Twin Brocade

Chapter 350 Joy

Chapter 350 Joy
At night, a spring rain silently moistened everything on the earth.

This year is a good year, with winter snow and spring rain coming in season.In the spring plowing season, the farmers pay close attention to every breath, loosen the soil and sow seeds, hoping to have a good harvest in autumn.

Not long after dawn, a woman in charge came out of Wu Shangshu's mansion, carrying a box of pastries, and came straight to Fang's mansion.

Fang Jinshu had just woken up to take a shower, when Fang Fei came in and said, "Girl, Miss Qing sent someone to bring a box of apricot flower cakes, saying that they were freshly made early in the morning, so I can try something new."

Hearing this, Fang Jinshu's eyes lit up, and joy burst from his heart.

Very good!
This time, Wu Wanqing will not repeat the same mistakes.

"Who sent it, is it still there?"

"If you go back to Miss Qing, the nurse next to Miss Qing will personally deliver it." Fang Fei said: "She is still waiting outside, Miss, do you want to see her?"

"Well," Fang Jinshu nodded and said, "Please come in, I have something to ask her."

Not long after, the nanny of the Wu Mansion came in, she was a little excited, she knelt down and kowtowed and said: "This old slave has seen Miss Si."

"Get up, what are you doing?" Fang Jinshu asked Fang Fei to help her up.She wiped away her tears, stood up on her knees, glanced at Fang Fei, and hesitated to speak.

"Have someone go to the kitchen to see what kind of porridge you have made today." Fang Jinshu told Fang Fei, "Watch the door." Fang Fei understood, and retreated with the little maid, covering the door and guarding the door.

"Miss Si, thanks to you this time." Momo wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said, "Our girl said, so I must thank you very much."

Wu Wanqing is the child who was raised by her single-handed mother, and she will almost never see each other in this life, no wonder she is so excited.Wu Wanqing took the pill before entering the palace yesterday, and it really made her hiccup during the primary election, which aroused everyone's attention.

Such a disrespect, coupled with her young age, Empress Cao dismissed her on the spot.Because she is Wu Shangshu's legitimate daughter, the imperial physician came to check her pulse, took a pill to regulate the stomach, and sent her back to Wu's residence.

When the imperial physician came, Wu Wanqing was very nervous, for fear of being seen as something wrong.Using drugs to avoid the general election is a crime of deceiving the emperor, which will affect the entire family.

However, Fang Jinshu had already considered this situation clearly when he made the pill, and he would not leave any excuses behind.The red pill has the effect of smoothing the Qi and clearing the heart, but people who are originally healthy will have side effects such as hiccups after taking it.

Wu Wanqing lost the election, and Wu Shangshu didn't know what it was like.Fortunately, she was not selected, so she didn't have to enter the deep palace ignorantly, with an uncertain future; and a little regretful, the Wu family missed this opportunity.

But if he could know the outcome of Wu Wanqing's selection this time, he would not regret it.

Fang Jinshu smiled and said, "Don't say thank you, I just hope that sister Qing won't blame me." After all, for such a big event as entering the palace, most people focus on the huge benefits that can be brought, while ignoring the risks.

"It's too late for our girl to thank you, how can I blame you?" The mother said with a smile: "No, this morning, the girl steamed this box of apricot cakes with her own hands, and sent it to the old slave."

"The girl said, this is just a little care. In the future, I will ask the fourth girl to take care of me, and there is someone who can discuss everything." Fang Jinshu's pills are so useful, Wu Wanqing is very concerned about the ability of her handkerchief handkerchief in her heart With admiration.

Fang Jinshu said with a smile: "It's a small effort, please don't let Sister Qing take it to heart. We are good sisters, who will I help her if I don't help her? It's just this matter, please keep your mouth shut and don't reveal anything."

The nanny hurriedly bowed her waist and said, "This is for sure, only the old slave and the young lady know."

Deliberately dismissed during the primary election, such a thing will naturally rot in the stomach, and it will never be mentioned in a lifetime.Otherwise, not only Wu Wanqing would be fined, but the entire Wu family would also be punished.

After the nanny left, Fang Jinshu and Fang Jinhui went to say hello to Si Lansheng after breakfast, and prepared to go to school.

"Your sister is in a good mood today?" Fang Jinhui asked with a smile as if looking at her carefully.

Changing Wu Wanqing's fate, Fang Jinshu's joy burst out from his heart, and he couldn't hide it.She bent her lips and replied: "Happy rain in spring, don't big sister think this is a happy thing?"

Fang Jinhui nodded. This is indeed pleasing, but not so happy.

Ever since her younger sister escaped from the kidnapper, she often couldn't understand it.There is always a faint smile on her face, and she is so calm and confident in everything she encounters.

The excitement that is so palpable like today is rarely seen in her body.

However, no matter what the reason is, as long as my sister is happy.Fang Jinhui curled his lips and said with a smile, "It's really a happy event."

With the end of the primary election, all the selected girls lived in the palace to wait for the final result.

The spring has passed, the general election has been set, and the court situation has gradually returned to its former calm.The disputes caused by these two major events have also temporarily come to an end, and they have been hidden under the calm.

The weather is getting warmer day by day, and the girls and daughters-in-law who love beauty in Beijing can't wait to start tailoring summer shirts, looking forward to showing their beautiful and graceful lines this summer.

On the official road about tens of miles away from Luoyang City, an ordinary oil shed carriage came.A man with a coarse veil wrapped around his head was driving the car. Sitting on the shaft of the car was the butler Liu who was sent by Quan Moxian to pick up Mrs. Lin, his father and daughter to Beijing.

It was noon now, and the sun was hanging in mid-air, shining on the earth.Cars and horses come and go on the official road from time to time, and dust is flying on the rammed loess road.

The weather was a bit hot, and the travelers on the road looked very tired and dusty.

"Master, the weather is fine today, and I guess we can reach the capital in half a day." Butler Liu said with his hands covering the dust, squinting his eyes.

An old voice came from the carriage, saying: "That's good, that's good. After sitting in the carriage for a few days, my old bones are almost shaking."

It may be because the dust is too large. After saying these few words, he coughed.

A soft female voice sounded in the car, and she said angrily, "Father, stop talking and drink some water first."

"Okay, okay." Master Lin's voice was full of smiles.He taught a champion student and became his son-in-law.Seeing his daughter's lifelong dependability, how could he be unhappy?
In the car, he took a sip from the water bag handed over by his daughter Lin Chenfei, and said, "Fei'er, you must remember what your father said, and you must not become arrogant just because you have been kind to him."

"In this life, two people need to get along with each other to live happily."

"Father! What are you talking about?" Lin Chenfei blushed and said, "Daughter... my daughter doesn't marry, she just wants to serve Dad for the rest of her life."

(End of this chapter)

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