I have Wanjie Red Packet Group

Chapter 204 There's a God Behind It

Chapter 204 There's a God Behind It
Zhang Feng corrected him and moved a step away, revealing Liu Xiaosi's soul.

"Liu Xiaosi" on the hospital bed shrank his pupils, and said in surprise, "How could you possibly want her soul back, she has already been escorted away by spirit messengers!"

"Sorry, we are related households."

Zhang Feng laughed strangely, if he hadn't known Gu Zhengping this time, it would really be difficult to bring Liu Xiaosi's soul back, unless there was a fight.

But those spirit messengers are all superior in strength, and they are still in their main position. How can they win.

As for giving benefits, I'm afraid it is very difficult, after all, it will threaten their iron rice bowl.

"How is it possible, how do you know people from the underworld!"

Fake Liu Xiaosi didn't want to believe it, and immediately guessed the specific reason.

"No way, it's your bad luck!"

Zhang Feng sneered, looked at Gu Zhengping and said, "I leave it to you!"


Gu Zhengping didn't talk nonsense, and pointed at the fake Liu Xiaosi, amidst the clattering sound, a black chain flew out, directly entered his body, and locked a soul.

"What! You are a spirit messenger, damn it."

The latter struggled violently, but she didn't expect the spirit messenger to follow her. To her, it was like a catastrophe.

"Monster, you are going against the sky, trying to deceive the sky, but unfortunately God doesn't allow it."

Gu Zhengping's face was indifferent, he pulled hard, and a white-haired, ugly woman was pulled out, screaming piercingly.

"No, don't take me back, I don't want to die yet!"

She struggled frantically, but the black chains on her body were designed to deal with souls, and she couldn't break free with her cultivation.

"This old guy's cultivation is not low. I guess she has a late-stage cultivation. If it weren't for the effect of this soul chain, we might have a hard time taking her down."

Du Wenzhi looked unexpectedly at the soul in front of him, already lifeless, but covered by a strange force.

"This guy is so ugly, he has the nerve to take away the body of a little girl."

Zhang Feng showed disgust.

"Give me a pull, she's struggling too hard."

Gu Zhengping was a little out of breath, his cultivation level was not high, barely enough to be a spirit messenger, and it was a bit difficult to catch this kind of evil spirit level guy as soon as he came.

"Hmph, I'm still struggling at this time."

Du Wenzhi directly made a tactic, a thunderbolt appeared out of thin air, and landed on the old guy in front of him with a crackling sound.


This is the Taoist thunder method, which is the most restraint of Yin spirits. The struggling woman was suddenly smoked, trembling all over, her breath weakened by half, and she suffered serious injuries.

Gu Zhengping seized the opportunity, chanted the spell, and the black soul-lock chain immediately became longer, further locking it.

"Okay, now she doesn't want to run away."

Gu Zhengping let out a breath and smiled.

"Damn it, you can't take me. Hei Wuchang in the city god here is my elder. If you kill me, you will die too!"

In the eyes of resentment, the old woman didn't care so much, and directly spoke out about her background.

Gu Zhengping's face changed, he didn't expect this guy to have a backer.

"No wonder, when the spirit messenger reminded me just now, I felt that this matter was tricky. It turns out that the reason why you are so arrogant is that there are people behind you, oh no, there is a god."

Du Wenzhi suddenly said, and looked at Gu Zhengping whose face changed: "Brother, the situation is a bit troublesome now."

"I know."

Gu Zhengping's eyes flickered, obviously thinking about the pros and cons, whether to continue.

"How powerful is Heiwuchang?" Zhang Feng cried inwardly. He didn't expect that there would be twists and turns in this matter.

"The local town god she mentioned should be the lowest-level county town god, which manages a radius of hundreds of miles. Golden Core Realm."

Du Wenzhi sighed, there are almost no land gods alive in this world, but the underworld is a big world, even a small official stationed there is not easy, has powerful power, and is in charge of the reincarnation of tens of thousands of ghosts .

"Golden Core Realm..."

Zhang Feng frowned. The beast-controlling talisman seemed to be enough to deal with it, but this is a god, a yin god with a god status, and belongs to the official organization of the underworld. If he dares to move, it will be very troublesome.

"Could it be, what we did was in vain, and we still can't save Xiaosi."

His face was ugly, he had already made it this far, and he really didn't want to give up.

"This matter is hindered by the rules, and he certainly cannot stop it openly. In other words, it is reasonable for us to arrest her and punish her, but..."

When Du Wenzhi said this, he glanced at Gu Zhengping: "The anger of impermanence will not be eliminated. We are fine, and we have a certain level of cultivation in the world. As long as the other party is not too excessive, it is difficult to retaliate, but this brother But when they work in City God, Wuchang is their immediate boss."

Underworld Jifu is a huge official organization. The real Jifu is located deep in the underworld and guards the six realms of reincarnation.

And there are a large number of branches under it, the most famous one is the ten halls of Yama, which is the most powerful, including the ten halls of Yama, the chief judge, the top bull head and horse face, black and white impermanence, etc.

These are all located in the underworld, and are generally only responsible for the souls who have been sent through the gate of hell. Outside the underworld, the closest to reality is the agency sent by the underworld, the Temple of the God of God!
These Town God's Temples are naturally much weaker in strength and are divided into two levels, namely the County Town God and the Fu Town God, which are in charge of the range of a hundred miles and a thousand miles respectively. impermanence.

The so-called judge, bull-headed horse-faced, and two generals in shackles, black and white impermanence, are actually official positions, not those in the eyes of ordinary people, and below them are the lowest level of spiritual messengers.

Black and white impermanence belonged to the lowest-ranking official of the six generals of the City God, but it also belonged to the god position, and those who were registered by the underworld were naturally not eligible for any garbage.

Therefore, even the lowest-level county town god's temple, the official position of impermanence has to be qualified at the Jindan level, otherwise how can it deter a hundred miles away.

Gu Zhengping is a spirit messenger, he can only be regarded as the lowest-level yamen servant, and the local government will not register it. The local city god recruited some people to do it.

Once Gu Zhengping was determined to deal with this woman, he would definitely offend his superiors, which was a very dangerous thing in a bureaucratic system like the underworld.

"Haha, be afraid, let me go, or you will lose your job!"

The ugly woman laughed triumphantly. Originally she didn't want to reveal her background. After all, her elder had only become Wuchang not long ago. If she hadn't hoped to break through to the Golden Core stage and join the City God to consolidate his power in the future, she might not have helped She cheated.

"Gu Zhengping, I won't force you this time, you choose carefully."

Zhang Feng patted the classmate on the shoulder, looking helpless, this matter was not just about saving Liu Xiaosi.It is also about Gu Zhengping's future.

(End of this chapter)

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