Twin Brocade

Chapter 486 What?

Chapter 486 What? (Thousands of 31 days to ask for a monthly ticket)

In her opinion, the sudden disappearance of Fang Jinshu's master and servant was really strange.

Wu Jiao, who grew up in Duke Zhong's mansion, has a natural sensitivity to the affairs of the back house.Her mother, Mrs. Zheng, Duke Zhong, did all sorts of unbelievable things for a concubine brought back by Duke Zhong, which is still criticized to this day.

This is Prince Qi's Mansion, there can only be two reasons for such a thing to happen.

One is that this seemingly quiet Fang Jinshu is too ambitious and wants to climb up to Prince Qi's mansion in a place where all the noble ladies are present.The person she chooses will only be the Crown Prince Wei Jiayun.

The other is that someone in Prince Qi's mansion wanted to kill her.And this person will only be the master of the palace.

Could it be Princess Qi?As Fang Jinshu's second daughter, it is impossible to be the eldest son and concubine.With the position of a son and concubine, tying the entire Fang family to a warship is a good deal no matter how you look at it.

Thinking of this, Wu Jiao quickly stopped the thoughts in her mind.If you continue to think about it, you will be involved in the battle for the royal reserve, which is too dangerous!This is definitely not something she can worry about.

However, she never doubted Wei Yixin, after all, her age was there, even if she counted her false age, she was only eleven.Although she is a noble royal princess, Wu Jiao couldn't get along with Wei Yixin's pink and jade-carved face in such a matter.

Wei Xuejiao took Wu Jiao's hand and kept asking questions.It was the first time I saw such a rare thing, two real people, they disappeared as soon as they said they didn't see each other, it was really too rare.

She was young, so she didn't think so much, she was just curious.

With something on her mind, Wu Jiao patiently dealt with her questions.He only said that he must have just lost his way and was sending people around to look for him.No matter how big the garden is, as long as Fang Jinshu is still in Prince Qi's mansion, he won't miss it.

However, after she figured out the reason, she didn't look for it seriously.Whether it's Fang Jinshu's desire to climb high, or the plans of Prince Qi's mansion, she doesn't want to get involved.

Seeing that she was about to marry into the Wu family, she didn't want to be a witness for such a thing.

After a quarter of an hour, Wei Yixin rushed over with someone and asked, "Sister Wu family, why did the fourth girl of the Fang family suddenly disappear?"

Wu Jiao shook her head and said, "I don't know about returning to the princess. Sister Xuejiao and I walked in front and didn't pay attention. When we found out, we had already missed her. We sent people to look around here, but we didn't see her."

Cao Yichan, who was following Wei Yixin, said in amazement, "This is amazing! Could it be that two such big living people just disappeared out of thin air?"

"Maybe I lost my way." Shi Jingfu said.

It was precisely because such a thing was too bizarre that Wei Yixin decided to arrange it this way.

She wanted to tarnish Fang Jinshu's reputation, and sent Fang Jinshu to Wei Jiayun's bed. It was very convenient in Prince Qi's mansion, and there was no need to hold this small banquet.

But as long as you inquire a little bit, you can know that Fang Jinshu came to the Qi Palace to make amends for the fifth girl of the Fang family.If Wei Yixin did that, outsiders would not know the reason, but it could only be that the Qi Palace forced Fang Jinshu to do it in order to obtain such help from the Fang family.

There are no witnesses, no matter how perfect Wei Yixin's arrangement in Prince Qi's Mansion is, others must believe it.

In this way, King Qi's reputation among the people was a fatal blow.King Qi, who is not favored by the emperor, has reputation as his only weapon at present.

That's why she invited these ladies to come.It is more convincing to testify with their noble status than Qi Wangfu's own words.

This is the fact that happened in front of them, seeing is believing.

The strangeness made things more and more unusual, and Fang Jinshu's deliberate deliberation.

So far, things are going well.Wei Yixin raised the corners of her lips slightly, and said with a sweet smile: "Sisters, don't worry, the fourth girl is only here as a guest, and she is not familiar with the road to the house, so it's not uncommon for her to go astray."

