Twin Brocade

Chapter 371 Brother and Sister Falling Against each other

Chapter 371 Brother and Sister Falling Against each other

The maid served the tea, the crown prince winked at Princess Baochang, and said, "Since the emperor's aunt has entered the palace, we will wait for you. We are used to coming to the mansion, so you don't need to wait."

"If your Highness has something to do, just tell the servant girl." Yue Yuan stepped back respectfully.

Watching Yueyuan lead the people back, Princess Baochang couldn't sit still anymore, walked up to the prince with a look of fear, and asked, "Brother Huang, what should I do now?" The cause of this incident is her However, once Princess Jing'an pursues the matter, she will bear the brunt of it.

"It's okay," the prince comforted his sister, and said, "Since my great-aunt asked us to come, she loves us. When we see her old man, let's just admit our mistakes."

Knowing that Princess Jing'an wanted to leave the two of them alone, the prince felt at ease instead.What he is most afraid of is not punishment, but indifference. He has no mother and concubine, so he must not lose the support of Princess Jing'an.

The two waited for half a day.The tea was served for several rounds, and the sun was already above the head, but Princess Jing'an hadn't returned home yet.From the initial determination, the prince became a little restless.

With these two giant Buddhas in the house, Qin didn't dare to neglect her.I personally arranged lunch to accompany them, but I didn't dare to stay for long.I'm afraid that if I stay for a long time, the brothers and sisters of the prince will think they are watching their jokes.

She married in later, and had never been with the two of them when she was a child, so she would inevitably be cautious.After lunch, he excused his lunch break and took people back down.

"Brother Huang, why don't we go and rest too?"

The two of them, as well as King Qianyang, have left courtyards in the Princess Mansion, just for them to come back to live at any time.

The crown prince shook his head and said: "Young sister, don't forget, we are here to admit our mistakes to the emperor's aunt and grandmother, not to go to a banquet to relax." Princess Jing'an is not in the mansion, but what they did after they came must not be hidden from her .

Princess Baochang nodded with a gloomy expression, covered her mouth and yawned, leaning back on the chair, her eyes glazed over.She was hiding something in her heart, and seeing the prince's concerned eyes, she became more and more uneasy.

The waiting time is the hardest, especially at this time.

Seeing that it was getting dark, the two of them didn't wait for Princess Jing'an, but they waited for a command from Emperor Qinglong.It was Wu Guangqi who was most trusted by the emperor who came to declare the decree.

"The sage ordered to cut off two thousand households each from the crown prince and Princess Baochang. As the crown prince of a country, the crown prince didn't know how to persuade the younger sister to indulge her misbehavior, so he was grounded for a month of self-reflection."

Emperor Qinglong's tone was severe, Wu Guangqi spoke for him, he hurriedly smiled and helped the two brothers and sisters up, and said: "Your Highness, the emperor is really angry this time."

The prince's complexion is not good, she is just a commoner girl, but Princess Jing'an made such a big fuss, she deliberately went to tell her father to punish her.The punishment of cutting food and grounding is not heavy, but it is the first time in history.

"Eunuch Wu," he stuffed two ingots of gold into Wu Guangqi's hands and asked, "Do you know what's wrong with this?"

Wu Guangqi glanced left and right, the crown prince waved his hand, and the rest of the attendants retreated.Only then did Wu Guangqi whisper: "Let's see, Mr. Quan's ability to go to the Ministry of Punishment is a blessing from God."

The fact that Emperor Qinglong attached great importance to Quan Moxian was recognized by all discerning people in the court. It was a fact that the prince could know as long as he paid more attention to inquire.Therefore, he didn't need to hide it, he might as well sell the crown prince to save face and tell the truth.

"What?" The prince was taken aback and said, "This... how is this possible. Wasn't he punished, and he was not even allowed to enter the Imperial Academy."

Wu Guangqi shook his head slightly and said, "No, no."

Seeing his meaningful eyes, the prince suddenly came to his senses.

He is not a fool, he immediately reacted to this news.correct!I was too stupid to ignore such an obvious fact.

So what if you didn't go to the Hanlin Academy, there is a real shortage of sixth-rank member Wailang from the Ministry of Punishment.It is customary for a Jinshi to go to the Imperial Academy, but not only to the Imperial Academy.What's more, his father's behavior has always been unexpected, and no one can predict his real intentions.

Seeing that he understood, Wu Guangqi left.Thanking him for his suggestion, the prince personally sent him to the second gate.On the way back, his face was cloudy and uncertain.

"Brother Huang." Princess Baochang looked at him timidly, not daring to look him in the eyes.

The prince glanced at her fiercely, and said coldly: "Sister, do you have something to say that you forgot to tell brother?"

"I..." Princess Baochang was already on the verge of riding a tiger, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet and say: "I know, I have already told Brother Huang."

"You're still stubborn!"

The prince turned his head abruptly, stretched out his hand and slapped her across the face.The beating caused her to spin half a circle. If the maid behind her hadn't helped her in time, she might have fallen to the ground.

Growing up so big, it was the first time in her life that someone beat her like this and suffered such pain.

At this moment, Princess Baochang only felt stares in her eyes, and it took her a long time to calm down.Touching her burning cheeks, big tears flowed out, and she couldn't believe it: "You... you hit me?"

"You are my big brother!" Her voice was mournful, and her heart hurt more than her cheeks.

"You also know that I am your eldest brother!" The prince's voice was more painful than hers, and said: "Why did you hide it from me, ah?"

The siblings grew up together, but Princess Baochang lied to him, which the prince could not accept.

"Don't you know that woman has been eyeing us?" The prince growled, "Have you ever thought about what will happen to us if my position is shaken?"

"At that time, who can protect you?"

The woman he was talking about was Empress Cao.For the three brothers and sisters, Empress Cao, who is now the mother of the world, is their biggest threat.

Princess Baochang covered her heart and shivered. She never thought that the situation would be so serious.

"Brother Huang, with our identities, can't we even do anything to a mere girl?!" It was really hard for her to accept this fact.

"Stupid!" The crown prince said with hatred for iron and steel: "A common girl is worthless, the root cause is that the royal father values ​​Quan Moxian! Just tell me honestly, what's going on?"

He had never spoken to her so harshly before, Princess Baochang had no choice but to cry and tell her about the marriage proposal that night.

Following her narration, the prince's face became darker and darker.If he had known this earlier, he would never have gotten involved in this matter.

The emperor specially summoned Quan Moxian after the banquet in Qionglin, what else could it be?
Such a big matter, if he hadn't specifically asked about it, Princess Baochang would not have even planned to mention it, which really made him so angry that he had nowhere to vent.

"You, you!" The prince pointed at Princess Baochang, trembling with anger, and said in a hateful voice: "Kneel down and see if my aunt will forgive you!"

He knew in his heart that no matter how much Princess Jing'an loved them, she seldom played favoritism in court affairs.

 Thank you for the 2000 starting coins from "Fingertip Romance" and the 100 starting coins from "Linda Xiaozhou" and "The Sky Has No Heart" (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
(End of this chapter)

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