Chapter 113 See Zhao Zilong!

Zi Lingyi looked at the hero options, and found that the hero information can be unlocked. Last time he fought in Zhaowang Valley, he got a lot of hero fragments and hero tokens, and he saved enough tokens for two heroes in one fell swoop. It was Zhao Yun, and the other was Zhuge Liang. Zi Lingyi looked at the two heroes that could be unlocked, and he also smiled, without hesitation, he immediately chose to synthesize the hero.

In Zi Lingyi's treasure bag, Zhao Yun and Zhuge Liang's keepsake fragments slowly floated out, and they were combined together. After a burst of blue and purple light, the two particles merged into Zi Lingyi's crystal bracelet, A ray of light was emitted one after another, and then the voices of two heroes appeared.

"Zhao Zilong, see you!"

"The world is like chess, one move counts three times." The voices of Zhao Yun and Zhuge Liang came. Zi Lingyi checked the hero options again and found that there were indeed two more heroes. Now, Zi Lingyi has obtained five heroes.

Zi Lingyi looked at the attributes of Zhao Yun and Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang is a magic-attack type consumption hero, while Zhao Yun is a rush-type warrior hero. That's enough, and Zi Lingyi just happens to have more.

Therefore, Zi Lingyi gave Zhao Yun all the remaining Zhao Yun hero tokens, and Zhao Yun's proficiency experience increased to green, and he could use scene skills.

Seven in and seven out (scenario) - Zhao Yun uses the Qingzhi sword and the corner gun at the same time to attack the enemy. He can play seven consecutive stages. The first four stages have the effect of retreating, the middle two stages have the effect of invincibility, and the last stage has the effect of knocking up and crit effects. (Seven in and seven out can be used on mounts)
Sky Breaker Dragon (scene)——Zhao Yun gathers all his strength and uses Cloud Breaker Dragon on enemies in three directions in front, with a deceleration effect attached. After the attack is over, he creates a 200-point shield for himself.

Zi Lingyi looked at these two scene skills, and the other three skills. Zi Lingyi was going to try it now, so he replaced Li Bai with Zhao Yun. A blue structured light appeared all over Zi Lingyi's body, covering the purple Ling Yi, after a burst of light, the structured light dissipated, and Zi Lingyi's Li Bai switched to Zhao Yun.

Zi Lingyi is now dressed in blue and silver armor, holding a silver spear in his hand, similar to a western knight, and a long sword pinned to his waist. The official second weapon specially made for Zhao Yun is the same as Xia Mo's Qingguang Sword.

At this time, Zilingyi's crystal bracelet made a sound again, it was a voice message from the team, Zilingyi opened the interface, and saw that it was the video of Tiewu-Zhanfei, Tiewu-Zhanfei was standing at the window, saying : "I'm done inquiring here, everyone, if it's done, please gather at the town."

Zi Lingyi didn't answer, but turned off the interface, and rushed directly to the entrance of the town. After a while, everyone came to the entrance of the town. When everyone arrived, there were many fewer villagers around. Everyone is ready to go home.

When Zi Lingyi arrived, Tie Wu-Feng Yun looked at Zi Lingyi and asked with a smile, "Wow! Dude, you've changed your hero! It's still Zhao Yun!"

"Is it difficult to get Zhao Yun?" Zi Lingyi asked, leaning the Yajiao gun on his shoulder, and Tie Wu-Fengyun shook his head, waved his hands and said: "No, no, no, Zhao Yun is alright, he is about the same as other heroes , but I like the hero Zhao Yun better, but I just can't get it."

"Oh, well, I've also checked out the news. Every night here, there will be wolves howling, and the villagers who go out at night will disappear." Zi Lingyi looked at the crowd and began to explain to everyone what he had found out. Condition.

"Well, what I found out was that in the evening, there was a huge savage who captured people who went out in the middle of the night." Tie Wu-Zhan Fei put his hands on his hips, explaining what he found out.

"On my side, there will be wolves howling tomorrow night, and everything else will be gone."

"I found out that there are always some blue-faced people with long fangs moving around Julai Town recently." Others also shared the news they had inquired. Zilingyi and Tiewu-Zhanfei heard the news , both of them were startled, because both of them thought of vampires.

Zi Lingyi looked at the crowd and said seriously: "Could it be that this mission is still related to vampires?"

"It should be. However, I think the main purpose of this mission is related to that wolf roar. Since those people disappeared when they went out in the evening, it would be easy to handle. It happens to be night now. We only need to Just walk around the town." Tie Wu Zhan Fei said looking at Zi Lingyi.

"Okay, let's go." Zi Lingyi beckoned, and then everyone returned to Julai Town, walked back and forth in the town, passed several small alleys and main roads, but, as time passed, Finally, no one could be seen on the road, but Zi Lingyi and the others still couldn't meet the situation.

Tie Wu-Lei Ting walked aside, with his right hand on his hip, and said impatiently: "I said, we have been going around in Julai Town for almost half an hour, no matter how loud a wolf is or a vampire, why can't we meet .”

"Could there be a problem there?" Tiewu-Lieyan asked everyone, and everyone stopped, and there was something wrong, but Zi Lingyi crossed his arms, lowered his head and thought for a while, and then slowly Said: "Could it be because of our gathering together?"

"If there is this possibility, let's disperse. Remember, if there is an emergency, report it immediately." Tiewu-Zhanfei looked at the crowd seriously, and everyone in Tiewumen nodded together and said in unison: "Yes! Sect Master!"

"Understood." Zi Lingyi snapped her fingers, and then everyone dispersed, Tie Wu-Fengyun, Tie Wu-Zhan Fei, and Zi Lingyi were all in a group, while Tie Wu-Thunder and Tie Wu-Lie Yan , They formed a group of two, and five people spread out into four groups, walking around the town of Julai.

About 10 minutes later, Zi Lingyi was walking on a street, holding a long gun, looking around. It was night, but the surrounding stoves and red lanterns were all lit, so it still gave people a very bright feeling.

"It's strange, even if you don't meet vampires and giants, you can always hear the roar of wolves. But why, when we" Zi Lingyi touched his chin and was thinking, suddenly, there was a very loud roar in the sky: "Oh woo woo woo woo!"

"Wolf roar!" Zi Lingyi lost his voice in surprise. He immediately raised his head and ran over looking for the sound. However, just when Zi Lingyi had just started, there was a team message from the crystal bracelet, which was a voice message. , the content is: "Ding! Teammate Tiewu - Lie Yan died in battle, exit the scene dungeon!"

"Ah?" Zi Lingyi was startled, stopped, immediately opened the interface, and asked Tiewu-Lei Ting: "What's your situation? How did you die?"

"Help! Help!" Only hearing Tiewu-Lei Ting's struggle and cries for help from inside, Zi Lingyi was startled, looked straight at the interface of the crystal bracelet, and lost his voice: "What is this? what happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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