Twin Brocade

Chapter 322

Chapter 322

Chen Ruiliang has a peaceful face, with a three-point smile on his face.Chen Xiangyu's appearance was somewhat similar to him.He is very good at talking, and with a few words, the banquet was lively, and he and Fang Shuyu had a great conversation.

Fang Shufeng is a businessman, and he was acquainted with Chen Ruiliang from the beginning.At this moment, it's a good time to exchange cups, you come and go, it's so lively.

Fang Shuren also rarely appeared at the banquet.After this period of conditioning, his body has obviously improved.But I can't drink alcohol, so I replace it with tea and watch my brothers drink.

Fang Zhe sat next to Fang Mu, drinking a dull wine.He doesn't like to participate in such occasions, because it will make him appear particularly useless.But when the servants sent by Fang Mu found him, he happened to lose all his money and had to come back.

Looking at Fang Shuren's face, Pang was a little relieved.If things go on like this, he will soon be able to consummate the house.However, seeing the laughter among the brothers, she thought of Fang Shucai again, and her face darkened a bit.

The brothers are all there, but Fang Shucai is the only one missing.

In her heart, Fang Shucai was still suffering in Weizhou.As everyone knows, her incompetent son was bewitched by someone, and he wanted to harm the Fang family.Right now, Fang Shucai is living with Fang Jinpei in the Zhuangzi of the Li family.Fang Shuyu's people kept monitoring that Zhuangzi, but they remained silent.

Because it was a family banquet, the daughter-in-law was not served.Si Lansheng and Qu's sat at the woman's table, and the maids behind them served dishes for everyone.

Although Chen Wansu is young, her seniority is high.So he and Fang Mudi sat on Si Lansheng's lower head.She was surprised by Fang Mudi's stunning appearance in her heart, holding up the chopsticks and sipping the food in front of her.

The children's side is the most lively.

Due to the large number of people, we had to divide into two tables.The girls were at a table, headed by Fang Jinhui, followed by age: Fang Jinju, Fang Jinshu, Fang Jinwei, Fang Jinyi.Since Chen Xiangyu was a guest from afar, he sat next to Fang Jinhui.

On the young master's side, because of the addition of Chen Jianbin, they are more lively than before.

The handsome and elegant Fang Ziquan, the talkative Chen Jianbin, the taciturn Fang Ziyu, the timid and cowardly Fang Ziyi, and the youngest and frail Fang Zinan.

This family banquet is to welcome the Chen family, and it is a relative who has not seen for a long time.So Fang Mu made the decision, and the rule of never saying anything was abolished.

The Fang family's family style has always been very strict, and it's rare for the teenagers to indulge once, and they just feel that there is endless talk, which is much more noisy than the girls' table.

This time, the family banquet didn't end until late at night.

After everyone dispersed, Si Lansheng directed the servants to tidy up, and then dragged his exhausted body back to Mingyu Courtyard.

Fang Shuyu put down the book in his hand, unbuttoned her outer robe himself, pressed her in front of the dressing table, and pulled out the pearl hairpins on her head one by one.Seeing this, Hongxia brought in the washing water, and then led the little maids back.

The relationship between the wife and the master is good, which is what their maids are most happy to see.

"I'll do it myself." Si Lansheng was a little embarrassed, and said softly: "Master's hand is for writing with a pen, how can he do these things."

"I'm tired of you today, let my husband take care of you personally." Fang Shuyu said with a smile: "The boudoir has the joy of thrushing eyebrows, and I have the joy of exuding it for my wife."

"Your hair is coiled up for me, and I will untie it." His voice was extremely gentle, which made Si Lansheng blush.Over the years, she was most fortunate to be married to this young man in the Merlin, and she did not misunderstand the man.

For him, no matter how much hardship she endured, she would still be content with it.

The candlelight fades out, the night is short, one night.

The next day, it was time for rest.Steward Wan came to report: "Ma'am, the Xiangjun Mansion has been built, but there are still some plaques on the lintel."

Si Lansheng was refreshed, and finally it was almost repaired.Cui Sheng has sent people to urge him over and over again, no matter how bad it is, he might send his own craftsmen to repair it for Fang's family.

"Okay, you should prepare first. In the afternoon, the Lord and I will go there and decide on the names of the places."

Since it was the Xiangjun's mansion that Fang Mudi was repairing, she couldn't do it for the pavilions and pavilions inside, she had to do it herself.

Ask Yanxia to invite Fang Mudi and tell her about it, Fang Mudi is a little at a loss. "Sister-in-law in the lobby, you know me, and you haven't read any books. If you ask me to get up, I'm afraid it will make me laugh."

Si Lansheng said softly: "Don't underestimate yourself, you learn things so fast, and girls have already finished their studies, so you are afraid of naming them. Where you live, you should naturally name them that you like, so that you can live comfortably."

"Then..." Fang Mudi hesitated for a moment, and said, "I want to invite Shu'er to go with us." In her marriage with Cui Sheng, Fang Jinshu advised her a lot, and she believed in this comparison in her heart. A girl who is a generation younger than herself.

Fang Mudi's status is different now, he is the village lord recorded in Zongzheng Temple.Her request was not too much, so Si Lansheng agreed on Fang Jinshu's behalf.

After the lunch break, Si Lansheng took Fang Mudi and Fang Jinshu into the carriage and drove to the Xiangjun Mansion not far away.

This courtyard is not newly built, but after the Fang family selected an existing mansion, it was redecorated and renovated as Fang Mudi's residence.

She was snatched away by Cui Sheng with great fanfare, and stayed in Cui's other courtyard for several nights.Apart from marrying him, the only option is to become a nun.Since Emperor Qinglong rewarded the title of Township Lord as a fig leaf, the Fang family could not shame the emperor.

After all, Fang Mudi is a self-appointed lord of the township. If Fang Mudi enters the Hou's mansion, his status will be very embarrassing.A wife is not a wife, and a concubine is not a concubine.

Living alone in Xiangjun's mansion, let Cui Sheng come over.Although the name is not correct, but if it continues to be so vague, no one dares to say that the emperor canonized by the emperor is Cui Sheng's concubine.

This house is not too big, it looks smaller than the Fang Mansion in Xiuwenfang.But because only Fang Mudi and Aunt Hu live in the house, the layout of the house is completely different.

There is no need to build so many courtyards. The area of ​​the main courtyard is larger than that of Ci'an Hall and Mingyu Court combined.The layout is still separated from the inside and outside. The area of ​​the outer courtyard is only half of the inner courtyard. In addition, there are two guest courtyards.

Between the main courtyard and the guest courtyard is an open garden.The layout is grand and sparse, there are not many pavilions, but thoughts can be seen everywhere.

Under the leadership of Wan Butler, several people walked around the courtyard and sat down in the main courtyard.

Si Lansheng smiled and said, "What, Xiang Jun is still satisfied?"

Fang Mudi blushed and said, "Sister-in-law, please stop making fun of me. Others don't know, but you still don't know me? Don't call me that, Mu Di can't afford it."

"There's nothing I can't afford," Fang Jinshu comforted her, "Aunt Tang is the emperor's personal title of country lord, so she really has a roster."

Having said that, Fang Mudi still failed to adapt to her new identity.Growing up in the claustrophobia of the Pang family, she finally braved her own marriage, but met Cui Sheng, the nemesis.

(End of this chapter)

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