Twin Brocade

Chapter 330 Wrong Materials

Chapter 330 Wrong Material (Fourth Change)
Why did the emperor just leave?Shouldn't the No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] picks be selected in court?When Emperor Qinglong left like this, everyone in the Xuanzheng Hall was caught off guard, and before they could react, they had to send off the holy car respectfully.

Guan Jinghuan lowered his hands, the light in his eyes was dim.He had already prepared the draft, if Emperor Qinglong wanted Quan Moxian to be the number one scholar, he would try his best to refute it.It doesn't matter whether the emperor adopts his remonstrance, he must convey his attitude through remonstrance, and then win the hearts of more courtiers.

Unfortunately, he did not wait for this opportunity.

He is ambitious, not just to get the position of prime minister.Hidden deep in his heart is the crazy idea of ​​weakening the power of the monarchy, allowing the emperor to rule by himself and control the court.

If it were another emperor, he would be [-]% sure.But Guan Jinghuan is not very sure about an iron-blooded monarch with a strong will like Emperor Qinglong.But this is his political ideal. Seeing that he is only one step away from success, he will never give up.

The more impossible it is, the more he wants to challenge.

After all, Emperor Qinglong was about the same age as him, so he could afford to wait.Right now, no one knows that he has such a crazy idea, but he is implementing it step by step, to touch the top of power, and only then is he qualified to contend with the monarchy.

Compared with Quan Moxian's views, he is actually even crazier.Confucianism believes that the king's power is granted by heaven, and he is acting against the sky, which is the real treason.

Because of the dispute between Guan Jinghuan and Zhu Zihou, everyone in the hall also knew about Quan Moxian's arguments.Even in the Xuanzheng Palace, it was like a stone smashed into a calm lake, everyone was whispering and talking, with different expressions on their faces.

Not to mention that after Emperor Qinglong left, all the ministers had their own ideas, but Quan Moxian walked out of Duanmen, crossed the Tianjin Bridge, and strolled in Nanshi with Peng Changsheng.

This big exam is over, and the day when Peng Changsheng returns to his hometown is not far away.He is going to buy some things in Beijing to take back and make gifts for his parents and relatives.

The two came out of a pen and ink shop, followed by the servants of the Peng family, holding various boxes of different sizes.Quan Moxian stepped out of the door, his eyes fixed, and he turned to Peng Changsheng and said, "Brother Peng, I'm sorry, I have to take a step first."

Peng Changsheng looked at the two people in front, nodded, and said, "Go ahead. How about I go with you?"

Peng Changsheng also knew about the fact that the Marquis of Cheng'en wanted to invite Quan Moxian as a guest.The imperial examination had just ended, and the Xiao family came looking for him, so Quan Moxian couldn't help but evade it.

"No need." How could Quan Moxian involve him, and said, "I can handle it." Before deciding to go to Beijing to ask Cheng Enhou for help, Quan Moxian had expected this situation.

Although, Cheng Enhou was more eager than he had assumed.

When he arrived at Cheng Enhou's mansion, Butler Liu personally followed him to the back garden.It's spring, and there are a lot of flowers here, and the scenery is pleasant.However, what is more pleasant than this spring scenery are the two shy and charming girls who half-hid their faces with silk fans.

Standing beside them was the smiling Cheng Enhou.

"Nephew, it's not easy to see you right now." Marquis Cheng En spoke casually, but there was a gleam in his eyes.

Quan Moxian stopped in his tracks, greeted the ceremony politely, and said, "Your Majesty is serious, I have to go all out in order to prepare for the imperial examination."

Marquis Cheng En laughed, but didn't mention the matter.He said to his two daughters: "Didn't you tell me that you have admired the name of Jinshi Quan for a long time? He finally came, come and see the ceremony."

These two girls are Xiao Yuqing, the ninth girl of the Xiao family, and Xiao Yulin, the twelfth girl.At the family banquet last year, Quan Moxian had seen her before.It's just that the distance is not so close, and the number of people is much larger than now.

As soon as he thought about it, he understood what Cheng Enhou was planning.Fortunately, he was already prepared.

"I've met Mr. Quan." The two stepped forward and saluted shyly.Today's opportunity, but it was hard for them to win it.The man in front of them was so suave, young and promising, with a bright future ahead of them, which made them secretly wish.

They are all concubines, and Quan Moxian is probably the best marriage they can find.

Such a shy pair of beauties were right in front of him, Quan Mo Xian didn't show much complacency on his face, he politely greeted the two of them, and then stood aside with his hands tied.

"Come on, don't just stand there." Marquis Cheng En told him to sit down, and said with a smile: "The spring is infinitely beautiful, the girl's family has made some poems, and I am a vulgar person who doesn't know how to write poems. Come and comment, see Which one is better?"

Nine Girls and Twelve Girls stood up shyly, put a few scented flower notes in front of Quan Moxian, and then retreated to one side and sat down.

On the tip of Quan Moxian's nose, there is a girl's body fragrance floating, such a beautiful spring day is the most likely to attract people's daydream.

Cheng Enhou's face was vaguely smug. At Quan Moxian's age, he didn't believe that he could hold on.As long as he can win him over, so what if he gives him both daughters?
However, Quan Moxian is not as passionate as he thought.

He didn't even respond to the gesture of reaching for the flower paper, and confessed: "Master Hou, it's about the reputation of the two girls. It's really inconvenient to criticize the poems of the daughter of the family as the next male."

As soon as these words came out, the shy two raised their heads in amazement, and their pretty faces suddenly turned white.They imagined that they couldn't compete with each other, but they never thought that this man would reject both of them.

The reason why Cheng Enhou wanted to invite Quan Moxian to the mansion before the results of the palace examination came out, was precisely to finalize the marriage before he gained greater glory.

How could a poor student who was excluded by his tribe reject the beautiful family members of the Hou Mansion and the support that the Hou Mansion could give him?
Unfortunately, they were all wrong.

Cheng Enhou's face darkened, and he waved his hands to let the two of them go down, saying: "Nephew, your father and I are old friends, so I wanted to help you."

He simply stopped being vague, and said in a deep voice: "We are all men, so let's open the skylight and speak honestly. My two daughters, whichever one you like, just speak up."

"The officialdom is dangerous. Even if you win the first prize, do you think you will be able to show your talents?" Cheng Enhou said earnestly: "You haven't experienced it before, and you don't know how fierce the factions are. If you accidentally offend someone, you will never get out for the rest of your life." head."

In front of Quan Moxian, he seemed to be speaking as an elder who had experienced it, as if he was admonishing a frivolous young man who didn't know the heights of the sky and the earth.

In Cheng Enhou's tone, there was a bit of regret, a bit of anger, and a bit of hatred for the lack of steel, and a bit of intimacy and concern for the elders.He has grasped this scale very well.

If it were someone else, they would probably be overwhelmed by his intimidating words, and would have to ask for advice urgently.But Quan Moxian didn't say a word, as if he was frightened.

Cheng Enhou let out a long sigh, but Quan Mo Xiandu still didn't answer.

(End of this chapter)

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