Twin Brocade

Chapter 818 There is one more

Chapter 818 Another one


Seeing that he refuses to eat, Wu Daguan was so angry that his face turned red, and he shouted: "There is a ghost at the bottom of the well! If you let it out, aren't you afraid of being entangled?!"

The local officials in Bozhou were taken aback for a moment, and the movements of their subordinates were a little slow.They are all locals, so they think more.

Quan Moxian waved his hand, and the police from the Ministry of Punishment quickly stepped forward, and removed the boulder that was pressing on the mouth of the well in a few strokes, revealing the bluestone slab that was covering it.

On it, as Mr. Wu said, a talisman was drawn with bright red cinnabar.The stone slab looks old, with traces of wind and snow on it, but the color of the cinnabar talisman has not changed.

The color was dazzling and bright red, everyone was startled, and they didn't dare to do it again.This kind of evil theory of ghosts and gods can scare people the most.

Officer Wu snorted coldly, with a disdainful expression on his face.

Quan Moxian glanced at him, paced forward, and bent over to check the talisman array.After a few breaths, he did it himself, holding on to the edge of the bluestone slab to move it away.

"Sir, no!"

Everyone stopped in shock.

"Why not?" Quan Moxian said indifferently: "Don't do anything wrong, and don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night. If there are really ghosts, let her come to me!"

As he spoke, he pushed the bluestone slab away from the mouth of the well with force.

"Your Excellency is dedicated to the public, and my subordinates are ashamed." The arrester led by the Ministry of Criminal Justice cupped his fists to be taught, and stepped forward to help.

Quan Moxian is a dignified doctor of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, he is not afraid, he leads by example, and everyone present has a guilty look on their faces, and hastily stepped forward to help.

They are all yamen servants and fast arresters, and they are people who often face life and death.

It's just that when the ghosts and gods said it was too evil, they became afraid.Once someone takes the lead, forget about it.

The bluestone slab was pushed away, revealing a deep well.

Perhaps it had been too long without seeing the sun, and there was a rotten smell coming from the well.Looking down from the top, the well is deep and secluded, like a bottomless black hole, which is frightening.

Everyone's attention was focused on the well, but they didn't notice that the officer Wu at the side looked anxious, but there was determination in his eyes.

Shouldn't he be the most anxious?
At this time, shouldn't he be as anxious as an ant on a hot pan?
After all, the thing he least wanted to see, the thing he tried his best to prevent, happened right under his nose.

Mr. Wu stood at the back, his demeanor was not noticed.

And the corner of Quan Moxian's mouth slightly raised a smile, with confidence in mind.

"My lord, let the subordinates go!"

A group of officials felt ashamed because of their previous retreat, and they all stepped forward to ask for orders to go down the well to retrieve the corpse.

Quan Moxian nodded, and pointed to a young and strong policeman to go down the well.

It's just the beginning of spring, and it's very cold in the well.

He went down into the well with a rope tied around his waist, and several people pulled it for him, and he was in the water after a while.

After a while, his voice came: "Put another rope down!"

Another rope was lowered down the well, he tied the body he had caught to the rope, pulled the rope, and said, "Pull!"

Everyone pulled the rope up, and it turned out to be a small and exquisite corpse.As time passed for several years, only the skeleton remained.The accompanying Wu Zuo hurried forward to examine the corpse.

"Big, my lord!"

The yamen servant at the bottom of the well was shivering from the cold, but he didn't come up directly, and shouted loudly at the bottom of the well.

"What's wrong?" Quan Moxian pressed the edge of the well and asked inside.

"There's another body!"

Another one?
These words made everyone look at each other in blank dismay.

According to Wu Daguan, there is only the maid who threw herself into the well.What, there is another one?
Quan Moxian calmly ordered, "Throw another rope."

Seeing the rope being thrown down, Mr. Wu's determined expression disappeared instantly, and he took two steps back, his face pale as paper.

how come?
He had dealt with it early tomorrow, so how could there be another one!
This, what the hell is going on here.

He made a gesture, and a confidant who was waiting beside him left quietly.

The newly recovered corpses were so swollen that their faces and limbs were so swollen that they couldn't see the original shape.Because it was winter, the bottom of the well was even more cloudy and cold, and the corpse had not yet decomposed, so it could be considered well preserved.

On his body, there are incomplete fabrics hanging, and it can be vaguely seen that it is the kind of straight jacket most often worn by scholars.

"grown ups?"

"Autopsy." Quan Moxian only ordered two words.

Whether or not this corpse is the wronged soul that Chen Sankou had mentioned would only be known after an examination.

Wu Zuo stepped forward and examined it carefully.

On the head of the corpse, there was a terrible wound, which almost split the head completely.The strength is so great that it is staggering.

Those present were all officials who handled the case, not uninformed ordinary people.

They have seen all kinds of corpses, and they know that human skulls are very hard.Even if you have a very handy weapon, if you want to split the head, you must be a person with martial arts skills.

Ordinary people, even butchers who chop meat every day, can't do it.

The death of this person also fits Chen San's description very well.

Could it be that it's really a complaint from a wronged soul?
If you said that you were still a little uncertain before, you have already believed it [-]% now.

It's just that Quan Moxian didn't say anything, so everyone suppressed their doubts and waited for the autopsy results.

"My lord," Wu Zuo reported, "this is a male corpse, about twenty years old. The fatal injury was the slash on the top of the head. Because the body was swollen after being soaked in well water, it is difficult to deduce the exact time of death."

"Roughly estimated, it should be before the Spring Festival."

Wu Zuo knew everything Chen San said.

This time of death coincided with the time when Chen San sang in the Wu Mansion.So he didn't dare to say it to death. If it affected the superior's judgment, he would have to bear the blame.

Quan Moxian knelt down, looked at the man who had died in vain, and sighed, "Take both corpses back to Yizhuang, and examine them carefully."

The crowd responded.

"Mr. Wu, do you have something to say?" Quan Moxian turned around and looked at Mr. Wu behind him with his hands behind his back.

This is the Wu Mansion. Two corpses were found in the well, and one of unknown origin.As the master, Mr. Wu is the most suspicious person.

"Returning to my lord, I know about that maid." Officer Wu pointed at the male corpse and said, "But why is this person in my residence?"

"You don't know?" Quan Moxian asked.

"I don't know."

Quan Moxian hooked his lips, and said: "Then we have to offend." He ordered the left and right, and said: "Take down the suspect!"

"Who dares to take me?!" Daguan Wu was furious, the veins on his forehead bulged, and his fists collided with each other, making a crackling sound from his joints.

"Why, you still dare to attack the officials?"

"No!" Officer Wu said humanely: "I have no intention of confronting the government. There is no evidence, and I just want to convict me based on this corpse with an inexplicable origin. I refuse to accept it!"

Quan Moxian smiled and was about to speak when a burst of footsteps came from far and near.

Everyone stared, it was the team of police officers who were going to capture the assassin, escorting a man in black.

(End of this chapter)

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