Twin Brocade

Chapter 481 The Noble Lady in Beijing

Chapter 481 The Noble Lady in Beijing

What Wei Yixin invited was naturally not some wealthy civil servant.

The prince's family is the opponent of King Qi, but on the surface they are happy brothers and friends.Neither the crown prince nor the children of King Qianyang will be the ones Wei Yixin invites.

In this way, only the royal family and Wu Xun's family are left.Speaking of it, Wei Yixin complained to Queen Mother Xiao about having no playmates, but it was the truth.

The fifth lady Wei Xuejiao under the knee of Prince Duan, Cao Yichan from the Cao family of Dingguo Duke, Liu Qiyun, the first daughter of the Liu family of Pingguo Duke, Shi Jingfu, the second daughter of the Shi family of Anguo Duke, and the only daughter of the Zhongguo Duke. The first daughter Wu Jiao, and the first daughters of several other clansmen.

These aristocratic daughters are all favored daughters-in-law of each family, and they are qualified to make friends with Wei Yixin.

Since the founding of Gao Mang, the first emperor has given rewards to the heroes who followed him to conquer the world.Among them, the Dukes of the Four Great Kingdoms made the most contributions and received the highest titles, and they were hereditary.

At present, Emperor Qinglong is Gao Mang's second emperor, and the Duke's mansion is also filled with second Dukes.In the past few decades, the situation of each state government has changed.

Dingguogong's mansion is the mother's house of the headed empress. It is both a prince and a relative.Among the four great princes right now, he is number one.

Duke Dingguo knew how powerful he was, and he was afraid that he would be tabooed by the royal family. Apart from supervising the progress of his descendants every day, he didn't care about the affairs of the court.But he doesn't ask, it doesn't mean his influence is small.

The second place is Duke Zhong.The Wu family was loyal to Emperor Qinglong, and the eldest son Wu Chao served in the palace and commanded the Imperial Army of the Beiya.This kind of trust is very rare.

Therefore, even though Wu Jiao was older than the little sisters Wei Yixin had invited, and she was about to get married, Wei Yixin had to invite her.Since it is a small banquet for the sisters in the boudoir, no one of the noble daughters of the four major kingdoms' mansions can be left behind.

Counting down, it is An Guogong Shi's family.The Shi family was on the wrong team when Emperor Qinglong ascended the throne, but luckily they were not in deep trouble.After Emperor Qinglong succeeded to the throne, because of the great contributions made by the Shi family, the extrajudicial favor was not punished.

But in this way, everyone knew that the Shi family had lost the emperor's favor.In the past few years, the Shi family has been extremely low-key, fearing that an accidental anger will make the emperor angry, and the title will be lost.

As for Duke Ping, the Duke of the Liu family, who is mediocre in ability and has no ambitions, indulges in beauty all day long, and raises a whole yard of Yingying and Yanyan.

Shizi is a typical playboy in Beijing, with first-rate ability to get into trouble.In addition to the legitimate children, there are also a bunch of concubines and concubines.A mansion as big as the Duke's Mansion can hardly accommodate so many people.

Wei Yixin is familiar with these noble girls, and Fang Jinshu is also familiar with them.

In the previous life, they would follow their mothers and enter the palace for pilgrimage.Over the course of a year, I always come in several times on New Year's Eve, Shengshou Festival, Qianqiu Festival, and Empress Dowager Xiao's birthday.

Early the next morning, Wei Yixin sent someone to bring the changed dress to Fang Jinshu.

This is a pair of peacock-pattern eight-treasure skirt with blue cloud pattern and pearls, and a short silver fox fur shawl on it.The texture is luxurious, and the moiré flickers and flows between walking, which is overwhelming.

"It's too precious." Fang Jinshu knew she couldn't refuse, but she couldn't accept it so simply.Caressing the soft and smooth silver fox fur on the shawl, she couldn't put it down with an expression on her face.

Xiaofeng said with a smile: "Miss Si puts her heart in her stomach. You must accept the kindness of the princess. It's nothing. Miss Si will understand when she sees other girls."

