Twin Brocade

Chapter 437 Depression

Chapter 437 Depression
Fang Muqing laughed angrily, and said: "Yes, I said it. But other girls and people, are you sure they can help Mo'er? It's unknown at the moment. Mo'er and Shu girl have known each other since they were young. cooked."

"Which family in Beijing didn't come here like this." Hao Yunxi waved his hand nonchalantly, and said, "Before we got married, we only met once."

Fang Muqing was helpless, knowing that there was nothing he could do.

Once Hao Yunguo decides on something, ten bulls will not be able to pull it back.It seems that we can only find another way.

She really wanted to get closer, and she also liked Fang Jinshu's calm and intelligent personality.She had a strong intuition that as long as Fang Jinshu was willing, Hao Junmo would be greatly helped in the future, and this help was not only from the Fang family.

However, this is just her intuition, and there is no basis for her to persuade Hao Yunchrome.

The next day is the third day of junior high school, the day when the daughters-in-law of each family return to their natal homes.The ceremony to go to Fang's house had already been prepared, and after arranging the affairs in the mansion, Fang Muqing took Hao Yun into the carriage at the second gate, while Hao Yunguo and Hao Junmo followed on horseback.

When they arrived at Fang's house, everyone went to greet Mrs. Fang first.

Walking on the road, Fang Muqing signaled Hao Junmo to go slower with his eyes, and the two fell behind a few steps. Fang Muqing whispered, "Your father disagrees."

Hao Junmo was startled, and asked silently with his mouth: "Really?"

Fang Muqing nodded and said, "There is no room for change."

She chose to tell him at this time, firstly, to prepare him mentally, and secondly, to prevent him from losing his composure because he thought the marriage was hopeful when he saw Fang Jinshu later.

But Fang Muqing underestimated Hao Junmo's affection for Fang Jinshu.She thought it was just a teenager who was ignorant of love, but she never thought that Hao Junmo had been silently waiting for Fang Jinshu for several years, waiting for her to grow up.

Now that she has finally grown up, she can finally discuss marriage, but she is opposed by her father?
Hao Junmo's mind went blank for a moment, not knowing how to react, he mechanically followed them forward with two legs.It's not that he didn't think that his father would object, but he didn't expect that there was not even a little room for maneuver.

What should he do?
Do you want to fight like Gong Wenjue?But he still doesn't have the ability to challenge his father.

When they arrived in front of Mrs. Fang, Si Lansheng brought Fang Jinhui, Fang Jinshu, and Fang Ziquan there.Si Lansheng is also going back to her natal family today, because the daughters of the Fang family are coming back, so she will stay for half a day to be with them.

When the two parties met, Hao Junmo looked at Fang Jinshu, who had calm brows and eyes, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"What's wrong?" Fang Ziquan nudged him and asked suspiciously.Hao Junmo had always been a gentle young man, why did he look so depressed today.

Seeing him, Hao Junmo's eyes lit up suddenly, and he said in a low voice, "Later, let's find a place to talk alone."


The two sides exchanged pleasantries for a while, and Mrs. Fang said: "Qing'er is here to talk to me, so you should leave and go do whatever you want."

The mother and daughter have not seen each other for a long time, so naturally they have a lot to say.Mrs. Fang also has a married concubine, Fang Mulin, who has not yet returned. She is farther away, and by the way, they are also waiting for her.

Fang Shuyu went to the outer court together with Hao Yunguo to exchange the latest developments in the court situation.

Si Lansheng smiled and said, "In this way, the daughter-in-law will not be an eyesore in front of my mother. Let's go to the banquet and have a good lunch at noon." She took a few daughters down to the house, and Fang Ziquan invited Hao Junmo to his yard.

"What's the matter?" Fang Ziquan sat down, let the boy serve tea, and said, "What's the matter?"

"Alas..." Hao Junmo sighed for a long time, and said worriedly: "It's really difficult, come and give me an idea."

Seeing this, Fang Ziquan asked all the servants who were serving him to go out, and said, "You can speak at ease."

Hao Junmo was silent for a while, and said, "You should have seen what is on my mind." He stretched out his right hand and made a "four".

"I'm not the worm in your stomach, how can you tell?" Fang Ziquan deliberately teased him, glanced at the four fingers he stretched out, and said with a smile: "I don't know, I really don't know."


Hao Junmo looked at the smile in his eyes, what else did he not understand?He said anxiously: "You just want to see me anxious, don't you? Just say, can you help me with this matter!"

"How do you want me to help you?" Fang Ziquan calmed down and said, "That's my sister, so I can't bear it."

"Then am I your good brother?"

"Yes." Fang Ziquan nodded, but changed the tone, and said, "But between good brothers and good sisters, I choose my sister."

The situation is stronger than others, so Hao Junmo could only say with a bitter face: "Okay, you are right to choose a good sister. I am begging you here, can't you?"

The two are cousins, they are similar in age, and they have a very good relationship in private.That's why Fang Ziquan made fun of him like this, and Hao Junmo wanted his help.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, what's the matter?" Fang Ziquan suppressed his smile and asked seriously.He also knew that no matter how much he loved Fang Jinshu, she would marry someone one day.

He would rather marry Hao Junmo than marry someone he is not familiar with.At least, the two families knew each other well, and he also knew Hao Junmo's character, so he could trust him.

"I told my mother about this, and she agreed."

"That's a good thing, what are you doing with a bitter face?"

"But my father doesn't agree." Hao Junmo sighed in a low voice, "You also know my father's temperament. My mother doesn't agree with him even if I tell him. I will only make him angry if I say it myself."

Fang Ziquan nodded approvingly, this uncle has always been serious, and he has been afraid since he was a child.The two families are such close relatives, I'm afraid he can count on ten fingers the things he has said to his uncle.

"Your father doesn't agree, what can I do?" Fang Ziquan was rather regretful, and said, "I'll tell you the truth, if your family wants to propose marriage, I'll see my mother is willing."

Hao Junmo also thought so, but his father disagreed, so how could he come to propose marriage.

"Say, should I follow Wen Jue's example and use my studies to force me?" Hao Junmo knew in his heart that he hadn't reached that level yet, but this was the only way he could come up with, and Fang Ziquan was also the only person he could discuss with. .

Fang Ziquan thought for a while, and said, "It's not right. Your matter is completely different from my elder sister's matter."

"What's the difference? I don't think it's any different."

"No, it's really different." Fang Ziquan analyzed for him: "Big sister and brother Wen Jue, it was the Gong family who proposed marriage first. Our two families have already made a verbal agreement, and we just have to make a formal agreement. Fang Jinpei is the demon. "

"You can't even pass the test of your father right now. The difference is too far."

After he said this, Hao Junmo woke up.Gong Wenjue's persistence at the beginning was precisely because Fang Jinhui was waiting for him.

(End of this chapter)

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