Twin Brocade

Chapter 432 Human Life

Chapter 432 Human Life
The Crown Princess screamed "Ah!", and the golden hairpin dropped from her hand, drawing a bloodstain on her neck.

"Have you had enough trouble?" Before she could react, the prince came to her side, pointed at the back of her neck, and her body went limp.

This series of changes shocked the servants so much that they couldn't react in time.Seeing the crown princess collapsed, her maid hesitated to speak.

The crown prince ordered: "She's fine, you help her back so she can rest. Go find Shizi and Bao Chunlai, and guard her. If you wake up and go crazy again, come and tell me." He couldn't say whether he liked Dai Shi, The two married only out of necessity.Dai raised two sons and one daughter for him, and he gave her the status she deserved.

But these things that Dai Shi did recently made him loathe her a little.But hate is disgust, but the prince cannot live without the princess.

"Clean up this place, and change Hang'er's clothes." The prince closed his eyes, took the last letter, and said, "Go to the palace alone."

Since he had already sacrificed the life of a son, how could he not take advantage of this opportunity to cry about the loss of his beloved son in front of his father?
The first day of the new year is supposed to be the beginning of a new year, but the prince's residence has to hold a funeral.Such things can always arouse Emperor Qinglong's compassion and love, and strive for more benefits for himself.

It was instinctive for him to use everything available.Even if, Wei Jiahang's death was his own order.

Wei Jiahang has not reached the championship yet, so it can only be regarded as a premature death.Emperor Qinglong had deprived him of his name, so he could only be buried according to the rules of common people.Right now, the princess is in a coma and the prince is entering the palace. The internal and external housekeepers in charge of the mansion don't know what to do, so they go to ask the prince's confidant, Mr. Du, for advice.

"Wait first." Master Du said, "We'll wait until the news from the palace comes out."

What happened at the New Year's Eve banquet yesterday involved a scandal involving Emperor Qinglong's palace, the crown prince did not tell him, and he had no way of judging.But no matter what crime Wei Jiahang committed, since he is dead, the emperor will always forgive him.

Only then did the housekeeper know what to do, and he cleaned Wei Jiahang's body first, and changed into the shroud.Then he directed the servants in the mansion to hang up white lanterns, and removed all the festive decorations for the New Year.

Naturally, such a big commotion in the Prince's mansion cannot be concealed from those who are interested.

Wei Yixin knelt on the reed mat, in front of her was a set of tea set used in ancient etiquette, and a stick of fragrance wafted up.Boil water, add tea foam, and add a few seasonings. The movements are elegant and coherent, pleasing to the eye.

"Master, the prince of the prince's mansion passed away early this morning."


Wei Yixin stretched out her plain hand and picked up the cup of tea that she had just brewed.The taste of the tea was adjusted to be bitter and salty by her, and there was also a faint astringency that lingered on the tip of her tongue.

She took a small sip and tasted it slowly, as if she was tasting the tears and grief of the princess.

In the previous life, the princess was favored by the prince, but she was submissive on the surface, but she never took her seriously.She is obviously a daughter-in-law, but she does things unscrupulously. She even gave Princess Baochang a bad idea and let Baochang come to trouble her.

Wei Jiahang's death was just a way to teach the princess a lesson.

There was a pleasant smile on the corner of her mouth, and she ordered: "Tell the horse farm, I will go there on the eighth day of the eighth day." It is also time to review your team.

Since many things have changed in this life, such as the death of Wei Jiahang that she personally promoted this time.Then, she had to make preparations early. The prince, the important ministers in the court, and her own father, King Qi, had to lay out the chess pieces early for later use.

In this plan of hers, not only Wei Jiahang died.Sooner or later, Rong Baolin and the two people who were angered because of this matter will die, and if they count like this, there will be three lives.

But what are these, compared to the big plan she planned?It's just a few lives, and she doesn't care about it.

Fang Jinshu, who received the news, was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses.

She expected Wei Yixin to attack fiercely, but she did not expect to hear the news of Wei Jiahang's death on the first day of the new year.This is really, a bit too abrupt.

Wei Yixin, what did she do?
"Girl, girl?" Fang Xin called out worriedly.

As far as Fang Jinshu was concerned, when Wei Jiahang died, the marriage would naturally fall through.However, most of the capital knew about the marriage proposal in the Prince's Mansion.In this way, Fang Jinshu's reputation might be hindered.

Taking Chen Wansu as an example, when her fiancé who was engaged to her was killed by a drunk, she was said to have a hard life.This time, the Prince's Mansion was just a marriage proposal, and Wei Jiahang died suddenly on the first day of the Lunar New Year. I am afraid that Fang Jinshukefu's words will be heard immediately.

Therefore, Fangxin was a little worried.

Fang Jinshu came to his senses, saw her worried eyes, smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine, it's just that I feel a little sudden." She got up and said, "I'll go to my mother."

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, every family gathered at home, drinking Tusu wine and eating dumplings, not cleaning or bathing, and the chores in the mansion were reduced a lot.

Si Lansheng is a mistress who is considerate of servants, so she arranged for the steward's daughter-in-law to take turns so that more servants could go home for the New Year.The preparations that should be busy have been completed years ago, and she can relax on this day.

There are fewer people, and the Fangfu is much cleaner.

Fang Jinshu put on a cloak and walked along the corridor to Mingyu Courtyard.

"Mother." She said hello.

Si Lansheng naturally received the news of Wei Jiahang's death.When the prince's mansion came to propose marriage, Fang Jinshu said he would leave the matter to her, but he did not expect such a result.

Seeing Fang Jinshu coming, she knew what was going on, and waved her hand to let all the maids who were serving her go down, and let Yanxia guard the door.

"Do you know the reason for this incident?" Si Lansheng did not believe that this incident had something to do with her daughter.

Firstly, she didn't believe that Fang Jinshu would do harm to avoid this marriage; secondly, it was the Prince's Mansion, even if Fang Jinshu wanted to, there was nothing he could do.

But in order to confirm, she still asked one more question.

Fang Jinshu shook his head slowly, and said, "Daughter doesn't know. I guess, people who don't want to see Fang's family and the Prince's Mansion become in-laws are doing it secretly behind the scenes."

What she said was the truth, and this was also the reason why Wei Yixin made a move.But when Si Lansheng heard it, he automatically interpreted it as Fang Shuyu's political opponent, and he didn't want to see the Fang family get such a good marriage.Or, some people don't want the prince to get the Fang family's in-laws.

She took a deep breath and said, "They are too ruthless."

Master Du issued a password-sealed order, from the New Year's Eve banquet to this morning, nothing about the Prince's Mansion is to be disclosed, and anyone who violates it will be shot.Therefore, apart from the news that Wei Jiahang died suddenly, there was no more information revealed.

Therefore, Si Lansheng didn't know what happened in the prince's mansion and why Wei Jiahang died suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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