Twin Brocade

Chapter 470

Chapter 470
"The marriage of the Chu family should be done." But no matter how unwilling he was, he hadn't reached the time to protect his wife and daughter. At this time, he could only resort to external forces.

Si Lansheng nodded, and said: "Well, I'll make a post to ask Mrs. Chu to play together." She is a woman, so it's hard to say directly.Fortunately, there is so much communication between the wives, and Mrs. Chu can understand what she means by just finding any reason.

Fang Shuyu relieved her again, and the two of them rested.

The rest of the Spring Festival has come to an end, tomorrow he will get up early to go to the Yamen, and Si Lansheng will make preparations for Fang Jinshu to go to Qi Wangfu.The meaning behind this incident can only be observed slowly in the future.

Fang Jinshu had finished washing, lying on the bed thinking about what happened today, and carefully thinking about Wei Yixin's actions.With such a sudden appearance, is she trying to win over the Fang family, or does she have some other purpose?
There are several speculations, but Fang Jinshu is not sure.Right now, we can only take one step at a time.

The only thing that is certain is that he cannot show his feet in front of Wei Yixin.All the habits in the previous life cannot be revealed.

Fortunately, since discovering that Wei Yixin was also reborn, Fang Jinshu has been slowly adjusting his habits.

Everything from basic necessities of life, personal preferences, to the spices used have been modified intentionally or unintentionally.Over the past few years, she has also formed new habits, which should not arouse her suspicion.

Well, before leaving, she still has some things to arrange.

It's been a month and a half, and no one can say what will happen.It must be arranged well in advance, so that you will not be caught off guard when the time comes.Before falling asleep, Fang Jinshu went through everything in his mind again, silently about the arrangements for tomorrow morning, and then fell into a deep sleep.

She slept soundly that night.It's just Prince Qi's mansion, the storms and waves in the previous life have come, so it's nothing at the moment.What's more, because of this, she should recharge her energy.

After the Lantern Festival night, Luoyang City glowed with new vitality.

Although the faces of the people were still tired, their spirits were better one by one.The new year has passed, which means that the fourth year of Qinglong has officially begun.

This year, everyone has new wishes to realize and new goals.Being busy means that you are one step closer to what you want, and you are more motivated.

In Fang's mansion, everyone from the master to the servants got up early.

Fang Jinhui looked haggard.Gong Wenjue is about to go on a long journey, and his sister will go to Qi Wangfu for half a month.The short and long parting made her feel uneasy.

Seeing her worried face, Fang Jinshu smiled and said, "Elder Sister, don't worry about me. Even if the county chief makes things difficult for me, I will bear it and pass it. It will take only half a month, and it will be soon."

While talking, she watched Fang Fei pack her luggage.

Since Wei Yixin said that she would go over today, she probably wouldn't leave too much time for her and the Fang family.The sooner she gets it sorted, the better.

Seeing her flustered here, Fang Jinhui said: "I understand, so I won't bother my sister here. I'll go to my mother first, and come when you are well."

Fang Jinshu agreed, watched Fang Jinhui go out, handed several different letters to Fangfei, and said, "This time I will take Fangxin and Chunyu to the palace, and your mission is more important. After sending these letters, pay attention Listen to the news."

These letters were addressed to Princess Jing'an, Princess Seven, Jinghe, Lady Han, and Gaolou. Fang Jinshu made different arrangements for different people.

She has worked hard for the past few years to obtain these network resources, she need not be a fool.

However, Lady Han and Gaolou's forces need to be kept secret, especially in front of Wei Yixin, it is absolutely impossible to reveal the slightest bit.So in the letter to them, Fang Jinshu repeatedly told them not to act rashly no matter what news they heard about her.

No matter whether Wei Yixin is suspicious of her or not, she has to be on guard.If you are afraid, Wei Yixin uses her as bait to test the Fang family and her own team.

It was the same intention to keep Fang Fei behind.Fang Fei has been by her side since she came back to life, and has been most influenced by her.Although she might not reveal her flaws, Fang Jinshu didn't want to take any risks.Moreover, Fang Fei was loyal enough, Fang Jinshu was more flexible when she was outside.

Fang Jinshu wasn't afraid to face Wei Yixin, but he tried to speculate on her with the utmost malice.

She knew very well that there was such a cruel side hidden in her soul in the previous life.And this side, now it's all on Wei Yixin's body, as the princess, it gives Wei Yixin more and greater convenience.

As for the luggage, Fang Jinshu only took two small bags.

She was going to Prince Qi's mansion, not traveling far away.Even if she is a maidservant, there are all the corresponding living and bedding in the palace.Besides, she went to make amends on behalf of Fang Jinwei, not as a guest.There is too much luggage, but it seems that I don't know how to advance or retreat.

"Ma'am, the carriage from Prince Qi's Mansion has arrived, and they say they are here to pick up Miss Fourth as a guest." The servant entered the room and reported.

Si Lansheng nodded, suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, and told Yanxia, ​​"Go and invite Shuer." It was just after breakfast, and Wei Yixin couldn't wait even before she had time to greet her.

After a cup of tea, Fang Jinshu came to Si Lansheng, and said with a blessing, "Mother, my daughter will come back after half a month, so don't forget about it."

Fang Jinhui looked at her, unable to speak in front of his mother, so he could only smile and said, "Sister, let's go to the palace, I'm here."

Looking at her daughter, Si Lansheng was full of emotion.If she had acted decisively, Fang Jinshu would have been the daughter-in-law of the Chu family who had never been married, and perhaps for the sake of the Chu family, this would not have happened.

King Qi has a good reputation among the people, but Fang Jinshu is here to make amends after all.With this reason in mind, even if Duan Cheng made things difficult, Fang Jinshu would have to accept it.

After a few words of advice, Si Lansheng said: "Go, don't keep the people in the palace waiting too long." As a mother, no matter how reluctant she is to part with her daughter, she can't go see her off.

Coming out of Mingyu Courtyard, Fang Jinshu first went to Ci'an Hall to say goodbye to Mrs. Fang.

To her surprise, Pang and everyone from the second room were there, looked at her gratefully and said: "Thanks to Shu girl, Wei girl didn't suffer a loss this time, my uncle and grandma took care of you."

Although she is often unwilling to admit it, Fang Jinwei and Fang Jinshu are different in identity.

If Fang Jinwei went to Qi Wang's mansion to make amends, she might be treated as a slave.Her father, Fang Zhe, was just an idler in the capital. Couldn't the majestic royal princess send her away?

What's more, it was Fang Jinwei who dropped the imperial gift first, and Duancheng Princess did not pursue this crime of disrespect, which is already extraordinarily merciful.Even if she got Yuqian to tell her, Wei Yixin was merciful.

(End of this chapter)

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