Twin Brocade

Chapter 380 Seeing Huang Quanyin Again

Chapter 380 Seeing Huang Quanyin Again

Quan Moxian greeted the bride back, followed by the best men who went to greet the bride lively.

Most of them are friends he made in Songxi Academy.The important ministers in the court did not like him, but this did not affect the preferences of these young people.

Their official ranks are not high, but they are young and vigorous, and most of them come from ordinary backgrounds.Fang Ziquan stood out from the inside.Having received a good education since he was a child, he stands out among a group of people.

After the obeisance, Quan Moxian picked up Lin Chenfei's hipa in the new house, and the two of them had to go out to toast according to the rules after drinking the quilt wine.All the people who came were his guests, as the host, how could he do without greeting.

"I'll be back in a while." Quan Moxian smiled and looked at Lin Chenfei who was blushing, shook her hand, and went out.

The Quan family has a simple population. In order to avoid Lin Chenfei's nervousness, Quan Lu deliberately stayed with her in the new house.

After recuperating for a few months after suffering from that catastrophe, Lin Chenfei's complexion could no longer regain the original rosy health.The bright red wedding dress was worn on her body, making her complexion even more white.The exquisite makeup and the sadness between her brows made her look like a different person from the energetic girl before.

In a new house, the more lively it is, the more festive it will be.

Knowing the situation of the Quan family, Si Lansheng sent Fang Jinhui and Fang Jinshu to accompany the bride.The new house was filled with festive red. The two sisters smiled and went forward to greet each other. Fang Jinhui was talking with Lin Chenfei.

After the Quan family went to Beijing, they met Quan Moxian several times, but this was the second time Quan Lu saw each other.

"Long time no see, Sister Lu, she's so much prettier." Fang Jinshu said with a smile.

It has been more than three years since we met for the first time, and the Quan family's family situation has improved a lot.Auntie Quan and Quan Lu also had little maids around them, and naturally they would not let them stretch half a finger for the rough work of chopping wood and cooking.

Quan Lu is in the prime of her youth and prime of life.After a few years of raising her like this, plus the clothes and jewellery, she is much prettier than when she first came to Beijing.

She knew that someone from the Fang family would come to help today, so when she met Fang Jinshu, she smiled and said, "My good sister can really talk. I think you have grown a lot taller."

When we first met, Fang Jinshu was just an eight-year-old girl.A few years passed, and Fang Jinshu was already a young girl, and her eyebrows and eyes had grown.

Fang Jinshu smiled and said, "It's rare to see my sister, congratulations first."

Quan Lu's marriage has also been decided, and it is Peng Changsheng.After a sad love affair, with Fang Mudi marrying Cui Sheng, Peng Changsheng also completely let go of that period of love.

Between Peng Changsheng and Quan Lu, it was Peng Changsheng's true loveliness that moved Quan Lu's heart first.Looking back, Peng Changsheng also had a good impression of Quan Lu's sharpness and sharpness.

Quan Moxian understood his character, so he silently settled the matter.Quan Lu had already reached the age of marriage, and it was rare for the two of them to see each other right.

The Peng family can only be regarded as landowners, and the Quan family, which has left the clan, has no foundation.Therefore, he studied hard and finally won the top prize in high school.As the sister of the number one scholar, Quan Lu can be said to be in the same family as Peng Changsheng.

The Peng family has already agreed to this marriage. It is a good thing that Peng Changsheng can marry the sister who is the number one scholar in the dynasty.

But after all, Peng Changsheng is a talent cultivated by the Peng family with all their efforts. The two of them can't wait to get married, and it is scheduled for the beginning of next year.The Peng family has now sent capable members of the family to Beijing, and they must make this wedding a lively affair.

Speaking of her marriage, Quan Lu was a little embarrassed, blushed slightly, and said, "Don't talk about me, sister, you are almost 12 years old."

12 years old, this is the age at which women start to see each other for marriage.

Fang Jinshu smiled, and generously admitted: "I was born in Dongyue, and I will be born in several months." She has no plans for her marriage, she just wants to get married as late as possible.

Now there are still four years before the seventh year of Qinglong, counting that time, she has just reached the age of Ji.

As long as that key matter is resolved, the fate of the Fang family can be completely reversed.At that time, she can rest assured to get married.As for her own marriage, with her parents around, she believed it would be all right.

The person she married in the previous life was not what she loved, and she also survived in the deep palace, and it will never be more difficult than then.

Several people were talking, a little girl who had just grown her hair came in with a tray.

"Girl, I've taken some medicine." She was young, and was originally bought by Quan Moxian to serve Lin Chenfei.Now that Lin Chenfei is married, she still calls her a girl before she has time to change her words.

Lin Chenfei had already unloaded the heavy pearl corolla, and was half leaning on the bed.Although the wound running through her abdomen has healed, she still needs to rest mainly and not to be tired.

This prescription is the recuperating prescription left by Miracle Doctor Su before he left Beijing, and she has been drinking it.Fang Jinhui, who was talking to her, stood up and moved out of the way. The little girl tested the temperature and was about to serve her a drink.

"Wait!" Fang Jinshu stopped him suddenly, strode up to the little girl's hand, sniffed the medicinal soup carefully, and asked in a deep voice, "Did you bring it from the kitchen?"

The little girl was taken aback, she didn't know what to do, she didn't dare to answer.

Quan Lu asked, "What's wrong? But there's something wrong."

Fang Jinshu nodded, and said, "Something is wrong, so I have to ask her."

"Fourth Miss asks questions, you answer honestly." Quan Lu instructed the little girl.

"Yes." The little girl recalled for a moment, and said: "This bowl of medicine was boiled by the servant girl in the kitchen, and it was brought from the kitchen just now."

"In the middle, have you ever left?" Fang Jinshu asked.

The little girl shook her head first, and then said: "Ah! I remembered. When I came here, a sister said she had a sudden stomachache and asked me to help her look at the serving tray. I put the medicine on the On the side, hold it for her for a while."

"However, it didn't take long. At most, she came back after a cup of tea."

Although the time is short, it is enough for caring people to do tricks.Fang Jinshu picked up the bowl of medicine and examined it intently for a moment, then murmured, "Huang Quanyin, I never thought I would see you again in this life."

In this crowd, she is probably the only one who recognizes Huang Quanyin's scent.This poison brought back painful memories of her previous life.

"What's the matter?" Seeing her solemn expression, Lin Chenfei grabbed the bright red silk quilt and asked with a pale face.She had never met Fang Jinshu, but she had heard Quan Moxian mention her saving grace back then.

Seeing that she was frightened, Fang Jinshu took the medicine bowl from the little girl's hand and said, "It's okay. When I was in the Jingyi Nunnery, I learned some medicinal properties from Mrs. Jing and Mrs. Su. Later, the miracle doctor Su lived in our house, and I followed suit. This bowl of medicine has been delayed on the road for a long time, and the properties of the medicine may have changed."

"Go and fry another bowl, don't delay on the way." She told Fang Fei: "You go with her."

That little girl was originally a servant of the Quan family, but after being ordered by Fang Jinshu, she took the order as she should.

(End of this chapter)

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