Twin Brocade

Chapter 325

Chapter 325

Hearing the depression hidden in his voice, Fang Mudi panicked, and quickly let go of his lips.

"Mu Di," Cui Sheng sighed in a low injured voice, "What do you want me to do with you?"

The woman in front of her was like an elf descended from heaven, so fragile that she would be blown away by the wind, and so beautiful that she couldn't eat the fireworks in the world.But her heart was curled up where he couldn't see it.

He had a premonition that even if he got her, he wouldn't get her heart.

Could it be that God saw that she was not pleasing to the eye, and specially sent her to punish him?

Looking at her intently, Cui Sheng tasted the pain of love.Fang Mudi, who was looked at by him like this, carefully controlled his breathing.She didn't understand what he was thinking, and twisted the silk handkerchief in her hand uneasily.

After a while, Cui Sheng let out a long breath and said, "I'll take you back."

"Ah?" Fang Mudi asked reflexively: "But...the pavilion hasn't been named yet?"

Cui Sheng smiled helplessly: "Silly girl." After a pause, he said, "Let's call it Fengyu Pavilion." Perhaps, this spring breeze can understand his mind.

Naturally, Fang Mudi would not object, and nodded obediently.

The setting sun had lost its last color in the sky, and the group returned to Fang's house.Cui Sheng pursed his lips and got off his horse at the side door of Guicheng Hou Mansion in a disconsolate manner.

A pretty maid stood by the door, stretching her neck in anticipation.Seeing him coming, he hurriedly greeted him with a smile, greeted him politely, and said, "Young master is back? My aunt has cooked a pot of hibiscus fish soup and is waiting for you."

Cui Sheng waved his hand impatiently, and said, "Go, go, don't bother me! Lord, I'm going to the study."

The study is just an excuse.

For some reason, he didn't want to see his concubine Ji at home more and more.He could see all the flattery he received in the past, and he was happy to enjoy their petty service.But now, he is tired of these smiling faces that can't tell the truth from the fake.

His temper is unpredictable, and the maid who was thrown in the face by him is also used to it.Where did he dare to speak again, he squatted halfway and watched him leave before quickly returning to the yard to reply.

Her master is one of Cui Sheng's concubines named Yunniang.Among Cui Sheng's many concubines, she is not outstanding in appearance, but she has good cooking skills and a gentle and pleasant speech.

After listening to the servant girl's report, she turned a little cold and asked, "Do you know where Master came back from?"

That maid was also clever, she had already asked clearly when she was waiting, and she leaned into her ear and whispered: "I asked, the master left the house in a hurry, because he heard the news and went to the Xiangjun's mansion."

Hearing the name Xiangjun, Yunniang gritted her teeth in anger and said, "It's her again!"

After thinking about it for a while, Yunniang ordered: "Changing clothes for me, let's go to see Madam." She was dressed up to wait for Cui Sheng, and naturally she had to change into something inconspicuous when she went to see Mrs. Zheng.

For these concubines, Zheng has always let them go.But, why bother to dress ostentatiously to attract her attention?
Arriving in Zheng's courtyard, she heard the melodious sound of the piano coming from the small hall, and Yunniang stood in the courtyard waiting for her servants to pass it on.She really admired this lady in her heart.Could it be that this is the upbringing of a daughter of an aristocratic family?Don't worry about everything.

She didn't believe that Mrs. Zheng would not know about the fact that the young master had gone to the Xiangjun's mansion again.

"Are you looking for me?" Mrs. Zheng cleaned her hands after being served by her maid, and leaned on the soft cushion with half-closed eyes.A servant girl gently rubbed her hands with balm, and another maid rubbed her shoulders for her.

"The concubine has seen Madam." Yunniang did not beat around the bush when she saw the ceremony, and said, "Madam, Lord, he doesn't even want to drink the soup I made."

"so what?"

"Although there are many sisters in the house, I have never seen my master being so caring." Yunniang was able to gain a foothold in the Cui family's back house because of this intelligence.She knew better that Mrs. Zheng was a hundred times smarter than her, so she would speak straightforwardly so that she would not be disgusted.

She said softly: "When Sister Jiao'er entered the mansion, there was a lot of commotion, and the master is not like this. The servants and concubines looked at it coldly, and the master was really moved."

Zheng raised her eyebrows and said, "Then what do you think?"

Yun Niang took a deep breath and said, "My maidservant is willing to be a pawn for Madam."

Zheng Shi let out a chuckle of "heh", opened his eyes and stared at her for a moment.Yun Niang didn't dare to move, and let her watch like this.

"Okay, just let go and do it." After a while, Zheng Shi said: "However, if something happens, I may not be able to protect you. You should think clearly."

Yun Niang said happily: "It is enough to have a wife."

Her intuition told her that if she let it go, the only thing waiting for her was a lonely fate.

Zheng's is the first wife, and no one will threaten her status.What's more, Fang Mudi's background is based on his background, even if he is named the Township Lord, he is only a concubine.

She couldn't compare to a beautiful beauty like Jiao'er, what she could grab was Cui Sheng's stomach.But looking at this posture, once Fang Mudi marries Cui Sheng, she might become a cook.

After thinking about it, she decided to remove this obstacle.Come to report to Zheng Shi, she didn't expect to get help here, only by foretelling in advance, can Zheng Shi look on coldly.

And she has her own way.

Naturally, she couldn't enter the Xiangjun's mansion, but on the wedding day, she always had to be in Guichenghou's mansion.At that time, it was her time.

After Yunniang left, the maid serving Zheng's body said softly: "Ma'am, why did you accept her?"

Zheng Shi relaxed her body, let her gently massage her wrist, and said indifferently: "She's kind of witty, so come and tell me first. Secretly, I don't know how many people are about to move."

"Let them go, I don't bother to care."

From the moment she married Cui Sheng, she understood that their marriage only strengthened the relationship between the two families.Marriage between aristocratic families is a very normal method.

No matter how handsome Cui Sheng was, she held on tightly to her heart and did not intend to hand it over to him.This decision, the longer it took, the happier she was.Otherwise, I don't know how many times my heart will be broken.

Her surname is Zheng, and there was an aunt in Zheng's family who married into Duke Zhong's mansion, but she lost her true temperament because of too much love, and did things that attracted the attention of the world.

Lesson learned, she does not want to be the second.

Even if Fang Mudi wins Cui Sheng's heart, it's not justified.She thought she was a princess?What Xiangjun's mansion is simply neither fish nor fowl.Isn't it just an outside room, do you really think that with this fig leaf given by the emperor, the eyes of the world will be blind?

Therefore, if these concubines want to make trouble, let them go.If she doesn't do her own business, it's like watching a good show.What if it really works?

As the main wife, she can ignore Fang Mudi, the dignity and pride of the daughter of the aristocratic family, so she won't make a move.But she is also a woman, and she is happy to see someone who can vent her anger on her behalf.

This kind of open and secret struggle against Fang Mudi is secretly brewing and fermenting in the Cui family's backyard.

 Thanks to "Ace of Kings" for the reward of 1000 starting coins, "Bai Xiongfang", "Xiao Se Chu Kai", "Neural Apple" and "Gu Ti" for the rewards of 500 starting coins each, and "Ge Geying" for the reward of 200 starting coins , 100 starting coins (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
  Thanks to "lygl6330" and "Admiral Yang Yang" for their 2 precious monthly tickets, and thanks to "judyzhuzhu", "tamakoj" and "Ge Geying" for their precious monthly tickets ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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