Twin Brocade

Chapter 388 Ridiculous

Chapter 388 Ridiculous
Fang Jinshu was not aware of Princess Baochun's calculations.

But ever since the Crown Princess appeared with Princess Baochun, Fang Jinshu secretly cheered up 12 points.She understands Baochun's temperament, he is the master who never suffers.Although more than half a year has passed since the incident on Ninglanyuan, who knows if Princess Baochun still holds grudges?

So, she made up her mind and just rested in her room, not going anywhere.Regardless of whether the other party has any bad thoughts, it is always safe for her not to go out.

No matter how beautiful the scenery of Plum Shadow Hall is, it is not worth the risk to enjoy it.Besides, this year she has reached the age where she can meet and get married. She doesn't want to go through what Fang Jinpei did here last year.

"Big sister, shall we take a rest first?" Fang Jinshu said: "There are a lot of people outside, so let's stay here."

Fang Jinhui readily agreed, and Meiyingtang was not a good memory for her.She wouldn't even want to come again this year if she could.

Although the incident with Fang Jinpei made her know that Gong Wenjue was sincere to her, the two of them withstood this test, and their relationship became stronger and stronger.But the sadness and distress at the beginning are still vivid.

What's more, because of this matter, Gong Wenjue also lost the opportunity of this year's competition.It was already the end of the third year of Qinglong, and with the passage of time and the appointment of these Jinshi, Fang Jinhui also gradually realized that this year was the best year for entering an official career.

Therefore, it was inevitable that there was something on her mind.Worried that because of this, the elders of the Gong family would blame her.At this time, she revisited the old place again, how could she have the thought to enjoy the scenery?
The two sisters reached an agreement, and they were served by their respective maids, and they rested one after another.

They were calm and quiet here, but Princess Baochun frowned after hearing the maid's report.These two people didn't even take a step out of the door, how could she deal with them?
Frowning, she asked the maid a few words, and she came up with a plan: Even if you are shrinking turtles, I will lead you out of this turtle shell!
The sun in the sky slowly moved across the center, and the resting people in the Plum Shadow Hall gradually got up.

Fang Fei waited on Fang Jinshu to wash her mouth, straightened her dress, and combed her hair again.Looking at the makeup in the mirror, Fang Jinshu smiled and said, "Big sister, why don't you invite all the sisters from the Wu family to come over, so we can fight Shuanglu here?"

She has made up her mind that she will not take a step out of the room.

It's just that there are still two hours before the dinner party, and the front yard is estimated to be full of fierce battles, with neither winner nor loser.Here, the female relatives naturally have to wait, after the rankings are made, they will leave with the husband only after receiving the rewards from the palace.

You can't sit still for such a long time.It is also good to find something to pass the time.

Fang Jinhui agreed, and said, "Very good. It's a pity that the Su family sister is busy with work, so I don't have a chance to see her today."

The last time I was here was not all fruitless, at least I got to know a talented woman like Su Juzhen.They also have contacts with each other in private, but after all, they are all boudoir girls, so it is inconvenient to meet each other, and it has been a long time since we saw each other.

"It's okay, after the new year, I will post a post to invite sister Su to come to my house as a guest."

In such an occasion, even if you see it, you can't say a few words.Although they share similar temperaments with Su Yuzhen, this time Su Yuzhen will entertain ladies who are more important than their identities.It's better to invite her in private.

Fang Jinhui also thought of this, and after chanting a few words, he naturally understood in his heart.

The two sisters were talking, but they didn't see each other for a long time. They went to invite the Wu family sister's Qiaohua to come back.Logically, it shouldn't take this long.The day before, they had made an appointment in the school to play together today.

Fang Jinshu suppressed the doubts in his heart and advised himself not to think too much, it might just be a coincidence.Perhaps, they didn't take a nap and went to the mountains to play, and Qiao Hua didn't find anyone to pass the message.

After another stick of incense, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door.

Following Qiaohua is the maid who is serving Wu Wanqing personally.She looked anxious, and when she saw the two sisters, she plopped and knelt on the ground, crying: "Eldest girl, fourth girl, please, please save our girl!"

"What's the matter?" Fang Jinshu hurriedly said, "Stop crying, get up and talk, what's going on."

Fang Jinhui was taken aback, what happened again.

Qiao Hua helped her up, and she said: "Our girl and Miss Ling were strolling in the plum grove, but we met a servant of the Yao family who was looking for a pearl tortoiseshell hairpin. But that hairpin happened to fall on the At our girl's feet."

"The Sixth Miss of the Yao family arrived, and she insisted that our girl stole her hairpin." She cried, "My maid asked the two girls to judge, it's just a hairpin, don't we have it? It's a crime." to steal from her."

Fang Jinshu nodded, waiting for the next sentence.If it was just like this, this maid would not be so flustered, and something else must have happened.

Sure enough, she went on to say: "We girls will not admit to things we haven't done. But at this moment, Princess Baochun arrived. She said that she has a way to find out the truth of this matter."

"What method?" Fang Jinshu asked.

"She said that there was no proof, and no one knew whether it was stolen. She asked someone to bring out a stick of incense, saying that she needed to prove her innocence in front of the gods. If our girl persisted in front of this stick of incense for a quarter of an hour, It proves that there is no stealing. If you faint, it is stealing."

"What's so weird about that stick of incense?"

"The servant girl heard some people talking about it, saying that this is incense made of silver ring leaves. Let alone a quarter of an hour, as long as it is inhaled, it can make people unconscious. After that, they must stay in bed for at least a week before they can recover."

"This is simply ridiculous!" Fang Jinhui said angrily after hearing this, "Sister Qing has done nothing wrong, she is innocent of being framed, why should she accept such doubts?"

Fang Jinshu thought about it further.This matter is indeed like Princess Baochun's behavior style. Compared with the previous arrogant, she even restrained herself a lot this time.However, for no reason, how could she make things difficult for Wu Wanqing?
Before she could come up with a result, Fang Jinhui got up and walked outside.

In Xiuwenfang, the two sisters of the Wu family have the best relationship with them and have many contacts.Now that the sisters are in trouble, Fang Jinhui naturally thinks of helping them immediately.

Fang Jinshu hurriedly followed, and asked the maid repeatedly, "Did Mrs. Wu know about the Su family's sister? Whose idea did you come to see us? Is there anyone else around Sister Qing?" "

For such a matter, it is most suitable for Su Yuzhen to mediate as the host.Her daughter was being bullied, and Mrs. Wu, as Wu Wanqing's mother, had the right to know.

(End of this chapter)

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