The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 125 4 Star Scenario Mission - Ghost Doctor Bian Que

Chapter 125 Four Star Scenario Mission - Ghost Doctor Bian Que
There are two options below, OK and Cancel. After Zi Lingyi pressed OK, the interface was closed, and the task scroll also emitted a burst of green light. Then, it turned into green particles and drifted away with the wind. The crystal bracelet A mission voice message is also issued, which reads: "You have entered the ★★★★ Scenario Dungeon-Ghost Doctor Bian Que, the first mission objective, go to the Tia Valley."

"Tia Valley? What is that place?" Zi Lingyi asked to herself, and then looked at the world map first, and found that there was no Tia Valley in Suzaku Town, but Zi Lingyi had never been there. Those places on the outskirts of Suzaku Town, so the names of many places have not been unlocked, so Zi Lingyi opened the webpage with a crystal bracelet to check, and found that there was no specific information about Tia Valley in Baidu.

Zi Lingyi scratched the back of her head, and shook her head helplessly: "Oh, this task is inexplicably difficult, find it yourself."

Although he said to look for it by himself, Zi Lingyi was not going to search blindly like this. It would be impossible to take a stroll around the entire suburb of Zhuque Town, even on horseback, within two or three days, so Zi Lingyi planned to take a look at the mountains near Suzaku Town first. The situation, although there is no place name on the map, but the situation of the lot and the general situation of the mountain roads are still there.

Zi Lingyi took a look, there was a valley not far from him, Zi Lingyi rushed over immediately, 20 minutes later, Zi Lingyi arrived at the valley, walked around the whole valley, but found nothing, so he went to find other clues.

Zilingyi searched for another valley, but still found nothing. It took Zilingyi an hour just to find two valleys. However, half an hour later, at 3:30 in the afternoon, the location, a certain mountain range outside.

"Boom! Boom!" There was thunder in the sky, indicating that it was going to rain, and the rain was not small, so Zi Lingyi didn't care too much. After all, it was rain in the game, not real. Besides, Isn't he still carrying the Bailing Umbrella behind his back?

Zi Lingyi came to the mouth of the valley. The valley mouth is not small, but the mountain road is uneven and there are many stones. Zi Lingyi couldn't ride in, so he could only get off his horse, whistled, and the horse left by itself. up.


"Huh, huh, huh!" There was heavy rain in the sky, and Zi Lingyi was drenched in rain, but he stood where he was, picked up the white spirit umbrella from behind to prop it up, and walked into the valley slowly, to see what is here Not Tia Valley.

There was also rain falling continuously in the valley, and there was also falling water on the cliffs. Zi Lingyi looked around and saw that there was nothing different in the surroundings, which was very normal, but Zi Lingyi was not going to give up, so he searched everything here carefully.

There was a corner in front of her, and when Zi Lingyi turned the corner, she was startled, subconsciously took two steps back, and looked at the scene before her in shock. What she saw in front of her was actually bones, piles of bones.

The game environment is too real, the sound of raindrops, the sound of thunder, and the wetness of the rain on my body are all reflected to Zi Lingyi's nerves through brain waves, and Zi Lingyi can clearly feel the game Seeing so many bones now, even though he knew it was a game, Zi Lingyi would subconsciously think it was reality.

Zi Lingyi breathed a sigh of relief, walked in slowly, looked around with concentrated eyes, it is definitely not normal for so many bones to appear in a valley, even if it is not Tia Valley, there must be something else hidden here.

Slowly, Zi Lingyi passed through the bone area and came to the depths of the valley. There was a cave inside, and there were some ancient armors outside. Zi Lingyi looked at the entrance of the cave. fire and green light.

Zi Lingyi put away the Bailing Umbrella, and walked in slowly. The cave was long, and Zi Lingyi walked very slowly, very cautiously, so Zi Lingyi also walked for a while, and the sound of rain was no longer heard. , can only hear the dripping sound of "tick" in the cave.

Zi Lingyi opened the map and looked at it, and found that he was already in this valley, but there was still no sign of the place name. From this, it can be seen that this place should be the Tia Valley. The white bones outside and the inexplicable green light in the cave all proved this. a little.

Zi Lingyi tried his best to make no sound of footsteps, and was very cautious. He looked around. Apart from the rock walls of the cave, there were many torches for lighting. Finally, Zi Lingyi walked through the cave. A short section of long road came to the inside of the cave.

Inside, there is actually a hall, which should have been remodeled, with iron gates on the left and right sides, and a green crystal ball on the zenith, with green light emitting from the ball, illuminating the entire hall.

"It should be here." Zi Lingyi looked around and said, starting to get nervous, and Zi Lingyi's crystal bracelet also sent out a mission voice message, which read: "Ding! The first part of the ghost doctor Bian Que mission is completed, the first part The goal of the second mission is to find Bian Que."

Sure enough, this is the Tia Valley, and Zi Lingyi found it, but he was not excited. On the contrary, he is very nervous now, challenging the four-star scenario dungeon alone, whoever it is, will be nervous, even Xia People at the level of Mo and Wang Xu.

Zi Lingyi finally chose to go to the door on the left. He opened the iron door and walked in slowly. The inside was actually a long corridor made of iron plates. The walls on the left and right, the floor and the ceiling were all Made of iron.

Zi Lingyi walked through the long corridor and walked to another hall. This hall was even bigger, but the difference was that the surroundings were greener, and there was no light, but the light from the floor.

Zi Lingyi walked up slowly. The floor was made of an iron frame. Under the iron frame, there was actually bubbling green water. The water was tumbling and emitting green light, but it couldn't smell anything. Very strange.

"What are these green waters for?" Zi Lingyi muttered to herself, the surrounding space was too big, Zi Lingyi looked around twice, only to find a door in the upper left corner, Zi Lingyi left immediately Over there, ready to open the door.

However, Zi Lingyi didn't know that there was another tiny crystal on the ceiling of the hall, which monitored Zi Lingyi's every move, and appeared on the wall of the laboratory through the laboratory's crystal ball.

At this moment, a man wearing a green scarf, with a blue complexion, bare upper body, and covering his face stood beside the crystal ball with his arms folded, looking at the picture reflected on the wall. In the picture, Zi Ling escaped clearly. When he got to the door, he opened the iron door and walked into the corridor.

This man is Bian Que. Bian Que gritted his teeth and laughed silently. The index finger of his right hand tapped the arm of his left hand lightly. I was looking for some experimental products, but I didn't expect that someone would come to my door."

(End of this chapter)

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