Twin Brocade

Chapter 376 A Natural Pair

Chapter 376

"There is a gazebo in front, how about we go and sit?" Lu Wuye asked with a smile.

"Okay." Chen Wansu simply agreed.

In the gazebo, it was obviously carefully arranged.Bamboo chairs with brocade cushions, hot water on the stove, and tea sets for two people.

Without asking his servants to follow, Lu Wuye made a pot of tea himself, poured it for Chen Wansu, and said, "I heard that you want to see me?"

As Fang Jinshu analyzed, his proposal to marry Chen Wansu was not on a whim.He doesn't have a legitimate son, so sooner or later he will have a second son.However, he was unwilling to marry a woman arranged by his family, and the forces in Beijing were complicated.

After Chen Wansu appeared, he found out her identity and realized that she should be the best candidate.

However, apart from this main factor, the calmness in Chen Wansu's eyes also deeply attracted him.Just like when we first met, and like when he heard that she wanted to see him, and like now being alone with him without any panic.

Chen Wansu's face is obviously not outstanding, but when put together, it brings a sense of peace and tranquility, which is very attractive.

"Yes." Chen Wansu took a sip from her teacup, looked at him and said, "I just don't understand why Mr. Lu wants to marry me? A concubine of a merchant, with a woman of this status, Mr. Lu doesn't have to wait until now to marry her." .”

Lu Wuye laughed and said, "Well said. Although there are many concubines in merchants, you are the only one who has a cousin relationship with the Fang family." Since she had a clear mind, he didn't hide it.

"Fang's family?" Chen Wansu asked in surprise, "What does it have to do with Fang's family." She has a calm temperament so she can hold her breath, but how can she understand the way of it.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, you just need to understand that I won't treat you poorly." Lu Wuye smiled and said, "I have something to do, and I also need a calm wife like you."

He looked at her intently, and asked, "Aside from the identity, at my age, it is my honor to marry you." There was unabashed appreciation in his tone.

What attracted him in the first place was Chen Wansu's calm and stable expression, which made him ask someone to check her identity.As expected, she did not disappoint him. This was the third time seeing her, and she was still the same as before, not disturbed by her marriage proposal.

In this life, it was the first time for Chen Wansu to be watched so intently by a man.No matter how calm she is, she is just a big girl.His gaze made her feel the scorching heat, and she had to lower her eyes to avoid it.

"So, are you willing to marry me, an old man?"

These words made Chen Wansu, who had lowered her eyes, couldn't help laughing, and said with a smile, "How old are you?" In her opinion, at his age, a man is at his most attractive.

This kind of maturity after going through hardships is hard to find such a temperament in young men.After experiencing a failed marriage contract, Lu Wuye gave her a sense of security that those teenagers who had just reached the crown could not give her.

That's why she wanted to come see him.

"So, you agree?"

Chen Wansu suppressed her smile, and said, "Lord Lu, I don't know if you are clear about my affairs. When I was in Weizhou, I made an engagement." Speaking of the past, her tone was a bit difficult, and she spoke slowly.

Now that he told the whole story, she didn't want to lie to him either.

Seeing her like this, Fifth Master Lu stretched out his hand to hold her fingertips, and said, "Let's just forget about the past, why mention it." Since he proposed to marry him, how could he not know about it.

Chen Wansu shook her head slowly, and said: "No, I want to tell you personally." According to Lu Fifth Master's identity, it is not difficult to know about it.But when she said it herself, the meaning was different.

She took a deep breath, withdrew her fingertips, and said, "He had an accident on the way to the township examination, and was killed by a drunk man riding a horse. I am in Weizhou, and I have a reputation as a Kefu."

Chen Wansu raised her face, looked at him and asked, "Is Lu Wuye sure about marrying me like this?"

There was a persistent stubbornness in her gaze.But Lu Wuye saw the fragility and strength deep in her heart through her appearance.How painful should it be to uncover your own scars with your own mouth?

He looked at her distressedly, and said: "My fate is up to me. You and I are a perfect couple, don't you?"

"Are you serious?" Chen Wansu asked, no one ever said that he had killed his wife.

"Seriously." Lu Wuye looked deeply into her eyes and said, "If you agree, I will formally ask the matchmaker to come and ask for marriage."

At this moment, Chen Wansu's heart twitched, and a blush crept up her cheeks. She gave a faint "hmm" and said, "I still need mother's consent for this matter."

"She will agree." Seeing him nodding, Lu Wuye said confidently, "I'll send someone to Weizhou right away to get her consent."

The next thing is much simpler.

I don't know what method Lu Wuye used, but Fang Yao agreed to the marriage and let the Wen family handle it.

Chen Wansu is not young, and the dowry is ready-made.Lu Wuye was married again, and the two marriages were discussed and progressed very quickly.

Since Chen Wansu was going to get married, it seemed inappropriate to live in Fang's house.The Chen family had Hengyuji in Beijing and needed a place to stay, so Chen Ruiliang bought another house and moved in after renovating it.

In Cuiwei courtyard, Fang Jinshu and Chen Xiangyu were talking.

"Sister Xiangyu, you have moved out, and it will not be so easy to meet in the future." Fang Jinshu took her hand, put a piece of silk rolled in gold embroidered with butterfly patterns in her hand, and said: "The craftsmanship is not good, Leave a thought for my sister."

Her female celebrity has never been called good, after practicing for a long time, it is only good enough.However, in the relationship between daughters' families in the boudoir, the most important thing is the heart rather than the gift itself.

Chen Xiangyu took it generously, Xingren's big eyes were full of reluctance.

The capital city was unfamiliar to her, and the first friends she made here were Fang Jinhui and Fang Jinshu.After all, Fang Jinhui is older, and has made a marriage agreement, so she has her own homework to be busy every day.

And she and Fang Jinshu are similar in age, so they will naturally get close after playing a lot.

"Sister Shu, my aunt is married, and I will go back to Weizhou with my mother." She whispered: "I don't know yet, whether we can meet again."

Although she is young, she knows what her parents plan for her.Although the capital is nice, it is not my home after all.Even with Heng Yu Ji, the main business of the Chen family is still in Weizhou.

At present, the business in Luoyang City is gradually on the right track, Chen Wansu's marriage has been settled, and Chen Ruiliang, as the helm of the Chen family, has come to go back.

She has only one daughter in the family, not to mention that the family is reluctant, and she herself does not want to marry away from the family who loves her so much.

"Don't be so sad," Fang Jinshu said softly, "Now that you have Heng Yu Ji, as long as you want to come, there is always a chance."

 Thanks to "Qingfeng Lingxin" for the reward of 100 starting coins, and thanks to "book friends 151021142421", "q_67ghn9lnx", "the king sent me to catch the demon", "thru" and "healthy and healthy" for the precious monthly tickets ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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