Twin Brocade

Chapter 439 Touch

Chapter 439 Touch
Even at home, Fang Ziquan also lived in the outer courtyard, so he didn't have much time to meet and talk with his sisters.It seemed too deliberate to go looking for the two of them.

Fang Ziquan wanted to find out with Fang Jinhui first since there was nothing left to say.This is safer, it doesn't have to alarm Fang Jinshu first, and it doesn't have to let her worry about it.

Since they are playing chess, the two of them can take this opportunity to have a good talk.

"What's the matter?" Fang Jinhui picked up a white piece in his hand, and said with a slight smile, "Your chess strength has improved, do you want to vent your anger?" Fang Ziquan has been unable to beat her for the two of them.

Fang Ziquan tilted his head slightly, glanced at Fang Jinshu who was talking to Si Huixian, and said with a smile, "How can I beat Big Sister? Let's have a good talk."

"Oh?" Fang Jinhui followed her gaze, made a move, and asked in a low voice, "Fourth sister?"

Fang Ziquan nodded, and gently placed the sunspot in his hand on the chessboard.

Fang Jinhui winked at Qiaohua, Qiaohua understood, and stood aside for a while.The place where the two played chess was more than two feet away from other people. Qiao Hua blocked the way in the future, so he was not afraid that someone would suddenly come over and overhear the conversation.

The two of them lowered their voices very low. In such a cheerful and lively atmosphere, it was impossible to hear their conversation unless they paid special attention.

"This morning, Cousin Mo specifically wanted to talk to me."

They are all people with clear minds, who can understand each other's meaning even when they speak to the point.As soon as he said that, Fang Jinhui understood.She remembered the conversation she had with Fang Jinshu on New Year's Eve, and sighed faintly.

"What?" Fang Ziquan asked.

"Sister, she has no such intentions." Fang Jinhui's voice was very low, just enough for Fang Ziquan to hear.

Fang Ziquan's body froze, and the sunspot in his hand rolled down from the chessboard, and he wondered, "How does Big Sister know?" He just decided to tell Fang Jinhui first, and let her go and talk to his sister in detail.

Fang Jinhui shook his head, she was just in love and could understand Hao Junmo's intentions.She said: "A few days ago, I just talked about this matter with my sister. She only regards him as her elder brother."

"How about, Big Sister ask again?" Fang Ziquan refused to give up, and said a few simple words about Hao Junmo's request, and said, "I think it's a pity."

"But I don't think so." Fang Jinhui said while playing chess: "Since uncle doesn't like it, there is no pity." Hao Junmo's marriage is not his own business, she knows how much the Hao family value him.

Even if Fang Jinshu married in despite the pressure, it might not be easy to wait for her.

"However, we can't make decisions for my sister." Fang Ziquan said, "I'd better ask my elder sister to ask about this matter."

Fang Jinhui nodded thoughtfully, and said, "That's right." Fang Jinshu should always know the important things in life.Just like her and Gong Wenjue, it can be foreseen that it will not be easy to marry into the Gong family in the future, but she is willing to do so.

The day passed by in a hurry, and the Fang family's carriage entered the second gate under the warm setting sun.

Fang Shuyu got off the horse and stretched out her hand to help Si Lansheng out.The orange sunlight shone on Si Lansheng's still graceful figure, and the hands they clasped were glowing with a kind of happiness called happiness under the sunlight.

"I'll go to the study." Fang Shuyu said with a smile.

Si Lansheng gave a soft "um", after so many years, he still felt his heart throbbing when he was with him.

Fang Ziquan said goodbye to his sisters and returned to the outer courtyard.The two sisters Fang Jinhui and Fang Jinshu followed Si Lansheng back to the inner house, and returned to Cuiwei Courtyard arm in arm.

"younger sister."

As soon as Fang Jinshu changed into homely clothes, Fang Jinhui appeared at the door, holding a newly made scarf in his hand, and said with a smile, "I made one a few days ago, my sister will try it out, it's suitable."

"Big sister, come in and sit down."

Fang Jinshu let her in, and said with a smile, "Why is the big sister's craftsmanship inappropriate?" Then he asked Fang Xin to try it on for her, and said with a smile, "It's really comfortable."

"I don't have to go to school for a few days, so I was thinking, I want to talk to you." Fang Jinhui said, motioning for Qiaohua to take the little maid down.Seeing this, Fang Jinshu also asked Fangxin to step down.

"Big sister, is there something for me?"

Fang Jinhui pondered for a while, and said: "It's a coincidence, we just talked about it on New Year's Eve."

"New Year's Eve?" Fang Jinshu realized with a smile, "Didn't I say that day?" She didn't want to harm Hao Junmo.

"It's like this..." Fang Jinhui told the story, and said, "Cousin Mo wants to emulate Gong Wenjue, but he is worried about causing trouble to you. So, I asked Ziquan to ask you what you mean. "

"You may understand his painstaking efforts?"

Fang Jinshu was silent for a while, and said, "If that's the case, I won't be able to cope." She looked up at Fang Jinhui with clear eyes, and said, "Big sister, I know myself best. He treats me so well, he will only let me guilty."

Such a bright and sunny boy, with such a burning heart exposed in front of her, it must be a lie to say that she has not been touched.

However, it is only a touch.

She can accept marriages due to political interests, and even two people who have never met.However, she couldn't clearly know Hao Junmo's infatuation, but use him and deceive him.

How could she not know Hao Yun's rigidity, the pressure Hao Junmo was going to face was even more severe than Gong Wenjue's back then.If she complied at this time, Hao Junmo would only think that she also had intentions. Isn't this deliberate deception?
"I still need to ask my elder sister to try to refuse." Fang Jinshu said with a serious expression, "I don't want him to waste time." Hao Junmo is now at the age of seeing each other for marriage, so there is no delay.

"He really has no chance at all?" Fang Jinhui asked.


"That's fine." Fang Jinhui nodded, and said, "I'll find a chance to tell Zi Quan, sister, you can rest assured."

Fang Jinshu thought for a while and said, "Big sister, wait."

She opened the drawer of the pear blossom wood chest of drawers, took out a brocade box, handed it to Fang Jinhui and said, "Return this to Brother Mo for me, and he will understand."

"This is?"

"He once gave me a piece of Tianhuang stone, without engraving." The seal with her name already engraved is naturally inconvenient to return.But if the stone is returned as it is, Hao Junmo will understand her determination.

"This..." Fang Jinhui hesitated, and said, "Do you want to wait until the Chinese New Year is over before sending it?" Hao Junmo might be disappointed for a long time if this piece of Tian Huangshi is sent back.

"Just a few days." Fang Jinshu said, "It's not that I'm cruel. The longer this kind of thing drags on, the worse it will be for him."

She knows what it's like to be deeply rooted in love, and also knows the pain of not getting what you want.Before Hao Junmo's feelings for her have reached such a deep level, he can break away as soon as possible so that he can leave as soon as possible.

She didn't want to be the regret in Hao Junmo's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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