Twin Brocade

Chapter 865 Who is the target

Chapter 865 Who is the target
Brother Ming is Fang Jinhui's son, and even Gong Wenjue's son.

Since Mrs. Gong already had an opinion about Fang Jinhui, Fang Jinhui's desire to bring Brother Ming back to his yard would only make the relationship more tense.

It is obviously better for Gong Wenjue to solve this matter than Fang Jinhui.

However, Fang Jinhui shook his head lightly and said, "He has a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, and I don't want to cause him any more trouble." Gong Wenjue is the eldest son of the Gong family, and what he bears is the future of the Gong family.

This burden is already heavy, and she doesn't want to be his burden.

"Big sister, you are wrong."

Fang Jinshu said seriously: "Sister, I don't have a child, but I know that it is the most appropriate for a child to stay with his biological parents. It is inevitable that a child will be a little more pampered if he is raised in front of the old man."

"Furthermore. Brother Ming is your eldest son. His identity is here, and he will inherit the Gong family's family business in the future. This matter is not just about you, big sister."

Just like in the royal family, heirs, in a sense, even determine the winner or loser in the battle for the throne.

If brother Ming is raised badly, it will be a big deal for the Gong family.

Fang Jinhui suddenly came to his senses, why didn't he think of this?She said gratefully: "Fortunately, my sister reminded me, otherwise I made a big mistake without knowing it."

"Eldest sister can't understand it just because she is in the mountains." Fang Jinshu smiled gently: "Even if I don't say it, elder sister will remember it in a few days."

"Anyway, thank you sister."

"We are two sisters, big sister, why are you so polite to my younger sister and me?" Fang Jinshu feigned anger.

The two were talking, when the voice of "Greetings to Eldest Young Mistress" sounded outside the door.

Fang Jinshu smiled and said, "It looks like it's my sister-in-law who came."

"It's me." The maid raised the curtain, and Qiao Tongxuan stood at the door with a smile on her face, and said, "Why, I'm not welcome?"

"Sister-in-law is mother's favorite now, who dares not welcome you?" Fang Jinshu looked her up and down, and said sourly: "You have to be careful, don't let me bear mother's complaints for nothing."

Qiao Tongxuan was only three months pregnant, and she couldn't see her waist yet.

"Damn girl! You've only been married for a few days, and you're so sharp." Qiao Tongxuan teased her, "It seems that I have learned a lot from your husband."

Quan Mo Xian's eloquence is fine, when he was at the Qionglin Banquet, no one could stop him from verbal battles with the Confucians.

Fang Jinshu held his head up, and smiled triumphantly: "I'm very envious of what my sister-in-law said?"

The relationship between the two was good, and they laughed and laughed for a while.

Fang Jinhui asked his servants to change the cakes, and the three of them sat under the window of Xiaoxuan drinking tea and laughing.

Not long after Shenshi passed, the men left the Yamen one after another and gathered at Fang's house.

Gong Wenjue and Quan Moxian were sitting in a pavilion not far from the outer study.It is said to be a gazebo, but it is only early spring, and the curtains on all sides have been drawn down to keep out the wind.

The fine silver frost charcoal was burning in the pavilion, Gong Wenjue personally carried the kettle that had just been boiled, and poured a cup of tea for Quan Moxian.

The two talked about things, and sent all the servants away from a distance.

"Zixuan, your booklet was just handed in today." Gong Wenjue said: "The emperor was furious and ordered the Xiao cavalry guards to strictly investigate."

Quan Moxian is a doctor of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, he will encounter blatant assassination when he is out on business. To Emperor Qinglong, this is a naked provocation.

The Ministry of Criminal Justice was not allowed to investigate because it made it clear that it did not trust the Ministry of Criminal Justice.And Gu Shangshu suppressed Quan Moxian's papers for two days, probably to ask Guan Jinghuan, who is the assassin this time.

