Chapter 253
"How about using this as your fare?" Zhang Feng pointed to the scroll in Wu Luoshan's hand.

The driver, who was already extremely angry, immediately calmed down, like a dead fish with greedy eyes in his eyes that were about to fall off.

"That's about the same, give it to me quickly."

As he spoke, he grabbed the scroll.

"Nine Heavens Profound Brake, Puhua Zhenlei!"

Du Wenzhi chanted a spell, and with a crack, a thunderbolt fell on the driver out of thin air.


With a scream, it was as if something had been hit, and it turned into black smoke and disintegrated on the spot. The half-stretched hand of the corpse stopped and slumped on the seat.

"Playing with corpses is the greatest disrespect to the dead!"

Du Wenzhi looked at the corpse in disgust, and was talking to another existence.

The driver with his head drooping suddenly uttered another voice: "Hehe, you hacked its soul to death. Could it be a respect?"

"It was a relief for him."

Du Wenzhi corrected.

"Anyway, you didn't pay for the ride and beat the driver to death. Isn't that too much?"

The completely different voice carried great coldness.

"What do you mean, I don't have a point in my heart?"

Seeing the black hands behind the scenes talking, Zhang Feng couldn't help but sneered.

"Then did I rob you of your things? It seems that you yourself said that you want to use the demon knife as the fare?"

The driver sneered, tilted his head, completely lost his breath, and became a real corpse.

"Your uncle, you are still asking for the fare."

Zhang Feng couldn't help cursing, it was the first time he saw the enemy so shameless, he clearly wanted to steal his things, but in the end it could be dragged into the fare.

"It's a pity, you didn't take us to the destination, but you still have to go a long way."

Zhang Feng got off the car regretfully, followed by Du Wenzhi and Wu Luoshan, only to find that the surroundings were actually barren mountains after getting out.

"The driving skills are good. This is basically a mountain road, but it feels very stable when sitting in it."

Zhang Feng looked at the broken car with four disabled wheels in admiration, and believed in his heart that people of this school had good driving skills.

Du Wenzhi nodded: "The hearse consumes the power of heaven and earth, just like magnetic levitation, naturally it will not be affected by the road conditions."

"However, the rosary on your body has been neutralizing the yin energy on the car, so it failed to persist to the west mountain."

Zhang Feng came to a sudden: "So that's the case, I still regret that I didn't get to the destination, it was because of me."

The corner of Du Wenzhi's mouth twitched: "It seems that you are very novel."

"It's the first time to sit, of course it's a novelty, which genre is this technique from?"

Zhang Feng looked at the increasingly decayed car and asked.

"The hearse can be refined by many evil spirit cultivators, but the driver inside is only good at those who belong to the corpse guard. I didn't expect this kind of disgusting guy to be attracted here."

Du Wenzhi said with a trace of disgust.

"The lineage of the royal corpse."

Zhang Feng's eyes glowed: "I haven't seen it before, tell me about it?"

However, Du Wenzhi showed suspicion: "Why do you feel that your actions this time are intentional to gain exposure to the world?"

"Hey, who said that, I'm learning by the way, not on purpose."

Zhang Feng touched his nose, he did have this idea.

The corner of Du Wenzhi's mouth twitched: "Let this guy introduce you, he is an evil faction, and he is more familiar with the methods of the same evil faction than I am."

Wu Luoshan then said: "Sir, the lineage of imperial corpses is also called the lineage of refining corpses, gravediggers, etc. They exist in China and abroad. They basically deal with corpses, gain strength from corpses, and use corpses as an attack. As for defense methods, what ordinary people can hear is the lineage of corpse exorcism in Xiangxi. In fact, this is only a small part. The powerful ones can basically refine corpses into weapons and servants, such as this driver.

In the hidden world, the most famous ones are Huaxia's Corpse Exorcists, Corpse Refining Sect, and Western Gravediggers. They all belong to evil ways. They usually hide in dark places and rarely come out unless there is something they want to grab. "

Speaking of this, Wu Luoshan shook the scroll: "This thing is also a magic weapon of the evil sect, very suitable for them."

"Corpse chaser, corpse refining sect, gravedigger." Zhang Feng's eyes moved slightly. He didn't expect that any school would have so many inheritances.

"Well, the corpse chasers are relatively decent, and they have more respect for corpses. Otherwise, they wouldn't have helped chase corpses in the era of inconvenient transportation."

Du Wenzhi nodded, showing disgust again: "The Corpse Refinement Sect and the gravediggers are the ones who don't respect corpses. They use corpses as tools, refine them into weapons, and even kill people to take fresh corpses..."

"Ahem, Daoist Du, let's prepare for the troubles that are coming soon."

Wu Luoshan interrupted, there is no other way, he has also used the method of refining corpses, this guy is scolding him, isn't it equivalent to scolding him?
"The owner of this corpse should be far away. He walked forty miles from the city."

Zhang Feng looked at the map and said in surprise, "It's only been ten minutes, and the speed is fast enough, much faster than ordinary taxis."

"The focus of your attention is always strange."

Du Wenzhi's face twitched, "But you guessed it right, this first-class corpse guard will definitely not be too close to here, he is very careful, he just attached part of his thoughts to the corpse to manipulate, and I have already killed it just now. "

"That's a pity. We can't meet each other. I feel that he is quite polite. He actually asks for the fare instead of robbing directly."

Zhang Feng showed regret.

"He has to be capable if he wants to rob. This corpse is equivalent to an acquired martial artist. Let alone the two of us here, even you, it can't beat it, but it can disgust people."

Du Wenzhi said unhappily, this guy actually thinks that the enemy is being polite, maybe he hasn't seen how the corpse refining line tortures people.

"Speaking of disgust, it's really disgusting. Did you rush to sit in the back before, did you do it on purpose?"

Zhang Feng thought of the two scrambling to sit in the back when getting in the car, and looked at them suspiciously.

"You didn't say you wanted to sit in the back. I thought you knew this guy was not clean, otherwise why would you want to sit in his car?"

Du Wenzhi shrugged, not saying that he sat in the back because he felt the driver was disgusting.

"Your uncle, you didn't remind me."

Zhang Feng couldn't help but tugged on Du Wenzhi's clothes, "How can I see clearly, this guy is so well disguised."

"Aren't you very happy? It's a free experience, isn't it exciting?"

Du Wenzhi was speechless, he tried his best to push Zhang Feng apart, and found that this guy had a lot of strength in his hand, and he couldn't get rid of it.

"No, you have to pay me compensation, such as helping me open my eyes, so I can see it too."

Zhang Feng spoke righteously, he was sure that this guy saw it with the eyes of the sky, and Wu Luoshan, who was originally an evil figure, was very familiar with this thing without eyes.

But he doesn't know anything, otherwise he wouldn't have gotten into the car with peace of mind, and listened to the bullshit all the way.

"Get out, it's so easy to open the sky eye, I'm just opening the sky eye temporarily." Du Wenzhi snorted.

(End of this chapter)

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