Twin Brocade

Chapter 384 Birthday

Chapter 384 Birthday (End)
One autumn rain and one cool. By the end of September, the climate is not as hot as summer.In all the mansions in central Beijing, autumn clothes are all ready.

Today is an auspicious day for Chen Wansu to marry Lu Wuye.

The girls of the Fang family all asked for leave from the school in advance, each dressed up, and went to visit with Si Lansheng.Because they are relatives, the Qu family of the second room also took Fang Jinwei to go.

As their mother's family, they set off to the Chen family to help the bride before dawn, adding joy to the bride.

Chen Wansu married into the Lu family this high, and everyone in the Chen family attached great importance to it.Apart from Chen Ruiliang and Wen's couple who were already in Beijing, brothers Chen Ruixin, Chen Ruiping, and Chen Ruian all rushed up from Weizhou to support Chen Wansu.

It's quite rare for a family like the Chen family to have such a good family tradition, where the brothers and sisters are so united.

As the future son-in-law, Lu Wuye visited his wives and brothers with gifts.His demeanor made the brothers who were originally dissatisfied with this marriage dispel their original thoughts, and they talked happily with each other.

Chen Wansu's dowry was filled to the brim with 32 liters, so full that she couldn't even insert a finger into it.If it weren't for Chen Wansu's status as a concubine, the Chen family would have had to raise her.

The day before, the dowry was delivered to the Lu family.Wen shi led his sisters-in-law to make the bed in a mighty manner, full of confidence.

With such a situation, the members of the Lu family who originally looked down upon the merchant's stepmother also put away their disdain one after another.The Chen family told them clearly that the daughter of the Chen family would not waste money, rice and oil from the husband's family.

Just a week before the wedding, Chen Wansu's aunt Fang Yao and her father Chen Haoshen also came to Beijing, and brought her biological mother with them.

Fang Yao married in Weizhou, Fang Mu, Fang Zhe brothers and sisters have not seen her for nearly ten years.This meeting naturally caused a lot of tears.

It was a rare time to get together, and Fang Zhe didn't hang around outside the mansion. The brothers and sisters got together for a few days, which was considered a fulfillment of their wish.

After all the fun, finally, it's the day of the wedding.

Chen Wansu bid farewell to her parents, and her eldest brother Chen Ruiliang carried her into the sedan chair.Lu Wuye's welcoming team was spectacular, the best men were all from aristocratic families, which gave the Chen family a lot of face.

Such a grand and grand wedding made Chen Wansu's marriage attract the attention of the whole capital.

Naturally, it also caused countless envious people to talk behind their backs.Those vitriolic ones made a big fuss about Chen Wansu's identity.It's just that no matter how jealous they are, Lu Wuye's sequel is not them.

After the marriage was over, the members of the Chen family left the capital one after another.After all, the Chen family's foundation is in Weizhou, and this time the whole family went to Beijing, so there should be no delay for too long.The Fang family held a farewell banquet for them, and the Fang family brothers and sisters said goodbye.

They are getting older, and they know that after this parting, they don't know when they will meet again in the future.

After Chen Wansu's marriage, the city of Luoyang became cooler day by day.

This year is a good year with good weather.

At the beginning of the year, the spring and the general election were two major events, which added a large number of officials and officials, as well as concubines in the harem.With available talents, and through the harem to stabilize the minds of the former court officials, the court operated more smoothly.

Emperor Qinglong freed his hands and began to gradually realize his inner thoughts.Without touching the vested interests as much as possible, he changed the entire court situation bit by bit.

The clan, aristocratic families, nobles, and important officials all suppressed their thoughts and secretly accumulated strength.

In a blink of an eye, it was winter.

Not long after winter came, the first snow fell.White and crystal-clear snowflakes swirled down from the sky, like the lightest elves, dancing with the wind.

Fang Jinshu stood under the porch wearing a satin cloak sprinkled with flowers, spreading his palms, feeling the coolness brought by the light touch of snowflakes, and a slight smile appeared on his lips.

Over the past three years, she has done a lot and changed a lot.

Even if the future is still uncertain, at least she has worked hard and struggled.After clearing away the fog in her heart, the world became bright and vivid in her eyes.

"Sister," Fang Jinhui called with light footsteps from behind her, "It's cool here, and mother is still waiting." Fang Jinshu responded with a smile, and the two headed towards Mingyu Courtyard together.

"The eldest girl and the fourth girl are here." The little maid at the door greeted them and raised a thick cotton curtain for them.

The room is warm and harmonious, and the incense burner in the corner is lit with the fragrance of lilies of the valley, and the room is fragrant.The two sisters greeted Si Lansheng, and Hongxia served them tea and cakes.

"Put some on your stomach first, and have dinner together when your father comes back." Si Lansheng urged.

Today is Fang Jinshu's 12th birthday, which sounds unsurprising, but it means that from now on, she can start seeing each other for marriage.So, instead of the whole birthday, Si Lansheng also held a banquet in her yard to celebrate her.

