The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 107 The Showdown Between Zilingyi and Xia Mo

Chapter 107 The Showdown Between Zilingyi and Xia Mo

After losing the first round, the two sides rested for 10 minutes before starting the second round. The game loaded, and the map for the second round came out. The map was in Suzaku Town, and Zi Lingyi and the others were in the town. It's just that the town is empty and very quiet.

The countdown is over, everyone's heroes remain unchanged, and they start to charge towards the streets. The mistakes here are complicated, and everyone will be easily attacked by the group when they are crowded together, so they dispersed, and the UC. Baiyun team is the same, all members spread.

Zilingyi rushed to the long slope beside Zhuque Town. This slope is a long road from top to bottom, and there are many vendors around, but no one is watching. Zilingyi is now on the way down the slope. Location.

Zi Lingyi was shocked when he saw a white figure on the hillside in the distance, and immediately stretched his hand behind him, pulled out the Fengyu sword from the Bailing umbrella, stood straight on the spot, swung the Fengyu sword aside, and looked at This guy uphill.

This person is actually Xia Mo, and Xia Mo is also holding the Xiaoyaoqin, standing in place, the wind is very strong now, the robes and hair of the two are blown up, the two are expressionless, but their eyes are like sharp knives , staring at each other.

At this time, many people from the two teams encountered each other, and the confrontation started, and the fight was extremely fierce, while Zi Lingyi and Xia Mo were extremely quiet. The two sides parted, and the handle of the Qingguang Sword popped out. Xia Mo pulled out the Qingguangsaber, and then, holding the Xiaoyaoqin in his left hand and the Qingguangsaber in his right, he walked slowly down the slope.

Zi Lingyi swung the sword, and then walked up with the Fengyu sword in her hand. Both of them walked slowly, but after that, their footsteps became faster and faster, and finally, the two of them went straight to each other , launched a fierce confrontation.

"Look at the sword!" Zi Lingyi yelled, and as soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi jumped up with one foot, and slashed diagonally with his sword in the air. Xia Mo raised the Qingguang Sword to block it. Xiaoyaoqin slapped it horizontally, but Zilingyi blocked it with his palm.

As soon as Xia Mo pushed hard, Zi Lingyi also kicked on one foot, leaped back and opened the distance, Xia Mo seized the opportunity, stabbed the Qingguang sword on the ground, and then held the piano with both hands. Play to release the "Crazy Song" skill.

Zi Lingyi jumped with one foot, rushed straight up, made a spiral turn in the air, and slashed straight with his sword, splitting two energy streams with one sword. After landing, Zi Lingyi spread his legs apart, lowered his body, and looked up at Xia Xia. Mo, I saw Xia Mo also leaping in the sky, holding the piano with both hands, playing a burst of energy darts.

Zi Lingyi stepped on one foot, accelerated the charge, continued to dodge left and right, jumped left and right, and avoided Xia Mo's attack. After Xia Mo landed, he immediately pulled out the Qingguang Sword and rushed forward to release the "Shadowless" skill.

Zi Lingyi slashed horizontally with his sword, and Xia Mo also slashed straight with his sword. After the two confronted for a while, because Xia Mo used the "Shadowless" skill, the energy overwhelmed Zi Lingyi, and Zi Lingyi was beaten back two times. One step later, Xia Mo turned around and hit the qin again, Zi Lingyi struggled to dodge, Xia Mo slashed horizontally with the sword again, and then slapped the qin horizontally, attacking continuously, Zi Lingyi dodged and retreated one after another.

After the attack was over, Xia Mo released Li Ge, and with a "boom", Zi Lingyi was blown away and landed in the distance, but he gritted his teeth, turned around a few times in the air and adjusted his posture, and after landing a few more He lost his step and retreated, and Feng Yujian stabbed the ground with a sword, so he didn't fall to the ground.

However, Xia Mo threw the Xiaoyaoqin high in front of him, and then charged forward with his sword in front of Zi Lingyi. Zi Lingyi raised his head violently. With the skill "Brush of Magic", Xia Mo also turned around and slashed horizontally with his sword, releasing the skill "Tianhai".

As soon as Zi Lingyi returned to the original place, he saw a burst of energy sword energy coming towards him. He was taken aback. He had no time to dodge. He could only use the wine to advance to the right, but Xia Mo struck again with a sword energy. , Zi Lingyi had time to dodge this time, leaning to the left to dodge.

At this moment, Xia Mo's Xiaoyaoqin fell down, and Xia Mo reached out to take it, and then played it for a while, releasing the "Crazy Song" skill, and launched an attack together with the "Tianhai" skill.

Two streams of air and a sword qi rushed straight at Zi Lingyi, Zi Lingyi couldn't dodge in place or block directly, so he used the third paragraph "Put the wine in" to return to the original place, and just after returning to the original place, Xia Mo rushed over, and the effect of the magic pen was lifted.

"The magic sound pierces the ears." Xia Mo said softly, and then played the music while rushing up, it was very intense, a wave of energy waves aroused on the ground, Zi Lingyi was taken aback, Xia Mo's combo was too intense .

Zi Lingyi was approached by Xia Mo, and all the spell energy from the magic sound hit Zi Lingyi's body. Zi Lingyi's blood volume was greatly reduced. This is not over yet. Feng Yujian blocked it.

"Ah!" Zi Lingyi gritted her teeth and roared, just as the words fell, Zi Lingyi pushed Xia Mo away, and then stabbed straight with her sword, hitting Xia Mo's chest, sparking a shard of red spirit crystal , Xia Mo was a little surprised, this guy's movements became faster and his reaction was the same, he was already able to hit himself.

Xia Mo took a few steps back, Zi Lingyi rushed forward, turned around, and slashed horizontally with his sword. Xia Mo straightened his waist and dodged it. , then raised his foot and kicked Zi Lingyi in the abdomen.

Zi Lingyi was kicked into the air, but she landed with a backflip, then rushed up, holding swords in both hands, and slashed horizontally. Xia Mo also used the Qingguang Sword to block, a burst of sparks collided, and the fight between the two was extremely fierce.

Zi Lingyi gritted her teeth nervously. Xia Mo is too difficult to deal with. If you cooperate with your skills, it is not difficult to hit him, but if you want to master the heroism, it is as difficult as climbing the sky. Xia Mo also felt a little nervous. Zi Lingyi hit harder and harder, her progress was too fast.

The last time Zi Lingyi and Xia Mo fought for more than 40 games, Xia Mo won, and it was still a tyranny. In a stalemate, although Xia Mo has always had the upper hand, there will never be more than 20 people who can fight Xia Mo like this in Glory of Kings.

Zilingyi and Xia Mo are still fighting, while the battle of the others is over. Vidal and Luban died on the [-]th. On Zilingyi's side, except for Zilingyi, the entire army is wiped out. Now the entire VT. Dream team, Zi Lingyi was the only one left.

Zi Lingyi and Xia Mo both received the news, but they didn't care about it at all. They held guns with one hand at the same time and slashed at each other. distanced.

(End of this chapter)

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