-in-law is capable, you don't need to worry about her. We have dinner together at night, and everyone in the family sees each other."

Pang has been busy these days taking care of Fang Shuren's body.After being diagnosed and treated by Miracle Physician Su, Fang Shuren seemed to be getting better.This made her overjoyed, she ignored everything and threw herself on Fang Shuren's body with all her heart.

She just hoped that when Miracle Doctor Su would let go and consummate the house, she would be able to wait and hold her fat grandson.

Therefore, even though she knew about the coming from the Chen family, she didn't come to join her like she used to.He only sent someone to talk to Mrs. Fang, saying that they would meet at night.

Wen's agreed with a smile, since they want to live in Fang's house temporarily, they naturally have to meet with Fang's family, so that they can get along better in the future.

Mrs. Fang glanced at Chen Wansu who was sitting quietly, Fang Jinhui said: "You are not much different in age, so let's take Wansu and Xiangyu to the garden, so we can get to know the way."

Fang Jinhui responded with a smile, and said, "Auntie, sister Xiangyu, if you don't mind, why don't you come and sit in our yard?"

The two of them came to Fang's house as guests, so naturally they would not go against the host's kindness, so they agreed.Fang Jinhui headed out the door, walking in front with Chen Wansu, while Fang Jinshu walked with Chen Xiangyu.

Seeing a few people go out, Wen sighed and said, "Auntie, what do you think of our family's Wansu?"

Unable to understand the meaning of her words, Mrs. Fang pondered for a moment, then asked: "Why, did she suffer a setback in her marriage?"

Wen said: "You know that even though Wan Su is not from the mother's blood, she loves her very much and doesn't want her to suffer any grievances."

"Since I was twelve or thirteen years old, I have been looking after her marriage." Wen said the whole story, and said: "Weizhou is not big, and the Chen family can be counted among them. If she is a daughter-in-law, everything will be easy. , but she is a concubine, so she is a bit too high to be low."

"This back and forth, it was delayed until the year before Jiji before it was decided."

(End of this chapter)

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