She turned her head to look at Xiaofeng, and asked, "Xiaofeng! What's the matter with you, didn't I ask you to serve Miss Si? Why is Miss Si missing while you are here?"

Xiaofeng hurriedly knelt down to plead guilty, and said: "Princess, forgive me! Just now Miss Si's handkerchief disappeared, so I asked my servant to get another one for her. When I came back, I didn't see Miss Si."

Hearing what she said, the expressions on the faces of all the ladies were different.

This clearly shows that Fang Jinshu deliberately dismissed Xiaofeng so that he could do things conveniently.Could it be?This fourth girl of the Fang family is a hidden one, thinking of climbing high branches with all her heart?

Wei Yixin took the expressions of the girls into her eyes, knowing that she had achieved the result she wanted, she stopped and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? It's obvious that you didn't serve well, so go down and get punished."

She needs to accept it as soon as she sees it, as long as the girls have doubts in their hearts.

Xiaofeng retreated, Wei Yixin thought for a while, and ordered: "More people will search for it, not only in this garden, but everywhere." Turning to the girls, she said, "Sisters and sisters, it's really a shame. I'm sorry. I wanted to invite everyone to relax, but this happened."

Wu Jiao said with a smile: "The Princess has her own heart, so my sister naturally knows it. Besides, what does this have to do with the Princess' sister?" All the girls responded one after another.

After Wei Yixin said that, would the girls still accuse her of failing?Besides, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with her.

"I knew that my sisters love me." Wei Yixin smiled and said, "It's windy here, why don't we go inside and wait for news." She knew Fang Jinshu would not appear so soon.

In the back garden of Prince Qi's Mansion, there are several places for people to rest temporarily, including pavilions, open pavilions, flower halls, waterside pavilions and other different scenery.After this happened, everyone had no intention of having fun anymore, so they found a nearby flower hall to settle down.

The maids of the palace brought hot tea and pastries, and the noble ladies chatted one after another.They were all thinking about this matter in their hearts, wondering if they could find Fang Jinshu, and what would happen when they found it.

Wei Yixin and Wei Xuejiao sat together, and asked the servants to bring a pair of Shuanglu to pass the time.The two of them are young, so it's appropriate that they don't take this matter to heart.

After sitting for half an hour, Xiao Yu, the personal maid next to Wei Yixin, entered the door.Seeing her expression, Wei Yixin's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that things are not going well?
Xiao Yu shook her head slightly, and said: "Going back to the Princess, the maidservants found the fourth girl of the Fang family in the peony garden, and Fangzhi, the servant girl who was serving her."

"What?" Wei Yixin's face suddenly changed.This news was so far from what she had expected in her heart that she couldn't believe it.Fang Jinshu should be in Wei Jiayun's room right now!

This, how come? !

Fang Jinshu is obviously just an ordinary lady, how could she escape from such a thing?

Among them, what happened, and how did she leave the only path and run to the peony garden?These two places are not in the same direction at all.

 This time, Zhou Zhou really tried his best O(∩_∩)O haha~
  Several times, because I was too sleepy, I fell asleep with my hands on the keyboard, and then woke up and continued to write~(~ ̄▽ ̄)~There is no way, because the saved manuscripts are almost exhausted, and I have to code more than [-] words a day. Only in this way can we guarantee daily updates.

  However, fortunately, there are so many little angels accompanying me all the way, Zhouzhou is really grateful to everyone, without you, I really can't do it.

  Next, there will be a big plot with several lines running side by side. I need time to sort out the chapters.So, I will stick to it for two more days, ten thousand updates until this Friday (5.18), and then resume normal two changes a day, adding updates from time to time, love you all (╯3╰)
  Thanks to "Linda Xiaozhou" for the reward of 1500 starting coins (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
  Thanks to "Mo Ruolin" for the 2 precious monthly tickets, and thanks to "Book Friends 20170422131428652" for the valuable monthly tickets^_^
(End of this chapter)

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