Twin Brocade

Chapter 397 The Crux

Chapter 397 The Crux
Open your eyes, it's a new day.

In the Prince's Mansion, Wei Jiahang finished his martial arts training course panting, picked up a large bowl of tea and gulped it all down.At this time, there is no need to pay attention to any manners, it is serious to be able to quench your thirst.

He took the sweat towel handed over by the servant, wiped the sweat from his brow, looked at Wei Jiaren who was drinking tea slowly, and said, "Brother, I don't think this can go on like this."

Wei Jiaren asked blankly, "Then what can you do?"

Could it be that they could still disobey the order given by the crown prince himself?This is only the first day, even if you can't survive it, you have to endure it for a few more days before trying.

After hearing his answer, Wei Jiahang felt quite bored, flicked his sweat towel, and muttered: "I knew, big brother is unreliable." After saying that, he flicked his sleeves and left, and went back to his room to change clothes.

Behind him, Wei Jiaren clenched his fists with a livid face.I was obviously affected by them, but I am not a human being inside and outside, and I can't please everyone!

The weather was cold, and not long after we stopped, the steaming sweat slowly dried on our skin, bringing a slight chill again.

Wei Jiahang flushed a bucket of hot water, asked the maid to wipe off the water on his naked body, put on a robe with wide sleeves, spread it on the Arhat bed and said to himself: "I have to think of a way, if this goes on, it will be a waste of time." dead person's."

He couldn't stand it on the first day, and his father didn't say when it would end.a month?half a year?No no, it's scary to think about it.

"The prince of the county is like this, the servant girl is going to die." The maid with a good face gently pressed his temple with her fingers, expressing no intention.

Her hand slid down slowly, reached Wei Jiahang's collarbone, and slipped quietly into his half-opened skirt.

"My lord, you've just made this maid's heart itch." She lowered her head and whispered in Wei Jiahang's ear, her tone seductive.There were several people serving this errand today, but she spent money and finally got a chance to be alone with him.

Wei Jiahang is much more handsome than his elder brother, and the maids in the mansion have long been eyeing him, just to see who can come out on top.They dare not disobey the order of the princess, but as long as they don't get caught, when Wei Jiahang gets married, he will always have a place for him.

With her teasing, Wei Jiahang naturally understood her thoughts all too well.It's just for fun. Although he hasn't done anything with real swords and guns, he has seen many such scenes.

Stretching out his arms to embrace her, he said with a smile, "Come on, let me taste the fat first."

The maid groaned softly, and the two of them put their heads together.

The ground dragon was burning in the room, so Wei Jiahang just put on a robe, not even his undershirt, and just lay down carelessly.In this way, the robe on his body was opened even more, revealing his well-defined chest muscles, which made the maid blush even more.

Wei Jiahang's hand was dishonest, he stretched in along the half of her worn arm, grasped a soft plump mass, and squeezed lightly.


The two were like glue, but the door was pushed open with a "bang", and the princess stood at the door with a frosty face.She took every precaution, these shameless sluts still tried their best to seduce her son!

Fortunately, she let someone in the yard and found something was wrong, so she immediately reported it to her.

Startled, both of them stopped moving.


The maid hurriedly rolled off the stool behind her and knelt down on the ground, shaking like a fallen leaf in the wind.In such a warm room, cold sweat dripped down.

The Crown Princess pursed her lips, and without even looking at her, she ordered in a cold voice: "Drag on, die!"

"Yes!" Two burly women came up from behind her, one on the left and the other on the right, and they were about to drag her down.

"No, no!" The maid struggled frantically, her voice was shrill, and she picked the cracks in the bricks with her specially painted nails.But the ground was so smooth that it couldn't bear it at all, and her nails broke silently, leaving only bloodstains.

"Help me, Prince of the County, please help me!" The fear of death made this pretty face extremely distorted.She knew that the princess was never relentless, so she had no choice but to grab the last straw.

He will intercede, right?
Just now, he was affectionate and loved her wantonly.

However, she was doomed to be disappointed.Wei Jiahang straightened his robe and sat up. In front of the princess, he was just a child who did something wrong. He bowed his head and said nothing.

"Gag her mouth." The princess ordered impatiently, thinking that she was too noisy.

The maid shook her head desperately and struggled, but her strength was no match for the punishment woman who specialized in doing this. Her mouth was gagged and she let out a "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...""

She knew she was done.

"Just stick to death in the yard! Let all the maids in the yard come and see, what is the end of seducing the master." The princess did not turn her head, and said with a sigh of relief: "Let these little rascals show me well, move The consequences of such a twisted mind."

The punishment wife agreed and escorted her out of the house.

Only then did the princess raise her eyes, and the confidant maid who served her received her wink, bowed out and left, and closed the door to leave the space here for the mother and son.

"Tell me about you, what are you talking about." The princess looked at Wei Jiahang, and reprimanded: "I just made a mistake yesterday, and I don't know how to restrain myself today?"

In front of her, Wei Jiahang was not as afraid as he was in front of the prince.He stretched his waist and said with a playful smile: "Mother Concubine, don't be angry, the child knows how to measure. It's just playing with her, and it won't be serious."

"It is for you to know." The princess said earnestly: "You are still young, if you get hurt, it will be a lifetime thing. Ordinarily, I shouldn't take care of this kind of thing. Who told your father to ignore it?"

"Okay, okay, son naturally knows that the concubine mother is doing it for my own good." He stood up and walked to the concubine, pulled her to sit on the Arhat bed, and knelt on his side to beat her shoulders, coaxing: " Don't be angry, don't be angry. For a beautiful person like Concubine Mu, she won't look good when she is angry."

"Isn't it because of you?" The princess gave him an angry look.He relaxed his body and half leaned against the edge of the bed, enjoying his son's service, most of the anger in his heart had already dissipated.

"Don't think about it, how can you let your father calm down?"

Wei Jiahang hurriedly said: "Speaking of this, my son just had an idea just now. If it wasn't for that lowly maid just now, I would have talked to my concubine about it."

"Oh?" Hearing what he said seriously, the princess sat up straight and asked, "Do you really have an idea?" She was actually just asking casually, but she didn't expect that he really had an idea.

Wei Jiahang nodded, and said aggrievedly: "Really. Concubine mother, you always don't believe in children."

"Then talk about it." The princess smiled, even if it was a child's talk, she would listen to him.

"Didn't the father say that those courtiers didn't say anything, but they believed in their hearts that we did it?" Wei Jiahang rubbed the princess's shoulders with one hand, and said, "I'm thinking about it, the crux of the problem lies in Fang at home."

(End of this chapter)

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