Twin Brocade

Chapter 394 Dilemma

Chapter 394 Dilemma
Looking at the thick night outside, Fang Shuyu stopped the pen in his hand and let out a long sigh.For such a major matter, it was really difficult for him to make a decision all of a sudden.

Well, we still have to wait and see.

Know that once you make this decision, there is no going back.

If the prince is not selected, then only the eldest son of Empress Cao, King Qi, will be left.As far as the name is justified, King Qi is more appropriate. After all, Empress Cao is the queen who is now the mother of the world.

Ever since Empress Cao married Emperor Qinglong who was still the crown prince, Fang Shuyu had vaguely known that such a day would come sooner or later.

He just tried his best to avoid thinking of her, so that he could forget those good memories of the past.Walking to the window, Fang Shuyu gently opened the window, and the cold winter wind blew into the warm room, bringing a bit of coolness.

Fang Shuyu stretched out her hand to press her chest, this place was still aching.

Time has passed, so you still care so much when you think of her?He gave a helpless wry smile, and secretly sighed that fate tricked people.What's even more teasing is that, as a courtier, he can't avoid the final choice.

Having assisted King Qi, the number of times I will meet her will increase in the future.Every time they meet, it is probably a kind of torment for him.

If you choose the crown prince, you will stand against her and become the enemy of their mother and child.Thinking of this, Fang Shuyu's heart throbbed with pain.

Competing for the crown prince has always been a narrow escape, either you die or I die.

If he becomes a member of the Prince's command, he will definitely advise him.At that time, can he really attack Qi Wang?Ask yourself, he really can't do it.

However, judging from the current situation, the crown prince not only has his name and righteousness, but also gradually stabilized his power in the court.Apart from the lack of personal morality, there are basically no shortcomings to be found.

The prince is extremely self-disciplined.Since he practiced martial arts since he was a child, he has never missed a single day throughout the year.As far as he knew, even on festivals like New Year's Eve and Mid-Autumn Festival, he would get up early to practice martial arts and study.If it coincides with the Hajj, he gets up earlier.

At the same time, he is not good at women.

There are so many dudes in Beijing, and there are not a few who rob people's daughters by force.But such a thing would never happen to him.In the back house, apart from the Crown Princess Dai, those side concubines were either rewarded by Emperor Qinglong or given a list by Zongzheng Temple for him to choose, but he himself was not very interested.

Let me ask, isn't a self-disciplined, hard-working, and unattractive emperor an excellent choice for most of his courtiers?As for personal morality, who will be the perfect person has nothing to do with the overall situation.

Emperor Qinglong favored the prince, although the biggest factor was because of the abolition of the concubine Jiang, but why not because of the excellence of the prince himself?The courtiers supported the prince not because they were blind.

On the other hand, King Qi, Emperor Qinglong's attitude towards Empress Cao has always been that respect is greater than favor.King Qi was even more alienated, at most he was fulfilling his duties as a royal father.

The prince has already practiced in various ministries in the central court, but the king of Qi only has a few aides by his side, and he doesn't even have the opportunity to participate in political affairs.

At present, there is no hope of King Qi becoming the throne at all.

Therefore, starting from the interests of the family, helping the prince is the most correct way at the moment.Even if it is the icing on the cake, it is a steady and steady game with the lowest risk.

The left hand is Fang's family, and the right hand is her in the heart. Fang Shuyu's heart is full of worries and dilemmas.

The night sky was covered with heavy clouds, blocking the moon.Only a few stars struggled to poke their heads out from the cloudy clouds, shedding a little bit of starlight.It's just that these Xu Xingguang can't break through such a thick night, just like Fang Shuyu's heart, shrouded in heavy clouds of sorrow.

And in the prince's mansion, Princess Baochun is not having a good time.

She knelt on the ground with tears in her eyes, and Wei Jiahang knelt beside her.

There was a tense air in the room.The prince's face turned black, and the princess carefully watched his face while pinching the handkerchief.Wei Jiaren's complexion turned pale, and he stood uncomfortably behind the two of them.

"Before I went, what did I say, huh?" The prince's voice was full of anger, and said: "Where is that place, you are allowed to be so presumptuous!"

Emperor Qinglong took advantage of Lin Chenfei's incident to beat him, which left him cold for several months.It was hard for him to win the opportunity to go to the Xuewen Club.

At the literary meeting, he got along well with the ministers and reached some tacit understandings.He thought everything was going well, but he didn't expect to hear such news after returning home, which made him so angry.

"Father," Princess Baochun said with sobs, "Daughter promises that no one will be caught. When Xiaohong appeared, I was at Meilin's place, and many people were there." The name of the poisonous snake.

"Exactly." Seeing that her beloved daughter was crying so hard that she couldn't help herself, the Crown Princess said distressedly: "Lin'er has a good sense of things, who can blame her for not being able to do it. Besides, nothing major happened in the end."

Wei Jiahang bowed his head even lower, he slipped his mouth by the lake, and only remembered it afterwards.However, since no one mentioned it later, he regarded it as a thing of the past.

Just now for a moment he wanted to speak out, but even his most favored sister was scolded, how dare he take the initiative to confess at this moment.


The prince slapped the table suddenly, and the hard rosewood was cracked by his palm, showing the anger in his heart.

"Why did Gu raise you two stupid things!" The prince turned red with anger, turned to look at the princess, pointed at her and said, "You are just as stupid! You are responsible for her making such a big mistake!" Get used to it."

The concubine's face was flushed, and she was reprimanded by him in front of her children, which made her lose face.

"What do you mean you can't catch the handle? Are your brains all muddled!" He stood up angrily, walked around the room twice, and said, "It's the twelfth lunar month, and snakes don't hibernate? Such a simple fact, Need to think about it?"

"It's no exaggeration to say that the people in the Xuewen Club are the smartest people in the world. Do you think this little trick can be hidden from their eyes?" The prince's eyes burst into anger, wishing he could kick him. On the body of Princess Baochun.After spending so much effort, he was ruined by this stupid daughter!
Sensing his anger, Princess Baochun shivered, and the tears fell even more urgently.But he did not give up and said: "But, they all respect me very much, and we got along very happily until the end."


After hearing her words, the prince couldn't bear it anymore, and slapped Princess Baochun firmly.Seeing the blood slowly flowing from the corner of her mouth, the air in the whole room was so quiet that it was suffocating.

Princess Baochun covered her burning and painful cheeks with an expression of disbelief; Wei Jiahang lay on the ground trembling; Wei Jiaren was so frightened that he hung his head down, wishing he could dig a crack in the ground and pretend he didn't exist.

The crown princess was taken aback for a moment, and then rushed to Princess Baochun's side.

(End of this chapter)

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