Chapter 215
"Where is it, go!"

Du Wenzhi immediately calmed down and smiled, "Although I am not a Feng Shui master, my ability is not bad. You definitely did not find the wrong person."

"I just saw you wearing Taoist robes, and you look like a human being. I just fooled my parents. You also know that the older generation pays attention to these things."

Zhang Feng pouted.

Du Wenzhi's face froze, he snorted and said, "Don't look down on those who read Feng Shui, there is some truth in these, and it's not purely cheating."

"I understand this. You have to have some skills, otherwise you would have been eliminated long ago."

He has seen Mr. Feng Shui determine the acupoints and survey the positions. He holds a compass and observes the surrounding terrain. He is obviously determining the wind direction, water flow, magnetic field, etc. Although it is mostly based on experience, it still has some effect.

"It will still be eliminated by the times. Young people will not learn this. With urbanization, this will gradually disappear."

Du Wenzhi sighed a little, although the way of Fengshui is only a branch of Taoism, but all are prosperous and all are damaged, and its decline and death also means that they are constantly weakening as a whole.

"Don't sigh, the taxi is coming, let's go!"

Zhang Feng waved to a taxi, and Du Wenzhi was speechless: "You are so rich, you don't have your own car, let alone a special car driver."

"Too busy, I didn't have time to buy. Besides, isn't it convenient to take a taxi? You have to find a parking space when you drive."

Zhang Feng didn't take it seriously. Although he had a lot of money, most of his habits were still in the past. He didn't seem to care much about whether he had a car or not.

Besides, when driving in the wild, he just flies in the nano combat suit, which is much more convenient and faster than a car, so he never bought a car.

"You stupid, rich people are all chauffeurs, need you to stop?"

Du Wenzhi rolled his eyes.

"Your statement makes sense. I have a lot of men, and I can let them be drivers."

Zhang Feng nodded, took out his cell phone, and made a call.

"Yuzi, go and buy a few cars to facilitate future travel."

"Master, I have already bought it."

Hearing Iijima Yuzu's words, Zhang Feng was surprised, "Bought it?"

"Didn't the master give me a sum of money? I thought it would be more convenient to have a car. Yesterday, I bought a car before sending my uncle and aunt home. Today I brought them to the villa."

Iijima Yuzu laughed.

"Well, yes, that's it, I'll come over later."

Zhang Feng hung up the phone and smiled. Yuzu Iijima was quite considerate.

"I'll go, you still have a sister under your command?" Du Wenzhi looked envious and jealous.

"Day, you're eavesdropping again!"

Zhang Feng didn't care about the other party's problem, but the essence behind the problem.

"You are so close to me, how can I not hear you?"

Du Wenzhi shrugged and said resentfully, "I'm still single, you actually have a female secretary."

"You can also look for it, and help you carry the Seven Star Sword." Zhang Feng curled his lips.

"No, my Taoist sect pays attention to quietness and inaction, and I can't even have too much worldly money, so how can I do this kind of thing?"

Du Wenzhi looked uncomfortable: "I knew I would not be a Taoist priest, but I was fooled by that old guy."

"Uh, your Xuanqing sect shouldn't prohibit marriage, right?"

Zhang Feng felt that this guy had deep resentment.

"It's not forbidden, and it's not from the Quanzhen lineage, but that old guy tricked me into practicing Boy Kungfu, so that after I became sensible, I had to practice desperately, and finally broke through the innate, so don't worry."

Du Wenzhi looked depressed, "I'm almost thirty now, and I don't have a girlfriend yet, so I feel depressed just thinking about it."

"Haha, I finally met someone who has been single longer than me."

But Zhang Feng couldn't help laughing out loud, gloating over others' misfortune.


Du Wenzhi was so angry that he rolled his eyes: "Hmph, I'm sure I can get out of the single soon, why don't you introduce me to one?"

"Me? I don't know too many women. Besides, I'm trying to get out of the singles now, so I don't have time to care about you."

"Tch, you're still single, you're just laughing at fifty steps."

When Du Wenzhi heard this, he immediately became disdainful.

"I'm at least chasing, and I'm almost successful. You don't even have a partner. How can you compare?"

"There will be soon, believe it or not, I will get out of the order faster than you."

Du Wenzhi said in disbelief.

"Do not believe."

Zhang Feng shook his head. This guy has been single for nearly 30 years. He probably practices on the mountain every day, and he doesn't see many women.

"Make a bet?"

Du Wenzhi rolled his eyes.

"You, a monk, still bet?" Zhang Feng felt more and more that this guy was unqualified for his profession.

"Don't you dare?"

Du Wenzhi rebounded.

"Just bet, what do you want to bet?" Zhang Feng really had nothing to fear.

"The thing just now, three yuan?" Du Wenzhi remembered that Zhang Feng's spirit stone was hanging there.

"What are you betting on?" Zhang Feng secretly scolded this guy for having malicious intentions, and actually set his sights on his Lingshi again.

"What do you want? You can basically see everything that is valuable in me. Talismans, spells, formations, Seven Star Sword, and my labor force."

"Fuck, forget about the labor force, and you also use the Seven Star Sword as a bet?"

"Otherwise, that's all that's comparable to yours. I'm afraid you'll feel like you're at a disadvantage."

Du Wenzhi nodded. The top grade spirit stone is something that the sect does not have, and it is very precious to him.

"Then I want the Seven Star Sword!" Zhang Feng chuckled: "I want to win you, the housekeeper."

"Tch, you haven't won yet, don't speak big words, or you will be slapped in the face." Du Wenzhi reminded.

"But you can't just find a woman and become a girlfriend. It must be someone you really like, and the other party must like you, and the appearance and ability must also be first-class."

Zhang Feng took a look at Du Wenzhi's appearance. After all, this guy is a cultivator with an outstanding temperament. It is easy to squint some ordinary women, so it has to be more difficult.

"Don't worry, am I just a casual person? I am going to find a woman who is also innate and beautiful."

Du Wenzhi said with pride.

"That's what you said."

Zhang Feng smiled. This guy is more demanding than him. The Yang Binger he is chasing is indeed beautiful, but he has no innate cultivation.

This is destined to be much more difficult for the opponent than him, and he will decide on the Seven Star Sword.

He liked the opponent's Seven Star Sword very much. It was beautiful in style and not bad in power, enough for him to use for a long time.

"Well, you can't be too different in age from me, it's better to be younger than me."

Du Wenzhi said longingly.

The driver in front had weird eyes. The two of them are sick, right?

When he arrived at the location, he hurriedly stopped and said, "The Qianhu Villa is here, thirty."

Zhang Feng gave the money, got out of the car and walked into the villa area. When he came to the place his mother said, an elegant villa appeared in front of him, covering a vast area. Belongs to class.

Du Wenzhi took a few glances, but frowned and said: "It's fierce, this place is fierce!"

(End of this chapter)

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