Twin Brocade

Chapter 813

Chapter 813
Ren Ying's face darkened, and she forced a smile and said, "Dudu, you are a big kid, these are matters for adults, so don't ask, huh?"

She was ordered to come to Quan's house. Her original purpose was to marry Quan Moxian, so that she could further control him.

Now that Quan Moxian and Fang Jinshu's marriage is a foregone conclusion, Quan Yiting just asked about her marriage, which undoubtedly hit her weakness.She had already reached her age, and according to her current status, when Quan Moxian got married, it would be her turn.

At that time, can she still say not to marry?She has no reason to stay in Quan's house.

This is the most troublesome thing for her right now, and she can only take one step at a time.

Back in her room, Ren Ying dressed in the mirror, staring at herself in the mirror in a daze.

Among all the girls, her appearance is not the most outstanding.The fact that she was sent to this mission all depended on her face, which was somewhat similar to Lin Chenfei.

What would happen if he couldn't stay in the Quan family?
Thinking of this, she shivered coldly and hugged her arms tightly.

Do not!
She must not let such a thing happen, and she cannot bear the consequences.

Now that she's here, she won't leave.

So what if they are married, it is common for men to have three wives and four concubines.

Quan Moxian is no exception.

Otherwise, how could he bring back a Qin language of unknown origin?

Right now, let her serve the old lady, isn't it for the sake of being a roommate after getting married?She has never heard of such a lewd man.

Ren Ying made up her mind, thinking bitterly.

Aunt Quan would never have thought that this Ren Ying whom she loved with all her heart was actually a counterfeit who was only after her son's idea.

What she is thinking about now is whether Quan Lu's progress is going well.

In Jinxiu Ji, Quan Lu explained why he came here.

After listening to her request, the shopkeeper invited Xu Wenmin, the owner, out.

Let Xu Wenmin call the shots and mobilize the manpower of several shops to complete this auspicious costume for her together.

The oldest embroiderer took her measurements and quickly decided on the style and pattern of the auspicious clothes. From today onwards, she started working overnight to make clothes for her.

Finally finished one thing, Quan Lu breathed a sigh of relief, got on the sedan chair and rushed to Fang's house.

In Cuiwei Courtyard, Fang Jinshu spread out his drawing paper and was painting in front of the window.

Since mother wanted to rest herself well, she didn't want to make her worry and enjoy this leisure time to the fullest.

"Miss Si, the eldest aunt of the Quan family is here, Madam invites you to come over." Hongxia came in and reported.Fang Jinshu put down his paintbrush and agreed, and asked Fang Fei to change into her visitor's clothes, and came to Mingyu Courtyard.

"The fourth girl is here?" Quan Lu sat on a chair and greeted her warmly.

"I've seen my mother, I've seen Grandma Peng." Fang Jinshu saluted.

Si Lansheng had a slight smile on his face, and said, "Listen to the book too, if it's feasible, then do it."

Quan Lu said the discussed method, looked at Fang Jinshu and said, "You know, Miss Si, we haven't settled in Beijing for a few years, and we don't know many things."

"My mother and I think it's a good idea, but I don't know if it's right or not?"

She had already talked about it just now, and seeing Si Lansheng's reaction, she had a general understanding in her heart, and she felt relieved.This time, Fang Jinshu will be consulted again, and he feels a little confident.

But she knew better that her younger brother Fang Jinshu valued him.

Therefore, if Fang Jinshu disagreed, she had no choice but to find another way.

After all, the protagonist of this marriage is Fang Jinshu.

Quan Lu looked at Fang Jinshu with some trepidation, Fang Jinshu smiled slightly, and said, "It's hard for Grandma Peng to come up with such a way, of course I'm not unhappy."

Quan Moxian sent a letter back to report that he was safe, but he didn't say anything.

This only shows that the situation there is more complicated than I imagined.

Although she believed in him, she was not afraid of becoming a joke in Luoyang City, but it was always good to be prepared for marriage.