"Thank you mother." Fang Jinshu saluted.

They were eating pastries in the house, and people came one after another.People from every room in the Fang family came to give Fang Jinshu birthday presents, and her sisters and sisters of the same generation also prepared various small gifts made by themselves to congratulate her.

At the concierge, several groups of people were received into the mansion one after another.

The in-laws include the Si family, the Hao family, the Qiao family, the Chen family, etc.; there is Fang Mudi, the lord of the country who came to give gifts in his own name, and Chen Wansu, who is now the wife of Master Lu Wu; Different birthday gifts.

Some of these people are friends with Fang Jinshu, or remember her favor.Some of it is because she is the second daughter of the Fang family and belongs to the normal human relationship of the Fang family.Si Lansheng accepted these gifts, and ordered someone to carry them to Fang Jinshu's room, and let the visitors stay back with the gifts they had already prepared.

After Fang Shuyu left the yamen, they went to greet Mrs. Fang together, and Mingyu courtyard began to celebrate Fang Jinshu's 12th birthday.

Most of this meal was Fang Jinshu's favorite dish on weekdays. He even tried his best to buy the water shield which is hard to eat in winter, which shows that Si Lansheng attaches great importance to this small feast.

At the small banquet, a jar of plum wine with a very low alcohol content was specially prepared, and the family lived in harmony.

"Big girl," Si Lansheng looked at Fang Jinshu and said with a smile, "You always know what's on your mind, so I won't say much else. After today, you have to be extra careful when you go in and out."

Fang Jinshu got up to answer, and said with a smile: "Mother, don't worry, the daughter will obey her."

After the banquet, she returned to her room.

Fang Xin and Fang Fei took apart these congratulatory gifts, showed her one by one, and registered them in the warehouse.

"Huh? In this painting, who is it drawn?" Fangxin opened a painting, on which a woman in red was drawn in a freehand style: she turned her face slightly, and the wind blew past her ears A few strands of hair were swept away, and the corners of the skirt fluttered.Standing under the old plums in the mountains, surrounded by clouds and mist, it seems to be going away with the wind at any time.

The expression on the face of the woman in red was extremely light, with a kind of beauty that was left behind and independent from the world, exuding a lonely and youthful temperament.Judging from her stature, she was an adult woman, only her slender eyes and the silence in her pupils were very similar to Fang Jinshu.

"let me see."

Fang Jinshu took it over and looked at it carefully. At the bottom right of the painting, there was a line of small characters "Congratulations to Shuyin Fangchen", stamped with a small pine and bamboo seal, signed as Friends of Mangshan.

"Who sent this?"

Fang Fei opened the brochure and said, "The words back to the girl were sent by Mrs. Quan."

It turned out to be Lin Chenfei, but this painting must have been done by Quan Moxian.No wonder, in order to avoid suspicion, he didn't write his real name, and only called himself a friend of Mangshan.

This painting is Quan Moxian's depiction of Fang Jinshu's adult appearance based on Fang Jinshu's current appearance.It can be said that it is extra careful to use it as a birthday gift.

For some reason, Fang Jinshu felt a subtle feeling when he looked at the painting.It was as if Quan Moxian actually understood the loneliness she had hidden deep in her heart.

Smiling and shaking her head, she shook off that feeling, and ordered: "It's best to put it away."

In Mingyu Courtyard, Fang Shuyu was talking to Si Lansheng.

He said with emotion: "I still remember that when the book girl was first born, she was so light and small in my hand, and I was afraid that she would not be able to raise her well. After a while, she has also reached the age where she should see her marriage."

Si Lansheng laughed and said, "Who says it's not? You see, we're getting old too."

"Master, what kind of family do you prefer for her marriage? I should pay attention to it." Si Lansheng asked Fang Shuyu's opinion.

Fang Shuyu thought for a while, and said, "You've just turned 12, so there's no rush." ​​In his heart, he didn't want Fang Jinshu to get married so early.Being a girl in her natal family is the most comfortable, and I want her to relax for two more years.

"Look at it slowly. It stands to reason that according to the character and appearance of our book girl, it is also suitable to marry and be the eldest daughter-in-law. But, I don't want her to live so tiredly, so I should find a family with a good family style and a simple population. .”

Si Lansheng nodded in agreement.Fang Jinshu is the second daughter, and the responsibility on her shoulders is not as heavy as that of Fang Jinhui.The more sensible she is now, the more people love her for the suffering she has suffered, and the more she wants her life to be smooth in the future.

"My concubine knows."

The night was getting darker, and as people rested, the lights in Luoyang City dimmed little by little.The autumn moon is like water, covering this century-old city.People fell asleep deeply, and tomorrow will be a new day.

But for Fang Jinshu, she has completely ended her child age, and her girlhood is waiting for her.

 Ahhhhhh, I finally finished the first volume, I'm a little excited (*^__^*) My Jinshu, I can finally start seeing each other and getting married, big girl~ hee hee...

(End of this chapter)

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