Chapter 210 Slander
"I don't know their rules and regulations. I hope Gu Zhengping won't be punished too much."

Zhang Feng murmured, everything has a price, this time saving Liu Xiaosi, most of the price fell on Gu Zhengping.

After waiting for a long time, he didn't see Gu Zhengping coming out. Zhang Feng was a little bored and didn't dare to take out his mobile phone to play here, so his eyes fell on the shops on both sides.

"What can be sold here?"

Zhang Feng showed curiosity, and walked over with strides, planning to check out the nearest shops.

The dim light seemed to be light, but in fact it gave off a gloomy feeling. Zhang Feng thought strangely and came to the shop.

Wisps of mist rose up, and the buns sold here were actually steamed buns. He was amazed to see that, it is possible that the soul also wants to eat.

"Brother, do you want one?"

Under the tall steamer, a head poked out, with a wrinkled face, old-fashioned, the key is that this guy has only one eye, the other eye is empty, Zhang Feng was startled.

He smiled awkwardly: "No, I don't have money, I can't afford it."

What kind of merit and soul power circulate in the underworld, the former doesn't know how to condense it, and he doesn't even know if he has merit, and he doesn't have the latter.

"It's a shame to come to this kind of place if you don't have money. I don't know if you have money, you can turn ghosts around? You can't afford the cheapest buns, even poor ghosts."

A burst of ridicule sounded from the side, Zhang Feng was speechless, turned his head and glanced, feeling surprised.

This is a young man with red lips and white teeth, handsome appearance, tall and slender figure, wearing a white ancient costume, which makes him look even whiter.

Uh, this person gave him the feeling that he was prettier than women, but his mouth was stinky and he looked superior, which was very annoying.

Beside the other party, to be precise, there is a woman in his arms. As for why he didn't see it at first glance, it was because this woman seemed to be wrapped around the young man.

The woman is also very beautiful, but her temperament is quite seductive. At this moment, a pair of narrow eyes are looking at him with interest.

Zhang Feng didn't know the two of them, so he thought for a while, and said, "It's none of your business, I didn't say I want to eat."


Li Chen was furious, but he didn't know how to refute for a while.

"Go and buy buns yourself, don't waste my time."

Zhang Feng curled his lips, he didn't bother to pay attention to this kind of guy, he turned and walked towards the nearby shop.

In another place, Li Chen probably had already taken action to teach this guy a lesson. He glanced at the spirit messenger patrolling in the corner, and held back his anger.

Just as he was about to leave, he saw the woman in his arms staring at Zhang Feng, and he was furious: "Bitch, what are you looking at, do you want to follow him? Then go!"

The expression of the woman who was pushed away changed, she was not angry, but said with a smile: "Young Master Li, I am not looking at him, but at a treasure."

"Baby? This kind of poor ghost has a baby?" Li Chen snorted, "If you find a reason, find a better one for me, get out, I don't need your company today!"

"Young Master Li, are you angry? I really didn't lie to you." The woman twisted her body and said coquettishly, "If you don't believe me, if you carefully sense what is in his hand, you will definitely be surprised."

"You better tell the truth."

The young man said coldly, looking at Zhang Feng, who was watching the flowers on horseback, a thought came to him, and his whole body was shocked.

"What a profound Buddha power, this thing is probably a top-notch magic weapon."

His eyes lit up, the magical treasures in this world are divided into levels such as magical implements, magical treasures, spiritual treasures, and fairy treasures.

Magical artifacts are generally used in acquired and innate realms, while higher-level magic weapons are used in Jindan and Yuanying levels, and these are more precious.

Although it is said that at the golden elixir stage, magic weapons can be refined with real fire, but it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. If she wants to refine a magic weapon, she needs a lot of precious materials.

On the earth, the spiritual energy is exhausted and the materials are scarce. Even the golden elixir often does not have enough materials, so it can only be used to make ends meet, or pass on the magic weapons left by the elders.

It can be seen that the real magic weapon is valuable.

As for the higher-level spiritual treasures and fairy treasures, they are beyond the imagination of ordinary practitioners, only the big bosses and even gods of the underworld can have them.

For them, a magic weapon is enough to make them jealous.

So after the woman noticed it, she couldn't move her eyes immediately.

"A poor ghost who can't even afford a bun, where did he get the magic weapon? He must have picked it up somewhere, and he doesn't deserve to have it!"

Li Chen thought jealously, his family background is unusual, and he doesn't have magic weapons, but someone he looks down on does, so how can he balance his heart.

"My lord, why don't you do this?" The woman whispered in Li Chen's ear.

After the latter heard it, his eyes moved, and he smiled: "Okay, you go."

The woman left Li Chen's embrace with a smile, and walked towards Zhang Feng on catwalks.

Here, Zhang Feng was amazed. He found that the things sold here were similar to those in the outside world. There were all kinds of food, clothes and shoes, and some weird things.

However, there are mostly antique shops here, not many modern ones, but there are also, for example, there is a milk tea shop in front of him.

"Pearl milk tea, awesome, it's actually available here, and there are probably tea eggs."

Zhang Feng looked at the modern shop in front of him, where some modern souls were sitting and drinking milk tea.

"Strange, why don't I have any appetite, even though it looks good."

Zhang Feng touched his chin and felt something was wrong. He saw a lot of delicious food along the way, but he didn't have any appetite.

"It's probably because I'm still alive, these are for the undead to eat."

Just as he was thinking this way, a shadow suddenly approached beside him, and crashed into his arms with a whoop.

Immediately, he felt a burst of softness and fragrance, but normal people would be vigilant in the face of such a sudden attack, and he was no exception, subconsciously wanted to push away.

But a pair of arms wrapped around him, so that he could feel the elasticity of a woman in his hands.

The woman in her arms took the opportunity to steal the rosary, but when she touched it, the latter did indeed have a Buddha's light, which made her tremble all over, as if her hand touched a burning flame.

The long and slender fingers were smoking, making them retreat as soon as they were touched, and they dared not hold them in their hands.

"Oops, this magic weapon actually has such strong Buddha power, I can't touch it!"

Shocked in her heart, she wanted to leave, but she became limp under the Buddha's light, and this time she was really limp in Zhang Feng's arms.

"Hey, what do you want to do?"

After Zhang Feng recognized who, he couldn't tell that the other party was doing it on purpose. He glanced at the rosary and said meaningfully: "Beauty, your son is so beautiful, why don't you hug me?"


You Mei was suffering and couldn't tell, Li Chen, who was waiting beside him, couldn't move when he saw that he was hugging him, and suddenly became furious, and when he walked over, he pulled it away, slapped him on the face, and slapped him. to the side.


His eyes danced with anger, he looked at Zhang Feng and said, "You dare to touch my woman and steal my magic weapon, you are courting death!"

Zhang Feng was stunned for a moment, there was some evidence for the previous sentence, why did the latter sentence sound more and more like slander?

(End of this chapter)

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