Twin Brocade

Chapter 890

Chapter 890
Dudu's fever subsided, and Mrs. Quan relaxed a little.Thinking of Fang Jinshu's suspicions before, he felt a little wrong.

The two talked again, and Chun Yu came to report: "Grandma, Doctor Su Xiao has arrived."

"Come in quickly."

Chun Yu opened the curtain, and Su Liangzhi stepped inside, followed by a medicine boy, carrying a medicine box.

Fang Jinshu got up to greet him, and said, "My family brother, I need to trouble Dr. Su for diagnosis and treatment. He suddenly fainted, and then his high fever persisted. I wiped his body with a medicated towel, and the fever just subsided."

Dudu was just a nickname by his family, Fang Jinshu called him Brother Ting to outsiders.

Su Liangzhi agreed, and the drug boy took out the pulse pillow, he put Quan Yiting's wrist on the pulse pillow, put his fingers on it to diagnose and treat carefully.

Aunt Quan looked at him nervously, not daring to vent her anger.

After a long time, Su Liangzhi frowned slightly, and replaced Quan Yiting's right hand to continue diagnosis and treatment.

"What's the matter?" Finally, seeing that Su Liangzhi had finished his diagnosis and treatment, Mrs. Quan asked repeatedly: "Doctor, what happened to our family?" Seeing Su Liangzhi frowning, the diagnosis and treatment took a long time, and her heart was very disturbed.

Su Liangzhi said: "Don't worry, old lady. According to the pulse rate, your child is very healthy. The blood is sufficient, the pulse is strong and stable, and there is nothing abnormal."

But how could Quan Yiting faint?
That's why he found it strange.

"Ah?" Aunt Quan asked in surprise, "Then why isn't he awake?"

Su Liangzhi opened Quan Yiting's eyelids, checked his tongue, and said: "If you didn't tell me that I was unconscious, I would think he was just asleep."

"It's like, after being extremely tired, I fell asleep."

Fang Jinshu said: "He practiced painting for more than half an hour, could it be because of this that he was tired?"

"Painting?" Su Liangzhi was surprised, shook his head and said, "No. With his physical condition, this little practice is not a burden. He is so tired, it seems that he has climbed several mountains in a row and lost his strength."

climb mountains?

His description made everyone in the room look at each other in dismay.Quan Yiting is obviously in the mansion, where to climb the mountain?
But Fang Jinshu thought differently.

What happened in the study before was vivid in his memory, and Fang Jinshu knew he was right about the billions of stars in Quan Yiting's eyes.Perhaps, because of this incident?

"Then, why did he have a high fever before?" Fang Jinshu asked.

Su Liangzhi smiled and said, "Grandma, just imagine, at his age, if he climbed a few mountains, wouldn't he be extremely tired? High fever is just a normal body reaction."

He thought for a while, made an analogy, and said: "It's as if we all know that we can't touch fire, because once we touch it, our hands will be burned. And before we get burned, we first feel pain."

"The principle is the same."

When he said this, Mrs. Quan understood, and said, "So that's the case. Now, is our Dudu okay?"

Su Liangzhi looked at the medicine bag next to him, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, the old lady. Fortunately, the grandma took care of it in time, and there is this antipyretic prescription from the palace."

"It's okay, let him sleep well, that's right."

"Amitabha," said Mrs. Quan, chanting Buddha again and again, "this is truly a bodhisattva's blessing. It was a false alarm. Hei Lang's daughter-in-law, it's really thanks to you."

She didn't know anything else, how could she not have heard of Su Liangzhi's name?
This is a miracle doctor who is famous all over the capital.

Although because of his father, people respectfully call him Doctor Su Xiao, but in fact, his reputation in Luoyang has long surpassed that of his father.

In the plague last summer, countless people survived because of Su Liangzhi.Even the palace admired him very much, and even betrothed Princess Chunhe to him.

With Su Liangzhi's words, all worries disappeared.At this moment, Aunt Quan was only ashamed of being too anxious and suspicious of Fang Jinshu's attitude.

"There are children at home, so I'll write a few regular prescriptions for Grandma, so I'll be prepared." Su Liangzhi said.

Fang Jinshu thanked him, and asked, "This time, Brother Ting won't take the medicine?"

"Since there is no disease, why take medicine?" Su Liangzhi asked with a smile.

Fang Zhi submitted the consultation fee, Yao Tong cleaned up the pulse pillow, and Su Liangzhi was about to leave.

"I'll take you out," Fang Jinshu said.

"It's time to send it off properly," Aunt Quan said, "Please trouble my son-in-law to make this trip."

Fang Jinshu sent Su Liangzhi to the second door, Su Liangzhi pondered for a moment, and said in a low voice: "There is something, I thought about it and I should tell Grandma."

"Doctor Su, please tell me."

"Brother Ting's sleepiness this time is somewhat similar to my niece." The niece he was talking about was exactly Xu Wanzhen.

If it were someone else, he would definitely not say it.So what if you know it, it just adds to your troubles.And Fang Jinshu and Xu Wanzhen have a good relationship, and they have invested in Baicaowei, so they are people who can stand the test of time.


Su Liangzhi nodded.

That day Xu Wanzhen was poisoned to protect Empress Dowager Xiao, and she was seriously injured and unconscious.Fang Jinshu visited her, and she seemed to be asleep, peaceful and peaceful.

Although she knew when Xu Wanzhen would wake up, she didn't know the reason behind it.

Hearing what Su Liangzhi said, Fang Jinshu's heart tightened.If this is the case, will Quan Yiting also be in a coma for a while?
Seeing her nervousness, Su Liangzhi said: "Grandma, don't be nervous, it's just that they are somewhat similar, not the same. Brother Ting's situation is much better than that of my niece."

At least, before falling asleep, he was not poisoned.

"I presume he won't sleep long."

Even though he said that, Fang Jinshu was still worried.

After sending Su Liangzhi away and returning to the room, she suppressed her thoughts and said to Aunt Quan: "Mother, go and rest, there is a daughter-in-law watching over here."

Aunt Quan refused, she shook her head and said, "I have to look at him to be at ease."

She watched Quan Yiting grow up in her infancy, with such deep feelings, how could Mrs. Quan let him here alone.It's not that he is worried about Fang Jinshu, but because of his feelings.

Even if Quan Yiting is just asleep and doesn't need her to do anything, it's fine to just be with her.

Fang Jinshu understood what she meant, and said with a smile, "Okay, I'll prepare dinner, and mother will have dinner in our yard tonight, okay?"

Aunt Quan will naturally not refuse.

After the fever subsided, Quan Yiting's complexion became normal, his breathing was steady, and he slept soundly.As Su Liangzhi said, he seemed to be too tired and needed a deep sleep.

Ren Ying, who left Qingyingju, went back to her room, looked around, and hated it more and more.Fang Jinshu's bedroom was so luxurious that it hurt her eyes.

Why? !

She vigorously stirred the silk handkerchief in her hand, thinking angrily.

All of this should belong to her!The position of Grandma Quan should have been hers!
Fang Jinshu, the robber, stole everything that belonged to her, and he was so righteous that he didn't even show a good face.

 Look, let me tell you, don’t come out and chat with me if you don’t stop talking~~ In other words, you should have guessed the origin of Dudu after seeing this~
  Thanks to "Linda Xiaozhou" for the reward of 100 starting coins (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~
  Thanks to "Junzizijiao", "Pippi Loves Mom" ​​and "Doudouqin" for their precious monthly votes ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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