Chapter 229
He looked at the rosary in his hand. It was crystal clear and made of very good material. Just one bead can be used as a magical treasure, and more than 100 beads can definitely be compared to spiritual treasures.

Lingbao, this is only a fairy-level existence above the Nascent Soul, and even he can only look into the distance.

How could it be so easy for a born little character to possess such a treasure.

He suddenly felt a little regretful, if he had suffered this dark loss, there would not be so many things.

"The matter has come to this point, it seems that we should be more careful, first find out his specific background."

His eyes showed a thoughtful look, and he did not give up revenge. After all, he had already started, and he didn't stop when he wanted to.

"Judging from the description of the Black Mountain Five Demons, the other party will not activate the power of the rosary at all, and has not practiced any Dharma. It is really reckless."

Thinking of the other party's method of using this magic weapon, he sneered and had a way to deal with it.

"As long as the Yin spirit is not allowed to move him, it will be difficult for this magic weapon to work. It seems that the power of the sect must be used."

He took out a talisman with strange lines drawn on it, lightly touched it, and the talisman burned, and then his lips moved slightly, and after he said a few words, the talisman turned into a green light and passed away.

Somewhere deep in the western part of the real world, there are few people here, cold and humid, even ordinary animals don't want to come here.

But if there are formation masters here, they can see the peculiarity of the nearby terrain, where the evil energy of heaven and earth gathers here, making the yin and yang out of balance here, making it difficult for ordinary creatures to survive.

Underneath the gloomy land, there are palaces carved out of stone, with mysterious and evil styles, and a simple and simple appearance, obviously existing for a long time.

Here, it is one of the nine top sects in China, the representative of Xixie among the Dongxian, Xixie, Nanwu, Beishen, and Zhongwulin sects, the evil spirit sect!

This sect is different from the other Poison God Sect who is also Xixie. They rarely appear in front of other cultivators, or most of the people who saw them died, which seemed very mysterious and frightening.

At this time, in the depths of the palace, in the darkness, the space suddenly distorted slightly, and suddenly a faint green color burst out of the air, staying in front of a figure that had almost merged into the darkness.

"Junior brother, go and check a person, he is in Huaxia, this is his information..."

Ji Changda's voice sounded commanding, and after he finished speaking, a figure appeared, exactly like Zhang Feng.

The figure sitting cross-legged on the ground opened his eyes, and the dark green light made him look less like a human and more like a ghost.

After pondering for a while, he finally opened his mouth, with a soft and cold voice: "Brother, you have spent so much resources from the sect to break through to the Golden Core Realm and sit on the position of impermanence. resources."

There was a lot of dissatisfaction in his words, "You have the five evil spirits of Black Mountain and the city god's spirit messenger, but you still have to let me investigate, which can make you afraid, so how can it be so simple."

After talking to himself with resentment for a while, he said coldly to the outside: "Let Shen'er come here."

Soon, a young man walked into the palace, and suddenly there was light around him, which came from ancient bronze lamps, but the light was green and seemed to have no temperature at all.

Even the light did not illuminate the figure on the main seat of the palace. It seemed that there was some power absorbing the light, and it was still dark.

However, the light illuminated the young man's face. His face was pale and bloodless, as if he hadn't been exposed to the sun for a long time, and his cheeks were soft, like a woman.

If Zhang Feng was here, he would immediately recognize that this was the guy who had conflicts with him at the gate of hell.

At this moment, Li Chen looked very honest, and said respectfully, "Master, what orders do you have from me?"

"Go check some people, find out his background, and remember not to do anything, he is not something you can deal with."

Facing his apprentice, Soi Ying softened his tone, and gave orders as well as warnings.


Li Chen was slightly startled, it seemed that the person to investigate was not simple.

"This is what he looks like, write it down, and I will tell you other information."

The green light suddenly twisted, controlled by an invisible force, gathered together, and quickly turned into a human face, but it was still green.

The moment he saw the face clearly, Li Chen's pupils shrank, and he exclaimed, "It's him!"

"Oh? You know him?" Soi Ying was a little surprised.

"The last time I went to Ghost Gate to trade some cultivation resources, I met this person..."

Li Chen's face changed, and he told what happened, including the matter of the magic weapon and the bull's head.

Heiying was silent for a while, and said: "No wonder your uncle is jealous. It has something to do with Niutou, and possibly Buddhism. He has a powerful magic weapon. It seems that the subordinates he sent out are at a disadvantage."

"Is this person so powerful? Even the uncle is at a disadvantage, no, how could the uncle conflict with him?" Li Chen expressed doubts.

"It's not your uncle's business. The body she's staring at has something to do with this person. After being discovered, she was thrown into hell by the spirit messenger. Basically, there is no life."

Heiying snorted, he would not be happy if his sect lost a master.

"I just said that this person is annoying no matter how you look at it. It turns out that he is the enemy of our evil spirit sect. Don't worry, master, I will definitely investigate him!"

Li Chen said with a cold face.

"Check it out, be careful yourself, don't reveal your identity, and don't do it lightly!"

Sombra warned.

"Well, I will know how to measure." Li Chen nodded, he had already suffered from Zhang Feng, and knowing that the uncle was afraid of him, he would naturally be careful.

"Go, you happened to have a conflict with him, even if you are found out, the other party will not think about your uncle and uncle, as long as you don't fight him to the death, it will not be too dangerous. In addition, you can use the power of the world Use it at will, and find out what power is hidden behind him as soon as possible."

"Yes, Master."


At dawn, the small mountain village became more lively immediately, with dogs barking, roosters crowing, geese hooting, cows mooing, and sheep bleating one after another. The villagers moved leisurely and talked about building roads and bridges.

Standing by the bamboo forest, Zhang Feng looked at the beautiful countryside, but he was still a little bit reluctant, after all, he had lived here for more than 20 years.

"Son, do you want this dress?"

Mother Song Shujuan's voice came, she was packing up and preparing to move.

"Keep it, it's not like I won't come back to live in the future."

Zhang Feng said with a faint smile, they had a discussion at dinner last night, and they will take turns living in the old house and the new house, and they can live in whichever side they want.

"That's right, then I won't bother to get it for you, your school also has clothes."

Song Shujuan reacted.

"You don't need to take your clothes, just pack some daily necessities, and buy new ones for the rest."

Zhang Feng suggested that he didn't want to make big and small bags.

"Yes, my son is not short of money. You should buy a new house for the new house. The things here will be just right for you to use when you come back." The old man who was lying on the chair and listening to the drama shook his head, thinking that there was no need to be so troublesome.

(End of this chapter)

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