Twin Brocade

Chapter 424 Absurd

Chapter 424 Absurd
"Where did you go?" the prince asked in a low voice.

"I..." Wei Jiahang's face was extremely ugly, and he replied in a low voice: "My son, I'm afraid I fell into someone else's trap."

The crown prince shook his hand holding the wine glass, and a few drops of the transparent wine splashed out on the front of his robe.He didn't bother to wipe it, he stared at Wei Jiahang and said, "Tell me carefully."

The chill in his eyes made Wei Jiahang tremble, and he said, "Father, I'm going out before the luncheon today. Some people say that Sister Baochun sent me to go."

Under the cover of the sound of dancing and music, Wei Jiahang briefly explained the process, and the Prince's face darkened as he listened.If it wasn't for being in the main hall at this moment, he wished he could kick it over.


The prince stared at him, and growled, "How could you just come back like this?"

"I..." Wei Jiahang said in astonishment, "If my son doesn't come back, are you going to guard the corpse there?"

"Of course you should guard!" The prince gritted his teeth and said, "Since someone set up a trap to harm you, how could you not guard the scene of the incident?"

"This is the imperial palace. It's not as good as other places. I still don't believe it. He can make it leak-proof. No one will touch the things inside when you are there, and you can always find clues."

"Then, then I'll go back now." Wei Jiahang stammered nervously, getting up to leave.

The prince raised his forehead and said, "Sit down!" Why did he give birth to such a stupid son, and now even the body has been carried away, what's the use of him going back now?

He glanced back, and ordered the confidant eunuch behind him to call Princess Baochun up.

"Father, you called me?" Here, Princess Baochun put away her arrogance and behaved very well.

"Let me ask you, where were you before the luncheon today?" the prince asked.

Seeing his uneasy expression, recalling that Wei Jiahang had been missing for a long time, Baochun would suddenly ask about his movements, Baochun carefully recalled: "Returning to my father, my son entered the harem, and first went to Yanqing Palace to pay his respects. Then I went to Changle Palace. Later, I followed the emperor's grandmother to invite the great grandmother, and entered Baolin Garden together."

"At that time, she was in Baolin Garden." Her tone was very certain.

"Did you send someone to call Hang'er?"

"No," Princess Baochun said in surprise, "Baolin Garden is in the harem, why should I invite my second brother?" Wei Jiahang is the emperor's grandson, but in today's harem there are not only the emperor's family members, but also the imperial wife Miss.

"Father, what happened?"

The prince glanced at Wei Jiahang, and said: "Look, even your sister understands the truth, so you just followed? Baochun, after the banquet is over, Father will definitely let us stay, so you just follow the rules." It’s true, to be honest.”

If this meeting let her know what happened, it would lose the truth.

Wei Jiahang's face turned pale again, and after Princess Baochun stepped back, he asked in a trembling voice, "Father, what should I do there?" He had a premonition that his son might be abandoned .

"What can we do?" The prince's voice seemed to come from afar.He only heard him say: "You are drunk, you mess up your sex, you mess up the palace, you forced your father, Huang Baolin, to death, there are all witnesses and material evidences, can you still deny it?"

"Father, Royal Father," Wei Jiahang said tremblingly with tears streaming down his face, " clearly know that my son was wronged."

"I know what's the use, what evidence can you come up with?" The prince said angrily: "Others have set up a trap, and you foolishly drilled in."

He took a deep breath, looked over Wei Jiahang's head, and glanced at Wei Jiaren.Now it seems that although the eldest son is cowardly and unpleasant, he also has his advantages, at least he will not fall into the trap of others so recklessly.

Now, it's useless to say anything else.There is not much time left, so it is better to think about remedial measures quickly.

What they did here fell into Wei Yixin's eyes, and a smile appeared on her lips.Ever since seeing Wei Jiahang reappeared here, she knew that the event had been accomplished.

Empress Cao did not disappoint her, and perfectly cooperated with her plan.

It is not easy to implement this plan in the palace without the shadow guards and all eyes and ears.

The little eunuch who lured Wei Jiahang away was pretending to be Wei Yixin's confidant, and he was not afraid of revealing his secrets.That Baolin was held hostage by Wei Yixin's family members, so he had to cooperate with her in this scene and committed suicide.The two eunuchs next to Wei Jiahang were bribed by her, and they turned against each other.

If you search carefully for this arrangement, there will definitely be traces to follow.

However, Empress Cao took away the dead Baolin and asked Wei Jiahang to tidy up and return to the dinner party.This action, seemingly magnanimous and benevolent, actually completely destroyed the scene.

Coupled with Wei Yixin's own arrangements, she is confident that even the shadow guards will not be able to find out the relationship between this matter and her.

If something like this happened in the palace, no matter it was true or not, no matter whether Emperor Qinglong believed it in his heart or not, Wei Jiahang must be useless.According to her understanding of the prince's ruthless nature, in order to secure his position, he will do anything.

The singing and dancing gradually stopped, and the music ended.

The royal family members dispersed from the palace in twos and threes, and the princes and grandchildren all retired.The prince knew what was in his heart, and he stayed until the end before bringing his three children to plead guilty to the empress.

Emperor Qinglong stood up and said, "Come with me." This is the main hall, so it's inconvenient to discuss matters.In the apse, Emperor Qinglong sat in the dragon chair, and Empress Cao sat on the chair beside him.

"I know everything, so let's talk about it." Emperor Qinglong raised his hand, motioning for the prince to speak.

The prince knelt on the ground and pleaded guilty: "It's because the sons and ministers are not strict in teaching the children, which makes the father and queen worry about it!"

Wei Jiaren, Wei Jiahang, and Princess Baochun knelt down behind him in turn.

Emperor Qinglong didn't speak, the atmosphere in the room was extremely tense.Wei Jiahang knelt on the ground, his body trembling uncontrollably, he felt that he was about to suffocate.

Once the crime of messing up the palace is proven, even if he is the grandson of the emperor, there is only death waiting for him.

The crown prince knew that such vague pleadings would not be enough to get away with it, so he bit the bullet and said: "Hang'er is young and ignorant, he was deceived and framed, I hope the emperor will investigate clearly!"

"Framed? What's the benefit of framing him?" Emperor Qinglong asked lightly.

This question is also the place where the prince is puzzled.If he came here for his position, the target should be him, at least it should be Wei Jiaren, how could it be Wei Jiahang?

If it was meant to weaken his wings, Wei Jiahang was still young, so it was impossible for him to take his turn.

The prince's tone was stagnant, and he reluctantly said: "People's hearts are unpredictable, and I don't know what the motives of the people behind that are. But father, think about it, no matter how ignorant he is, he would not dare to act like that in the palace. It's ridiculous."

(End of this chapter)

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