Twin Brocade

Chapter 338

Chapter 338
The appearance of Princess Baochang inherited all the advantages of Emperor Qinglong and the abolished concubine, with bright eyes and graceful looks.In every gesture, she possesses the grace and nobility that only a princess possesses, and she is a rare beauty.

However, perhaps because she lost her mother's teaching when she was young, her temper is really not good.Relying on Emperor Qinglong's favor, she was arrogant and self-willed, bossing her around.He often went to Weiyang Palace to embarrass Empress Cao, which made it very difficult for Empress Cao.

Especially in her marriage, she has been picking and choosing for several years.As her aunt, Empress Cao had to think hard about her.If the marriage is not good, not only people in the world will accuse her of being unkind, but Emperor Qinglong will also be very dissatisfied.

So until now, Princess Baochang has not had a consort to match her.

At this time, she smiled and said: "Daughter heard that the father is still busy with state affairs at such a late hour, so she is a little worried about your health. I just want to come and see the father, and advise you to rest earlier."

It has to be said that no matter how arrogant and indulgent Princess Baochang is, she is very good at disguising in front of Emperor Qinglong, acting like a filial daughter.

Emperor Qinglong laughed, and said dotingly: "Okay, okay. I'm done with my work too, so I'll go back after talking to him. You go to the side hall and wait, we'll go together later."

Princess Baochang cheerfully agreed, bent her knees and said coquettishly: "Daughter still has a few words to say, please don't drive me away."

"You said."

She got up and walked towards Quan Moxian and said: "I have heard about the talent of Zhuangyuan Lang. I don't think so, such a young talent is bullied by the tribe. Father, you have to make decisions for him."

Ever since she came in, Quan Moxian kept his head down.He dared not and did not want to provoke such a golden branch and jade leaf.Hearing what she said, he hurriedly cupped his hands and said: "My minister thanked the princess for her kindness. It's just that these are all family affairs of the Quan family, and it is inconvenient for the emperor to intervene."

As the saying goes, it is difficult for an honest official to decide on family affairs. It is true that the Quan family oppressed their orphans and widows, but they did not violate the law.How can you be convincing to forcibly convict?In the end, all the blame will still fall on his shoulders.

Princess Baochang raised her long willow eyebrows lightly, walked half a circle around him, stood side by side with him, and said, "What if your business is not just your housework?"

Quan Moxian's heart skipped a beat in shock, and his hairs suddenly rose.She, what does this mean?
"Man'er, don't mess around." Emperor Qinglong said, "Go to rest and call you when you return to the palace."

"Father," Princess Baochang said with a smile, "I want him to be my son-in-law."


Not only Quan Moxian, but also Emperor Qinglong was surprised.He valued Quan Moxian very much, and never thought of letting him become the princess.For many children from poor families, being a son-in-law is a matter of reaching the sky in one step.But after becoming a son-in-law, although his rank is high, and he even holds the royal salary and title, he has no real power at hand, let alone want to make any achievements in his official career.

Before the two of them came back to their senses, Princess Baochang took the opportunity to say: "That's right, you have become my son-in-law, your business is mine. Those who have bullied you, let's see how this princess punishes them one by one." .”

After all, she raised her head and asked, "How?"

Quan Moxian was shocked, he never wanted to be a son-in-law.Is Han Chuang studying hard for more than ten years just for the sake of becoming rich and prosperous this time?

He hurriedly knelt down and said: "I would like to report to the emperor and the princess. I would like to repay the kindness of the sage with all my heart. The princess has a noble status, and I, a poor scholar, can't match her."

As soon as these words were said, Emperor Qinglong also hurriedly said: "Man'er, this is indeed inappropriate. The identities of the two of you are very different, and you are really not a good match."

Princess Baochang blinked her eyes wide, recalling what Princess Duancheng had said to her before, she softened her tone and said, "Father, what if it's not Princess Shang, but your daughter getting married?"

She shyly turned her face to the side, covered the blush on her face with a silk handkerchief, and said in a soft voice, "The number one scholar has learned from others, and I admire him."

The marriage of a princess is not without precedent in this dynasty.

Princess Jing'an was married, and she seemed to have wronged her status as a princess, but she lived a happy life.

When Princess Baochang mentioned this, Emperor Qinglong was quite moved.He deliberately reused Quan Moxian, he was not allowed to enter the Hanlin Academy, and he was fined to six departments to make up for it.

Nowadays, there is a shortage of people who can do practical things in the court, Quan Moxian's writing ability is not a problem, and his temperament is quite to his liking, he originally didn't intend to let him go to the Imperial Academy to waste his time.It happened to be demoted because of the banquet, and I will look for an opportunity to be promoted in a few months.

If he were to marry Princess Baochang and become his own son-in-law, it would be even more like a family.Right now, his situation in the court is not good. With the status of the royal son-in-law, there are fewer constraints in doing things.

In addition, he also had headaches about Princess Baochang's marriage for several years.It would be very difficult for her to find one of her own, and he was willing to complete the matter as long as it did not affect the overall situation.

Emperor Qinglong hesitated, Quan Moxian secretly thought that it was not good, and hurriedly kowtowed again: "Your Majesty, I have a fiancée in my hometown in Tangzhou. After the palace examination, I asked my family to pick up their father and daughter to go to Beijing, and prepare marriage."

She's just a country woman, so she's nowhere on the table.

Princess Baochang raised her chin proudly, and said: "It's okay, this princess rewards her to be your second wife." The innate sense of superiority made her feel that she was kind enough.

"Princess, please forgive me. A wretched wife will not go to court." Although Quan Moxian was kneeling, his momentum was not weakened. He said in a deep voice: "Master Lin has a kindness for me. I can't forget my righteousness for profit. I will repay my kindness with revenge."

"What did you say?" Princess Baochang covered her mouth in surprise, and said, "In your heart, I am not as good as a country woman? Marrying me is a matter of selfishness?"

"This... This is too ridiculous!" She looked at Quan Moxian in disbelief, and then at her father who was sitting on the dragon chair.

All the young talents in the capital were selected by her, and she didn't like any of them.Shouldn't this scholar from a poor background be grateful for his kindness, and what is he talking about repaying his kindness with revenge?
This is really ridiculous.

"Princess, please forgive me." Quan Moxian said with a firm tone, "My first wife will only be the daughter of Mrs. Lin. I can't become the number one scholar and forget my heart, let alone do something that betrays my heart." people."

"Royal father!" Princess Baochang shouted, and a layer of mist quickly covered her sparkling eyes.She was ashamed, annoyed and hated to be rejected in person by a man whose status was so much lower than hers.

But the love between men and women should be your love and my wish.

Emperor Qinglong suffered greatly from it, and he was even more unwilling to create a pair of resentful couples with his own hands.Although he can order a marriage as the emperor, the two will inevitably have twists and turns after marriage.What's more, Quan Moxian is someone he valued, the team he wants to train, how can he feel at ease with resentment in his heart?
(End of this chapter)

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