Chapter 106

After the soldier reported, he dropped his body to the ground, not daring to raise his head.

The death of the crown prince is the worst news for Zhao.

Everyone froze in place, this obviously cannot be false, if someone dares to falsely spread such news, it is courting death.

"You say it again?"

Zhao Xiaocheng and Wang Gang finished asking.

But before he got the answer he wanted, his whole body twitched for a moment and passed out directly.

The scene is suffocatingly quiet!
"King, King"

The ministers are already panicking.

Even Zhao Yan was a little at a loss.

He never expected that Qin Chuan's method of helping him to ascend to the position was to directly kill the crown prince.

so cruel!

That bastard Guo Kai, why didn't you explain it to me?
Tears flowed from Zhao Yan's eyes, obviously he was frightened, Zhao Yan and him are brothers, Zhao Yan died, he still has to be sad.

"My son has no intention of killing you, if you want to blame it, blame Qin Chuan of Qin!"

Zhao Yu murmured deep in his heart, a little at a loss.

Everyone was shocked by this sudden situation, and their minds were confused, except Lian Po, whose mind was still clear.

"My lords, the spring hunting is temporarily canceled. You take the king back to the Zhao Palace first, and the soldiers of each battalion get on their horses. You, lead the way, and follow this general to find the real culprit."

There was a sound of neighing from the horses.

This was by no means a simple assassination.

Killing the prince of Zhao State in the capital of Zhao State challenged Zhao State's prestige, despised Zhao State's legal system, and slapped King Zhao in the face.

The most important thing is to make Da Zhao lose the crown prince!
Lian Po burst into tears, but as soon as the tears fell, they were blown dry on his face by the strong wind.

Zhao Yu is the next king he is optimistic about, just like Li Mu, the general he is optimistic about on the border, he is the key figure who can revive the Zhao country.

But now, Zhao Yi was killed!
This result is unacceptable.


Lian Po has made up his mind that no matter who the opponent is or how much power is behind him, he must be punished on the spot.

To comfort the prince's spirit in heaven!

Zhao Guo's iron cavalry rushed to attack, three miles away, and arrived in a flash.

The scene of the crime has been sealed off, and Lian Po saw a tragic scene. Zhao Yi's head was separated from his body, and he fell in a pool of blood.

Not only that, but a few fingers were cut off and an arm was chopped off!
The method of killing is so brutal.

Even if Zhao Yi survived, with such a disability, he would not be able to become the king of Zhao. Lian Po knelt on the ground, weeping uncontrollably:
"God, why did you hurt my prince?"

"General, the two guards who came with the prince were also killed. We found these things at the scene."

Appearing in front of Lian Po were Yan's feathered arrows and broken sword, which were still stained with the blood of Zhao's soldiers.

The blood is still wet!
"Yan Jian. Could it be that the Yan people killed the crown prince?"

Lian Po punched the ground hard, and a huge deep pit suddenly appeared on the ground.

Standing up slowly from the ground, Lian Po wiped away his tears, now he can't solve any problems, and finding the murderer is the top priority.

"Send the prince's body back to the palace quickly, and keep the evidence. The murderer should not have gone far. Immediately block Mangshan, dig three feet, and find the murderer for this general. Wan Duan!"


On the entire Mang Mountain, the roar of iron armor can be heard endlessly, so that the people below the mountain are all attracted.

Wang Ben and others have already descended the mountain.

They changed into businessman's clothes again, mixed with the crowd, and looked at Mangshan with great interest.

"Old man, why is Mangshan so lively?"

Wang Ben asked pretending to be ignorant.

An old man from the state of Zhao carried a hoe and said with a gratified smile:
"Aren't you from Zhao?"

"I'm in business!"

"No wonder you don't know about the customs of my great Zhao. This is the royal family's spring hunting. It is once a year and it is the most lively day in the court."

The old man stroked his beard and continued:

"Looking at this posture, someone should have hunted a lot of prey. Our Zhao country has been bullied by Qin. Using spring hunting to boost morale is also a way."

Wang Ben: "."

This is one-sided!

What does it mean that Zhao State was bullied by Qin State? Before my Great Qin rose, all the countries wanted to take food from my Great Qin.

Now that I, Great Qin, are strong, I am not bullying you, Zhao Guo, but revenge!

"Old man, since it's the royal family's spring hunting, then I won't get involved. I'm going to do business after I leave."

Wang Ben and others cupped their hands and were about to leave. At this moment, someone suddenly shouted loudly:

"Look, it's Wang Jia!"

Sure enough, at the end of the road, there was a carriage approaching slowly, and behind it, officials and soldiers whose names could not be named followed.

"Get down on your knees!"

The old man pulled Wang Ben and others to kneel on the ground, not daring to raise his eyes, but listening to the sound of ruts crushing the road.

Wang Ben showed a sneer.

Zhao Wang went down the mountain, indicating that Zhao Yu's head had been discovered, and the reason why there was no news was that someone deliberately blocked it.

It's a pity that this group of people is still looking for the murderer on the mountain, but we have already gone down the mountain.

Lian Po's efforts must be in vain!

The earth trembled.

When King Zhao drove past, the old man pulled Wang Ben and the others up slowly, with yearning in his eyes.

"The fellow seems to be fascinated by the king!"

The old man said without hesitation in praise:
"My Great Zhao rose. When Zhao Wuling King Hu Fu rode and shot, Zhao Xiaocheng King Zhao Xiaocheng experienced Zhao's prosperity and decline. But for many years, the king has worked hard. Although the Zhao State was weakened by one hand, none of the Zhao people hated him. he."


Wang Ben was also curious, King Zhao Xiaocheng was not a faint king, but he was not a wise one either.

If it weren't for the change of generals in the Battle of Changping, how could Zhao's 30 brothers become dead bones buried alive?
It's a pity that he made such a big mistake and sat on the throne shamelessly!

If my King Qin was like this, he would have been drowned by the spittle of the people of Qin, how could he be so domineering?

The old man said softly:

"It's not easy for the king. He gritted his teeth and stood firm in the Battle of Handan. The next step is to recharge his batteries and fight against Qin again."

"The enmity between Qin and Zhao is due to the war between Qin and Zhao in recent years. It seems that Zhao has suffered. Why is the fellow so confident?"

"Naturally, it is because I am the prince of Zhao, my prince of Zhao Guo, Zhao Yi, who loves the country and the people, has the appearance of an emperor, is full of strategy, and knows how to strategize. !"

Wang Ben followed and nodded:

"The fellow is right. The name of the crown prince is like a thunderbolt. I hope to see Zhao Yu ascend the throne in the rest of my life."

"Sir, you can come to my Zhao country to do business more in the future. After the crown prince ascends the throne, he will definitely develop agriculture and business, and give benefits to you businessmen."

Wang Ben bowed deeply to the old man and said:
"Thank you for the invitation, I will definitely come to Handan next time, but I don't know if I'm here for business or not!"

Wang Ben and others turned around and walked away.
(End of this chapter)

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