Twin Brocade

Chapter 867 Strong

Chapter 867 Strong
Chapter 867

Although it is troublesome to buy a person, it is better than cleanliness.

As long as you look carefully when buying and find a reliable person, you can save a lot of effort.

The Quan family has no foundation in Beijing, and in the past, Steward Liu always bought people from middle-aged people.Butler Liu has no problem buying servants and long-term followers.But for the maids and servants in the inner house, after all, he has no such experience.

That's why the Quan family's servants are so mixed.

People are not objects, and buying people is also a technical job.There are a lot of people who are in business, and if you want to distinguish the reliable ones from them, you have to go through years of accumulation.

Good people have been in this industry for a long time, so they won't ruin their reputation easily.

The Fang family has someone who can be used, so it is the most convenient thing to use it directly.

"What am I supposed to do." Si Lansheng smiled and said, "I'll send someone to tell her tomorrow and tell her to come to you first. If you have any specific requirements, I'll tell her in detail."

Fang Jinshu said "Yes", and said, "My daughter thanked mother first."

"What is there to thank for such a sesame-sized matter." Si Lansheng said earnestly, "The Quan family's foundation is weak. If there is anything, you can let someone come back and tell you. Fortunately, Nanny Hua has gone with you, so you can rest easy." few."

After talking for a while, Hongxia came in to salute and said: "Madam, the banquet is ready."

"Let's set the meal."

Today's homecoming banquet was held in Mrs. Fang's Ci'an Hall.The female relatives sat at two tables, and the men sat at one table.

The sky had just darkened, and oil lamps were lit in the garden, emitting a warm orange light.Fang's banquet was full of joy.

Fang Jinwei and Fang Jinyi, who were not yet married, secretly looked at Gong Wenjue and Quan Moxian, thinking secretly, waiting for the day when they returned home, wondering if there would be such a scene.

Although Mrs. Quan said that it would be fun to let Fang Jinshu go back to her mother's house, Si Lansheng still told the husband and wife to go back to the house just after finishing the banquet.

"Farewell to mother-in-law." Quan Moxian made a long bow.

"You, don't cause trouble in the future." Si Lansheng looked at him with a headache.

This son-in-law's character, appearance, talent and learning are not to be picked, but he is not good at all, and he has offended too many people.

"My son-in-law is taught." Quan Moxian said respectfully.

Seeing him being so honest, Fang Jinshu secretly smiled inwardly.

However, he deserved to be so straightforward, how could he do it?Among other things, he was determined to make Princess Baochang pay the price, so he had to cause trouble.

Fang Jinshu got into the carriage, and just after turning out onto the street, Quan Moxian knocked on the carriage lightly.

"Husband, what's the matter?" Fang Jinshu opened a gap in the curtain of the car and asked.

Quan Moxian bowed his head down from the horse, and said with a smile: "I'll take you to a place, do you want to go?"

"What is so mysterious?"

"You'll know when you go." Quan Moxian slightly hooked his lips, and said, "You just said whether you want to go or not?"

Fang Jinshu thought for a while and replied, "Okay."

Quan Moxian stopped the carriage, handed the reins to Mu Chuan, and said: "Go back first, leave Haifeng and two people to follow me. Tell mother, we will be back in half an hour."

Fang Jinshu also sent away all the servants, leaving only Fang Fei to wait on him.

Quan Moxian got into the carriage, looked at Fang Jinshu and said with a smile, "Just now, are you happy to see me being taught a lesson by my mother-in-law?"

Fang Jinshu shot him a glance, and said, "Whoever told you to obey others, deserves to be taught a lesson."

Her eyes were flowing and charming, and Quan Moxian's whole heart was broken when he saw it.He pulled her to sit in his arms, and kissed her lightly.

"What are you doing?" Fang Jinshu hurriedly avoided, "This is in a carriage."

The carriage wheel was walking forward, it was the bustling time outside, the voices of people were bustling, and shouting could be heard continuously.

"What can I do." Quan Moxian sniffed her hair, and said in a low voice, "You are my wife."

Being held in his arms, his breath was warm, Fang Jinshu blushed quietly, felt his heart beating faster, and changed the subject: "Where is the place you said you were going to?"

Seeing her shy appearance, Quan Moxian laughed, quickly pressed a kiss on her neck, and said, "Go to a place with our common memories."

For some reason, he liked teasing his little wife more and more.

She blushed and flustered like this, which was never seen by outsiders.As long as he thought of this, he felt happy for no reason.

Not long after, the carriage stopped.

Quan Moxian jumped out of the car, stretched out his hand to help Fang Jinshu out, pointed to the front and said, "Look, this is the place where you put the river lantern that day."

Here, it is not far from Tianjin Bridge.

It's only February, and the river wind is blowing coolness.Without the crowds on the night of Lantern Festival, the shore looks so bleak, with few people.

Memories of the past came to Shang Jinshu's mind. She walked to a big rock by the river bank and said with a smile, "Yes, I was standing here at that time and put down the river lantern."

At that time, she came out with a large family, and it was just a whim to set off the river lanterns.

I still remember that she made a wish herself, praying that she could successfully rewrite the fate of the Fang family.The river lantern was blown crooked by the wind, thinking it would be destroyed, but was rescued by Quan Moxian and put back into the river.

Quan Moxian smiled, walked to the river bend downstream, and said, "I'm just standing here, looking at you."

Back in the day, when he stood here looking at her, he looked graceful and graceful like a fairy.

Maybe it was at that time that my feelings for her changed quietly.Quan Moxian is not sure, but he always feels that there seems to be a hand in the dark that binds the fate of the two together.

He and Fang Jinshu are clearly two people with completely different lives.

Logically, it is impossible to have any intersection with her.

However, on his way to Beijing, he met her.Later, after several chance encounters, the relationship between him and the Fang family became closer.

In the end, he was able to marry her.

When Quan Moxian recalled all of this, it was as unreal as if he was dreaming.

Everything about Fang Jinshu felt unreal to him.

That's why today he made an impromptu decision to bring her here for a revisit.

The eyes of the two met again in the air.

This time, they all felt the strong bond between their fates.

Fang Jinshu's heart skipped a beat, he left the big rock and walked towards Quan Moxian.It was as if there was a voice whispering in her ear: He is your destined lover.He can help you realize your wish.

They met in the middle, Quan Moxian covered her with a sleeve robe, held her hand and walked slowly by the river bank.

At this time, there was a tacit understanding lingering in the hearts of the two.

They don't even need words.

Walking slowly like this, the trust and tacit understanding that belonged to the two of them became stronger silently.

This kind of firmness, from now on, will accompany the two of them for life.

(End of this chapter)

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