Quan Moxian has no clan members, but has an elder sister.

To be honest, Fang Jinshu would rather have Quan Lu come to marry him than those mean and ungrateful members of the Quan family to replace Quan Moxian.

What's wrong with women, where do men come from without women?

"It's just this matter that Grandma Lao Peng has to worry about." Fang Jinshu thanked: "The Peng family, do you have any ideas that have troubled you?"

Quan Lu replaced Quan Moxian to wear auspicious clothes, that is, a woman disguised as a man.

In Luoyang City, there are often noble daughters and daughters who disguise themselves as men to go out, such as Princess Baochang and Princess Duancheng.But among the people, few women dare to do this.

Quan Lu did this at Yuci's wedding, under the watchful eyes of Man Jingcheng.

Her courage is commendable.

"Fourth Miss, don't worry about it." Quan Lu smiled briskly, and said, "Quan Moxian is my younger brother, and I am obliged to do his affairs."

Since she came out early this morning, until now she has not had time to return to Peng's house, and has been busy with this matter.Not to mention, to get the consent of the in-laws.

It is said that the married daughter splashed the water, but Quan Lu did not.

She is the daughter-in-law of the Peng family. She serves her parents-in-law in the Peng family, bears children for her husband, and is a housekeeper.But when Quan Moxian was in need, she stepped forward without delay.

From this point of view, Quan Lu and Quan Moxian have something in common in their personalities.

The same perseverance, the same loneliness.

Fang Jinshu was filled with admiration, got up and saluted deeply, and said, "Thank you, Grandma Peng."

She deserves this gift.

Quan Lu quickly helped her up with both hands, and said: "Get up quickly. I only hope that the two of you are harmonious and beautiful, which is better than anything else. I'm still waiting, you change your name to elder sister."

Si Lansheng said with a smile: "It's coming soon, it won't take long."

The Quan family's willingness to do this undoubtedly solved a major problem in her mind.Quan Lu greeted the bride instead of her younger brother, which did not violate etiquette.

Next, the two families continued to prepare for the wedding as usual while waiting for Quan Moxian to return to Beijing.

The tenth day of February.

There are only five days left before the auspicious day of getting married.

Quan Moxian found Xia Zelin, and said worriedly: "Lord Xia, no matter what, I will return to Beijing at most the day after tomorrow."

Xia Zelin comforted him and said, "You go back and come back when you are married. I also checked this matter, but I have no clue. You have only been here for a few days, and if you can't break it, you can't break it. You can't delay the four great joys in life."

"That's right." Quan Moxian sighed, and said: "That is a marriage bestowed by the empress's edict. If I don't go back to get married, I'm afraid I will be punished for deceiving the emperor."

"Marriage?" It was the first time Xia Zelin heard about it.

Bozhou is close to the capital, and has a better understanding of the dynamics of the imperial court than other places.However, the fact that Quan Moxian was bestowed a marriage has little to do with the court, so it did not spread to Bozhou.

Quan Moxian nodded emphatically, and said: "My lord doesn't know something, and I have caught up with it now. Because of a case, I was originally going to arrest someone, but I didn't expect to bump into the muzzle of a gun."

He spread his hands and said, "I can only admit it."

 Thanks to the little angels for catching bugs in the chapter comments, Zhou Zhou can correct it immediately after seeing it (VIP chapters cannot be changed after three days).It’s just that I haven’t made it lately. I often can’t see the chapter comments in the background of the mobile phone. I can only read them in the background of the computer, but the background of the computer cannot reply ( ̄△ ̄;)
  So I would like to say here that all the insects caught by everyone are serious about modification, thank you again O(∩_∩)O~
  Thanks to "Linda Xiaozhou" for the reward of 100 starting coins (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
  Thanks to "Yunjihong" and "FANG" for their 4 precious monthly tickets, and "Xiaoqiqiqiqifei", "Summer Star 2016" and "lingchenchen" for their 2 precious monthly tickets^_^
(End of this chapter)

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