The materials used for the dresses were expensive, but not to mention the royal family members, even for the four major kingdoms, it was not a rare item.

"Really?" Fang Jinshu asked cautiously, "Sister Xiaofeng, don't lie to me."

"Look at what the fourth girl said, how dare the maidservant deceive you." Xiaofeng's hands were skillful, and he straightened her hair in a few strokes, and fixed it with an ivory tortoiseshell hair comb, and said with a smile: "Okay, maidservant I will take you there."

"Sister Lao Xiaofeng."

Chun Yu put a silver hand warmer in Fang Jinshu's hand, Fang Zhi took the box of balm and supported Fang Jinshu, and followed Xiaofeng to the back garden of the palace.

For today's small banquet, an open pavilion in the garden was cleaned up, a gauze curtain was used to block the wind, and a charcoal basin was lit.From the gilded animal head incense burner in the corner, there is a delicate fragrance.

The area of ​​Prince Qi's Mansion is almost five or six times that of Fang's.The back garden is not only pleasant, but also spacious and comfortable.

As the host, Wei Yixin is already in the open house.Seeing Fang Jinshu coming, she smiled and said, "I said you should dress up well, it really will be different."

She was a little surprised that Fang Jinshu didn't feel awkward wearing such a luxurious dress.Ordinarily, an ordinary official daughter cannot afford such fabrics.

Fang Jinshu is already a young girl who has just begun to show her beauty. She is tall and slender.A pair of red phoenix eyes that are slightly upturned, the eyes are flowing with elegance, but there is a kind of tranquility in the eyes.This kind of dress just complemented her.

Fang Jinshu was also very helpless about this.She can play a well-behaved official daughter, but this innate temperament cannot be erased no matter what.

She lowered her eyes, tugged the shawl unaccustomed, and thanked Wei Yixin: "It's the first time for a courtier to wear such a good dress, thank you Princess for your kindness."

Wei Yixin curled her lips, and secretly slandered: "The fourth girl of the Fang family can deceive people if she doesn't speak, but she can't do it once she speaks."

Not long after, all the people she invited in the post arrived, and the girls in the room were as beautiful as flowers.They are all daughters of rich and powerful families, they are all familiar with each other, and they chat when they meet.

When everyone arrived, Wei Yixin introduced Fang Jinshu to them with a smile, and said, "You must have heard of this, but you haven't met him before."

Wei Xuejiao, the fifth lady in Prince Duan's residence, was the youngest, and asked curiously, "Sister Duancheng, who is this?"

"The fourth girl in Fang Shilang's house, she lived in Jingyi Nunnery for a year." Wei Yixin said this, and all the girls understood.They are very familiar with the movements of the royal family. Fang Jinshu, an outsider, has been in a royal nunnery like Jingyi Nunnery, and she has been rewarded by the empress.

Even if you have never met her, you have heard of her name.

"So it's the younger sister of the Fang family." Wu Jiao said with a smile, "I've heard about you, and it's really unusual to see you today." The person she is going to marry is Wu Chenghe, the eldest son of the Wu family, Minister of Rites One of the few marriages between nobles.

This marriage was a match made by Emperor Qinglong at a banquet.Otherwise, how dare the Wu family marry the daughter-in-law of the Duke's mansion as their daughter-in-law.Fang Mu is second only to Wu Shangshu in the Ministry of Rites. As the daughter-in-law of the Wu family, Wu Jiao naturally needs to pay attention.

Next, the noble ladies from other houses also greeted each other, and Fang Jinshu thanked her with a salute.

 Zhouzhouwan has been updated for 30 days!It’s so fulfilling to say O(∩_∩)O~~ Little angels, do you enjoy watching it?As long as you can persist, Zhou Zhou will never be lazy, and try to come for a few more days, hee hee~
  Thanks to "People who are old and desperate to mix casually", "Quiet and silent" and "Book friends 2018041522215333" for their rewards of 100 starting coins (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
  Thanks to "Dandelion Rainbow" for the 2 valuable monthly tickets; thanks to "Tianfang 123", "People who are old and die casually", "Sour" and "Weng Quan" for the precious monthly tickets ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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