Quan Moxian smiled, took a sip of tea slowly, and said, "This is the beginning."

Among these assassins, there must be people related to Jing Huan, but according to his usual style, he will not leave any small braids.With these two days, even if there is any evidence, it will definitely be destroyed.

But Quan Moxian didn't care, this time he was determined to set off a storm, and his goal was not Guan Jinghuan.

The booklet handed over is just the prelude to the coming storm.

In the past few days, he was newly married and took a bath, which happened to let this matter slowly ferment.It wasn't until he returned to the Ministry of Punishment that he returned from his vacation that he officially launched a counterattack.

No matter how bad his reputation is, no matter how many people are jealous of him, the interests of civil servants and courtiers are the same.If you are an official in the court and you have to worry about your life, who would dare to be an official?
Under the premise of this common interest, regardless of their relationship with him, as long as they are not enemies, they will support him.

In a word, if he didn't die on the way back to Beijing, the other party miscalculated!
"What do you need me to do?" Gong Wenjue asked.

Even without mentioning the favors owed by the Gong family, just saying that the two are brother-in-law and are officials in the same dynasty, Gong Wenjue felt obliged to help him.

"This time, I really need your help." Quan Moxian was not polite, and said directly.

Obviously, this matter cannot be done by him alone.The Gong family has been operating in Beijing for many years, and their network resources are even better than that of the Fang family.

Moreover, between the prince and King Qi, Gong Shangshu has not expressed his attitude so far.What he said would not make people think that he was driven by interests.

Gong Wenjue nodded and asked, "Let me ask you first, who is your target?"

To help is to help, if such a major matter involving the court runs counter to the interests of the Gong family, he will have to think of other ways.

Quan Moxian smiled slowly, and said, "I won't embarrass you." He lowered his voice and whispered two words into Gong Wenjue's ear.

Gong Wenjue was startled, and said: "Are you sure?" He didn't expect that Quan Moxian would have such great courage and ambition.

"I'm sure."

"They want my life, and I'm going to make it hard for them."

Gong Wenjue pondered for a moment and then said: "Okay. I will report this matter to my father when I go back."

This matter is very important, he still can't answer Quan Moxian for the Gong family.

Quan Moxian cupped his hands: "Thank you!"

After the two had finished their business, they asked the servants to bring out a set of Go and played a game.

"My lord," Haifeng stepped forward and said, "Lord Zhan Shi has returned to his residence, and he just entered the house."

As a Zhan official of Prince Qi's residence, Fang Shuyu is busier than them.It was an hour late before returning to Fang's house.

"Let's go, let's see Lord Taishan." Gong Wenjue said with a smile.

The two walked to the Moon Gate and greeted Fang Shuyu back home.

Looking at the two young and talented son-in-laws, Fang Shuyu was very happy, and said with a smile, "You go to the study first and wait for me, I will come after changing clothes."

Although they are both courtiers, in order to avoid suspicion, there is not much time to meet each other in such an open manner.

Fang Shuyu naturally wanted to seize the opportunity to have more heart-to-heart talks with his two son-in-laws.In politics, not to mention the same position, at least avoid cannibalism.

Of course he knew that Quan Moxian was assassinated.

This matter was the first major event discussed in Prince Qi's mansion.

For King Qi, it doesn't matter who the real culprit is.The important thing is how to get one's own interests in this matter.

 Thanks to "Suixiangmengjuan", "thf311", "Admiral Yang Yang" and "Xilingheng 009" for each voting for 2 precious monthly tickets, and thanks to "Pippi Loves Mom", "lingchenchen" and "Book Friends 20170309" for voting for precious monthly tickets ^_^
  I want to say, the little angels are awesome, October is the first time this book has more than 200 monthly tickets O(∩_∩)O haha~
  Therefore, today and tomorrow will be updated acridine, thank you for your love, I will never default on what I promise, come and praise me, la la la~
(End of this chapter)

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