Twin Brocade

Chapter 884

Chapter 884
When Fang Jinshu came out of the clean room, Quan Moxian put down the book in his hand, and looked at her with a smile: "It's getting late, shall we rest first?"

Even after a few days, Fang Jinshu still felt shy.

"It's still early. The pair of socks I made for you are still a few stitches away, and I'll come as soon as I collect the stitches."

Quan Moxian smiled, walked up to her and said: "Good lady, what kind of sewing can't be done during the day? Don't lose your eyesight at night, it's better to rest with your husband earlier."

"You..." Fang Jinshu blushed and pushed him, but how could he push him away?

Quan Moxian took an inch and wrapped her around her waist to pull her closer to him: "Tomorrow, I'm going to the Yamen. This trip will probably take a whole day."

"Girl, why don't you treat me well tonight?" He lowered his head to smell her scent, and rubbed against her shoulder, with a soft tone, as if he was acting like a baby.

Fang Jinshu's heart was suddenly hit by such a man showing such a soft side, and he couldn't refuse.

Good nights are short.

When the sky turned bright again, Quan Moxian stood up lightly.

Sensing his movement, Fang Jinshu tried to open his eyes under the quilt, with a hoarse and lazy voice: "Wait a minute, I'll get up and see you off."

It is the duty of a wife to send her husband to the Yamen.

"No need." Quan Moxian lowered his head and kissed her forehead, and said, "It's still early, you can sleep later."

Fang Jinshu felt lazy all over his body. Hearing what he said, as soon as his heart relaxed, he fell asleep again.When I opened my eyes again, half an hour had passed.

"Grandma, the young master said that you don't have to wait for him to have dinner today." Fang Fei called in hot water.

Fang Jinshu gave a "hmm" and said, "Go to the outer court and ask, how did you deliver food in the past? Get ready and send it to him."

After breakfast, go to the Charity Hall to greet Aunt Quan.

Quan Yiting sat in a well-behaved manner, and after the elders had finished speaking, he looked at Fang Jinshu and said, "Mother, my son wants to learn painting from mother."

"Okay," Fang Jinshu replied, and said softly, "Mother has to deal with housework in the morning. How about you come to Qingyingju after your lunch break? I'll let people prepare the materials for learning painting in advance."

"Okay." Quan Yiting replied obediently.

Back in Qingyingjuli, Fang Jinshu asked Fangfei to take the pair of cards, and went to the flower hall to start the board.

All the daughters-in-law and servants in charge have arrived.This was Fang Jinshu's first day as a director after marrying into Quan's family, and no one dared to neglect him.

Fang Jinshu sat on a rose chair carved with hollowed-out patterns, his eyes slowly scanned the seven or eight people in the hall, and said, "Some of you have been in charge before, and some of you have just mentioned it recently."

"The first rule in this family is to put the old lady first in everything. If you let me know, whoever neglects the old lady, the people under him and those who are in charge of him will be punished together."

"Yes." Everyone agreed in unison.

"Other rules, Madam Hua must have made it clear." Fang Jinshu said: "I only say one thing, but three things. I know what I have done. Don't blame me for being ruthless and driving people out of the house. "

There are precedents before, and this sentence is particularly deterrent.

After the training, they began to assign housework.All the stewards stepped forward one by one, and the sewing room, kitchen, tea room, gardeners, etc. all stepped forward to answer and receive the right cards.

When it was almost over, Ren Ying came in from the outside with the girl, and said with a smile: "Cousin, I'll come to you to learn how to housekeeper."

Fang Jinshu glanced at her, and said calmly, "Since you want to learn, you should come earlier."

She promised in front of Mrs. Quan that she would teach Ren Ying to be a housekeeper, so there was no reason for her to go back on her word.However, teaching is one thing, how to teach is another.

Ren Ying was taken aback by her attitude, and quickly agreed, swallowing what she wanted to say.

"Bring one more chair," Fang Jinshu ordered.

Fang Fei agreed, moved a chair and placed it under Fang Jinshu, and asked Ren Ying to sit on it.

"Today is the first day, and you are not familiar with it. Listen to it first, and don't rush to get started." Fang Jinshu said to Ren Ying: "I learned to be a director at my mother's house, and I followed my mother for a year and a half."

a year and a half?

Ren Ying thought: She can't afford to delay such a long time.

However, as long as she can stay by Fang Jinshu's side, she will always find a chance.

After the meeting was over, Ren Ying thanked with a smile: "Thanks to my cousin who taught me, it turns out that the director of the family still has so much knowledge, and I don't know anything about it."

Her compliment was really too much.

It's just watching Fang Jinshu deal with a few things, so I don't have such feelings.

Fang Jinshu smiled faintly: "I still have some things, cousin, please do your own thing." After speaking, he held Fang Fei's hand and left the flower hall, not even giving Ren Ying a chance to speak.

Ren Ying stood there for a while, then stomped her feet angrily and left the flower hall.

Back in the room, Fang Zhi brewed eight-treasure tea, Fang Jinshu drank it slowly, and asked, "Ke Ren Ying left?"

"If you go back to the girl, she's gone."

"Keep an eye on her, and come back to me immediately if there's anything unusual." Fang Jinshu said, "Why didn't anyone come to report her today?" Ren Ying's identity is Quan Moxian's cousin, Qingyingju couldn't refuse her Come, but can't let her come and go like this.

Madam Hua said: "It's the old man's fault. The gatekeeper today is a young girl who just came here, and the rules haven't been taught well yet."

"It's not the nanny's fault. There's always a process for using these people. Let her learn the rules first, and change the person at the courtyard gate." Fang Jinshu ordered.

It's not that she is strict, but now is the time to set the rules.If you are soft-hearted for a while, it is inevitable that some people will take chances and follow suit.

"Yes." Nanny Hua agreed.

After drinking tea, Fang Jinshu told Fangfei: "Go to Yangliu and ask her to call Jiangmei and Gaolu, and come to see me tomorrow." Since she married into the Quan family, her identity has changed, and some things need to be done. ordered again.

Fang Fei agreed and withdrew.

"Grandma, do you want to rest?" Fang Zhi asked softly.

"No need." Fang Jinshu waved his hand and said, "There's just time for this meeting, so you bring up all the account books."

Since Quan Moxian entrusted this family to her, she must be responsible for it.She also needs to be aware of the property, Zhuangzi in her dowry, and the shop that Si Lansheng gave her as a dowry.

I buried my head in looking at the account books, and before I knew it, it was lunch time.

After lunch, Fang Jinshu took a walk in the yard to digest his food, and took a lunch break.

"Is the paint, pen and ink ready for painting?" Fang Jinshu asked.

"Everything is ready, just wait for the young master to come."

Fang Zhi waited on her to clean her face, and put on a half-new moonflower dress with plum pattern on the breast, covered half of her arm with embroidered peony jacket, and put on a light flowing cloud bun. .

"Come on, let's go and have a look first."

Compared to the Quan family's population, this house is really big.Qingyingju is much larger than the courtyard where Si Lansheng of the Fang family lives.

 Thanks to "The Long River Gradually Falling" and "yulia" for their valuable monthly votes ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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