Twin Brocade

Chapter 458 Chewing Pain

Chapter 458 Chewing Pain

Fang Ziquan knew it well, and was also worried about whether Hao Junmo could pass this hurdle.It just so happened that Gong Wenjue was about to leave Beijing again, so he thought of taking this opportunity to drag Hao Junmo out of the mansion to relax.

Gong Wenjue couldn't help but find it a little strange that he didn't say the reason, and he was so solemn about it.He asked: "I plan to invite several people to come tomorrow. Is this appropriate?"

"The left and right are just the few people we've made friends with, so there's nothing wrong with it." Fang Ziquan said nonchalantly, "According to me, it's better if there are more people. The more people are lively, the cousin Mo won't think wildly."

"Why don't you tell me the reason, and I'll give you an idea?" Gong Wenjue glanced at him and said, "What happened to Jun Mo? Is your idea feasible?"

"I said I can't tell you right now." Fang Ziquan said, "Just do me a favor and let him come out to relax. The location, how about we rent a boat on Luoshui?"

"What are you thinking?" Gong Wenjue said angrily, "It's freezing cold, go to Luoshui to blow the cold wind, where can there be any scenery to enjoy?"

He thought for a while and said, "I'll go back and have someone go to Tianjin Qiaotou to have a look. Is there any wine shop that we can go out to?" Facing Luoshui, there are several wine shops and teahouses with elegant environment, headed by "Ting Xiang Xiang Xie". .

It's just that the New Year's Eve is the time to meet for a banquet, and it is also the time when the business in these places is the best, so there may not be a seat.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to send the post."

After agreeing, Gong Wenjue left.In the afternoon, someone sent someone to deliver the post, and the location was in a wine shop not far from Tingxiang Pavilion.

Fang Ziquan looked at the names on the post. There were Chu Mo and Tang Ding who were familiar with him, and Wu Jinsong and Zhu Wenze who had not had much contact with each other, and there were a few others who they didn't know at all.

Gong Wenjue is the eldest grandson of the Minister of the Household Department, and he has a wide range of friends, far more people than Fang Ziquan.Since it was a small farewell banquet for him to leave Beijing, he had already changed the venue because of his request, so the person who invited him, Fang Ziquan, would naturally not comment again.

The next day, Fang Ziquan woke up early, greeted Si Lansheng, and left Fang's house.Not far from the alley at the entrance of Hao's residence, I met Gong Wenjue slowly riding his horse over.

"Brother Wen Jue has a heart!" Fang Ziquan said with a smile as he cupped his hands.

Gong Wenjue turned over and got off the horse, and said: "Your request, do I dare not take it to heart? Later, if you tell Jinhui that I am wrong, I will have nothing to do."

During the conversation, he did not shy away from Fang Jinhui's doting.

"You can just be smug, that's my big sister!" Seeing his appearance, Fang Ziquan wished he could slap him to the ground.It is said that this person is a gentleman, why does he sometimes make people hate him so much?

Gong Wenjue smiled and said, "Let's go, it's important to do business."

The two had sent posts to Hao's house yesterday, but they didn't wait for Hao Junmo's reply.This time I will come to visit, and there is a servant waiting at the door.

"Master Biao, come here with your servant." Fang Ziquan recognized the young servant, and he was serving by Hao Junmo's side.At this moment, he was crying and mournful, and his complexion was very ugly.

Fang Ziquan's heart tightened.

He knew that Fang Jinshu's rejection of Hao Junmo must have hit him hard.But he didn't expect that Hao Junmo, who cared about family responsibilities, would be so abnormal in the new year.

If he had known this earlier, no matter how busy he was, he should have come to take a look at it early in the morning instead of delaying until today.

"Lead the way quickly." Fang Ziquan waved his hand and quickened his pace.

Gong Wenjue followed quickly, and whispered in his ear: "If there is something wrong, you must tell me the reason."

Fang Ziquan nodded indiscriminately.This matter has something to do with Fang Jinshu, and Fang Jinshu is negotiating a marriage right now, so her reputation cannot be exposed to any flaws.Fortunately, Gong Wenjue is a gentleman, Fang Jinhui's fiancé, and a member of his own family.

If it really doesn't work, the only one he can turn to for help is Gong Wenjue.

The servant brought the two of them to the study room, and said anxiously, "Please, two young masters. My young master has been staying in there for several days, and he doesn't even pay attention to what the wife and master say."

"Master got angry yesterday and said that if this continues, he will ask to become a monk today."


Fang Ziquan pushed the door and entered, followed by Gong Wenjue.

The ground dragon was burning in the room, and the heat evaporated a sour smell mixed with the smell of distiller's grains, which came to the nostrils.The smell was so bad that they raised their arms and covered their noses with their sleeves.

The room was dimly lit, and the windows were all shut tightly.On the desk, scrolls were piled up in a mess, and brushes and ink were placed aside indiscriminately.The ink in the inkstone has long since dried up, and there are still many balls of paper lying on the ground.

When the two of them took a closer look, Hao Junmo was lying on the ground with his head up, his hands spread out and his legs curled up.Beside him were several empty wine jars.He didn't know if he was awake or asleep, the sound of them coming in didn't alarm him at all.

"What are you doing?" The air in the room was dirty, Fang Ziquan motioned for the boy to open all the windows.

The little servant timidly glanced at Hao Junmo lying on the ground, not daring to move.It's not that he didn't open the window before, but the young master angrily stopped him.

Gong Wenjue frowned, strode forward, and opened the windows one by one with his own hands.

Fresh air blows in with a cold wind, diluting the smell in the room at once.The interior of the house gradually became brighter.

Feeling the sunlight, Hao Junmo, who was lying on the ground like a dead fish, squinted his eyes, jumped up from the ground, and shouted angrily, "Who told you to open the window?"

After Fang Ziquan left that day, he managed to remain calm.

But as time went by, the pain in my heart became more and more severe.He also wanted to control his thoughts, but he couldn't help but think of everything related to her.

Her eyebrows, her lips, the words she said and she softly called "Brother Mo"... How could he forget all of this?

But from now on, these have nothing to do with him.

Sooner or later she was going to be engaged and married.Thinking that there was another man by her side who would hold her in his arms, Hao Junmo's heart felt as if it had been cut into pieces, dripping with blood.

This kind of pain penetrates deep into the bone marrow and entangles in the soul.No, he can control it if he wants to.

In the end, he could only anesthetize himself with alcohol.Locking myself in the study, I don't want to go out and don't want to see others, and later, I don't even want to see the sun.

In the darkness of night, he can miss alone.In such a space, he can chew the pain.

until today.

"I drove it." Gong Wenjue turned to look at him, and said solemnly: "I don't know what happened to you, but you should cheer up."

Hao Junmo's cheeks sunken, he opened his empty eyes and looked at him, then closed them again.

(End of this chapter)

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