Twin Brocade

Chapter 491 Confrontation

Chapter 491 Confrontation

As he said that, Fang Jinshu's eyes showed fear, and he raised his hands wrapped like rice dumplings, and said, "Princess, do you know? It's the kind of fog that can't see anything."

"It's very white and thick, and I can't see my fingers when I put my hand in it..." There was a lot of fear in her voice, she shrank back and said, "I never knew that I would There is such a thick fog. I thought that only at night when the lights were not lit would you be blind."

Her deduction is quite realistic. When talking about the scene at that time, she forgot to call herself "a courtier" and used "I".Wei Yixin didn't suspect this true feeling.

"So scary?" Wei Yixin showed a surprised expression, patted her chest and said, "Fortunately, you are right in front of me, and nothing happened. It's so scary. Then what happened next?"

"I...I might be quite useless, so please don't laugh at me, Princess." Fang Jinshu was a little embarrassed, and said, "I was so scared that I cried, and I didn't know what was in the fog, so I just stood there and didn't dare to leave .”

"I didn't know how long I stood there, but suddenly I heard a voice telling me to go with him." Fang Jinshu recalled, and said, "I heard the voice very clearly, but Fang Zhi said she didn't hear it."

"I had no other choice, so I had to follow what he said. I asked him where he was going, but he didn't answer me."

"Aren't you afraid? What if he wants to harm you?" Wei Yixin asked.

Fang Jinshu smiled helplessly, and said, "I'm afraid. I also thought about what he would do if he wanted to harm me. But I couldn't see anything. I had no choice but to listen to the way he pointed out."

After saying these words, her throat became hoarse and itchy.She turned her face away and coughed, her face was flushed from coughing, and she apologized with an embarrassed smile: "I hope the princess will forgive me, my daughter has lost her manners."

Wei Yixin beckoned, and asked Xiao Yu to serve Fang Jinshu and drink a cup of warm tea, and said, "No rush, take your time."

She glanced at the loquat paste on the table and knew that she was running out of time.The Fang family knew about Fang Jinshu's illness yesterday, and someone will definitely come to the door today.For the sake of fame, his mother and concubine would also come to visit Fang Jinshu.

After drinking tea, Fang Jinshu asked a little uneasy: "His Royal Highness, will my daughter's words dirty your ears? It's just... I can't figure out this matter. Since you are here, Princess, I just want to tell you listen."

Wei Yixin smiled and said, "How could it be? Just say it, I'm curious about such a thing, it sounds like a legend." When she said this, her eyes were fixed on Fang Jinshu's face without blinking. , not missing any of her tiny expressions.

"Legend?" Fang Jinshu's cheeks flashed for a while, and he murmured: "Your Highness, when you say that, I also feel like a legend, just like the unofficial histories and folklore I have read. It's so absurd. I thought it was just a legend." Stories, I didn’t expect to meet myself.”

"And then, where did you go?" Wei Yixin asked casually.

"I don't know how long I walked, and then I felt fainted. When I woke up again, I was lying on the bed."

"What about the shawl?"

"What shawl?" Fang Jinshu asked back, and then suddenly remembered, "Is it the silver fox shawl that you gave to the court lady, princess? I didn't notice, did she untie it for me and put it away?" She looked The little maid who waited on her.

Wei Yixin shook her head and said, "When we found you in the flower garden, we didn't have that shawl, that's why you caught a cold so badly."

"Ah?" Fang Jinshu said in surprise: "I should remember correctly. Before I fell into a coma, I had been wearing a shawl and never took it off. By the way, Princess, what flower garden are you talking about?"

"The place where you were unconscious is the peony garden in the garden." Wei Yixin said.

"It turned out to be a flower garden." Fang Jinshu murmured, "No wonder, I was bumpy when I walked."

Wei Yixin still wanted to ask again, but the voices of the maids sounded outside one after another: "I met Princess Qi."

When Fang Jinshu heard this, he hurriedly struggled to get up from the bed.She tried several times in a row, but she couldn't hold herself up, and she was so anxious that she coughed again.

"Don't worry," Wei Yixin pressed her and said, "You're still sick."

"In front of the concubine, how dare a courtier entrust her to you." Fang Jinshu was so anxious that tears were about to come out, he said, "His Royal Highness, please ask them to help me."

"What is this for?" The maid at the door opened the curtain and Princess Qi quickly stepped inside, saying: "Since you are sick, you should lie down. Otherwise, if I come to see you, I will cause you more trouble."

"My daughter has met the concubine." Fang Jinshu panted and saluted on the bed.

"Good boy, I know you are polite, so don't worry about these things." Princess Qi said softly, "I knew you came to our house, so I didn't call you to see you because you were nervous. Who would have thought that you would be sick?" .”

"If you need anything, just tell them, don't hold back." She looked around at the servants waiting around, and said in a deep voice: "All of you, listen to me. The Fang family The fourth girl is visiting our house, you must not be neglected! Otherwise, be careful with your skin."

All the maids agreed.

Fang Jinshu saluted again, saying: "My daughter thanked the princess for her kindness."

Seeing her cautiousness, Princess Qi said: "I won't stay any longer, I don't have to delay your recuperation. It's best to rest, and the imperial physician will come to treat you later."

She glanced at Wei Yixin and said, "Xin'er, don't make trouble for others here, let's go."

It seemed that Fang Jinshu was seriously ill.Her cheeks were flushed, her body was weak, her breathing was short of breath when she spoke, and she was very weak, which was a typical symptom of wind-cold.Concubine Qi was worried that she would give Wei Yixin her illness, so she asked Shang Wei Yixin to leave together.

Wei Yixin still had some questions to ask, but had no choice but to leave.

After going out the door, she deliberately lagged a few steps behind.Xiao Yu quickly walked to her side, and said in a low voice: "It's the same thing, that maid was obviously scared and stupefied, and spoke incoherently."

Naturally, Wei Yixin would not just listen to Fang Jinshu's one-sided words. Yesterday she deliberately separated Fang Jinshu and Fangzhi's master and servant.When she came in just now, she also arranged for someone to ask Fangzhi about it.

She has a delicate mind, and Fang Jinshu is not bad either.

As for Fangzhi's speech, she had already made up with her before arriving at the peony garden, and practiced it several times.Whether Wei Yixin's people asked about it at this time, or her parents asked about it in the future, Fang Zhi would only say the same thing.

Compared with the stubborn Fang Fei, Fang Zhi thinks a little more.But both of them are equally loyal to each other Jinshu.Especially after such an incident, Fangzhi realized the magic of her own girl.Just like Fang Fei, Fang Jinshu has an unconditional trust, or blind obedience.

 Only to find out that yesterday’s forecast was wrong, and tomorrow is the last day of 33 updates. Let’s have [-] days of [-] updates. O(∩_∩)O haha~
  Thanks to "Shenqin" for the reward of 1000 starting coins, and thanks to "Bai Xiongfang" for the reward of 100 starting coins (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
  Thanks to "Sour", "Summer Comes Again" and "q_67gh9lnx" for their valuable monthly votes ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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