Twin Brocade

Chapter 373

Chapter 373
What happened here reached Wei Yixin's ears the next day.

She was not surprised that Princess Baochang failed.After all, Quan Moxian is not a man who is easy to control, even if he is not strong now.

What made her care was another thing.

"You said that Fang Jinshu went to Princess Jing'an's mansion that day, and then the princess' mansion sent people to the hospital?"

"Returning to the princess, that's what the news said." The maid serving her replied respectfully.

Wei Yixin was silent for a moment, and said: "Send me more people to keep an eye on Fang Jinshu. If there is any change, report it immediately."

Princess Jing'an is not easy to get along with, this point she deeply felt in her previous life.At the beginning, in order to win the favor of the other party, she spent a lot of thought and put in a lot of effort.

In the end, although Princess Jing'an supported King Qi's ascension to the throne, she dared not say that she was the one who finally moved Princess Jing'an.

What kind of abilities do the four girls of the Fang family have to control Princess Jing'an.And why did she help Quan Moxian?
Wei Yixin began to recall from the first time she met Fang Jinshu, she only remembered that she was a dignified girl, no different from those officials' daughters, and she didn't see anything unusual.

When Chunri was on Ninglan Plain, she was obviously trembling with fright.

Maybe it's just a coincidence.

But in Wei Yixin's heart, she always felt faintly that she seemed to have overlooked something.However, what happened in front of her made her unable to grasp the clue.

It's no secret that Fang Jinshu won the favor of Princess Jing'an when he was in Jingyi Nunnery, and it can be known after a little investigation.

The current plan is to keep Fang Jinshu in check.As long as there is eccentricity, there will always be a day when it will show its feet.

Wei Yixin thought to herself: "Don't be in a hurry. After King Qi ascends the throne, it won't be too late to clean up Fang Jinshu slowly. No matter what strange things she has, let her spit them out one by one."

In this matter, Fang Jinshu was indeed at risk.

She also knew that when she went to Princess Jing'an's mansion, her whereabouts could not be hidden from those who cared.Not only Wei Yixin, but also the brothers and sisters of the prince also had speculations.But the situation was urgent at that time, if she hadn't gone to persuade Princess Jing'an in person, how could she save people.

After saving Lin Chenfei, she received Quan Moxian's gratitude accordingly, and offended the prince's brother and sister.

It's hard to have both kindness and resentment, and good and bad always depend on each other.

After living a new life, Fang Jinshu has experienced many things, and Fang Jinshu has thought a lot more clearly.The change of every thing affects this big net of intertwined fate, and no one knows where the future will go.

If you only care about profit and calculation, then what is the difference between her and Wei Yixin?
It's better to stick to the original intention and help the people you want to help. It's one person to save one more person.If it is really impossible to change the fate of the Fang family's destruction, at worst she has arranged everything in advance and took the entire Fang family to hide in the rivers and lakes.

When she let go of the obsession of "I must give Fang Shuyu a bright future", she felt that her whole being suddenly became enlightened and her mind was clear.

In the days that followed, she practiced martial arts step by step, went to school, and returned home, never taking a single step.Her life was even duller than that of plain boiled water.

Because Fang Jinshu knew in his heart that Wei Yixin was suspicious, he would definitely send someone to watch her closely.Only in this way will the other party gradually dispel their doubts.

With the end of spring plowing, the city of Luoyang ushered in the early summer season.

The girls wore colorful and thin dresses, and the wives showed their smooth and pink arms under the radiant cloaks.The maids and maids who waited on them had less cloaks and more silk fans and silk handkerchiefs.

In Mingyu Courtyard, Mrs. Wen was talking to Si Lansheng.

"Sister-in-law, Susu's marriage is now a little bit of a clue." Wen opened a piece of paper and said softly, "There are two people here, and I would like to ask you to inquire about it."

She doesn't have a lot of contacts in Beijing, so she still has to ask Si Lansheng to find out the real situation of the other party.

Chen Wansu's marriage was full of twists and turns, so Mrs. Fang and Si Lansheng paid much attention to her trip to Beijing.After one or two months, Wen's finally settled on two people who felt that they matched.

Si Lansheng took it over to look at it, but she didn't recognize the name on it, so she couldn't answer it straight away, and said, "Okay, let me inquire about it first, and then I'll talk to you."

Wen said with a smile: "Thanks to having a cousin, otherwise I would not know where to find out." She is Chen Wansu's sister-in-law, and she is more cautious in her marriage.

In the Chen family's generation, there is only such a daughter, even if she is a concubine, she is very precious.If she was asked to handle this matter, she was afraid that if she was not thorough enough, Chen Wansu would have a bad life after marriage and would complain.

After Wen's departure, Si Lansheng called Si Jiang's daughter-in-law over, gave her the two names, and asked her to search first.

People can pretend, and often the news she hears may not be true.On the contrary, the news channels among these servants are more well-informed, and they can see a person's true face.

It's just that before she could find out the exact news, Fang Shuyu returned to the mansion that night, but brought back a piece of news.

"Do you remember Fifth Master Lu?" Fang Shuyu asked.

Si Lansheng nodded. Fifth Master Lu is well-known in the capital. How could she not have heard of it? She asked puzzledly, "Why did my husband suddenly mention him?"

Fang Shuyu changed into her homely robe, and said: "When I went to the office today, he specially came to see me. What should I do, it turned out that he wanted to marry my cousin Wansu."

"What?" Si Lansheng asked in surprise: "He is also much older than Susu." To put it bluntly, Fifth Master Lu is enough to be Chen Wansu's father.

Fang Shuyu nodded and said: "He lost his wife and lives alone, and he has a young girl under his knee. If Wan Su gets married, she will not only be a stepwife but also a stepmother."

Si Lansheng shook his head and said, "This marriage is not a good one."

Although Chen Wansu's marriage has encountered ups and downs, she is still a young girl in her prime.Even if you can't marry a noble family in Beijing, it's not difficult to find someone who can match you.

This is also the stepmother's stepmother, it is too wronged her.

"I also think it's inappropriate." Fang Shuyu said: "It's just that his tone is sincere, and he promised me that if he married cousin Wansu, he would treat her well and not take concubines."

"This..." Si Lansheng felt a little hesitant.

The two people given to her by the Wen family were far less prestigious than Fifth Lord Lu.But they are about the same age, and they look promising.Chen Wansu is married, and she is the wife of the director of the family.

However, Lu Wuye's condition of not taking concubines is indeed a bit tempting.

Compared with the uncertainty after getting married, this commitment is undoubtedly very tempting.

Si Lansheng is also a woman herself, and Fang Shuyu also has a concubine.Fortunately, no matter who it is, no one can go past her.But even so, Si Lansheng would occasionally feel jealous.What a good thing it is not to be a concubine.

"How does he know about Susu?" Si Lansheng asked.

(End of this chapter)

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