The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 129 Ghost Doctor Bian Que

Chapter 129 Ghost Doctor Bian Que
At this moment, Zi Lingyi opened his clothes to expose his left shoulder, held the needle in his right hand, and slowly moved towards his left shoulder. He closed his eyes, stuck the needle in, and injected the cell destroying agent.
"Ping ping ping" This is the sound of the syringe falling to the ground. Zi Lingyi's eyes widened. Suddenly, he felt pain all over his body, as if there were countless needles in his body, and they were about to rush out of his body. He gritted his teeth and forcibly With the pain.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Zi Lingyi covered her head, lost her step to the right, and knocked over the entire experimental platform. Then Zi Lingyi rolled over and fell to the ground, closing her eyes tightly, waiting When he opened his eyes again, Zi Lingyi found that he couldn't see anything clearly.

"Blind!" Zi Lingyi exclaimed, he didn't expect that this needle would directly make him blind in the game, but slowly, Zi Lingyi's consciousness began to disappear, and he gradually fainted.
Zi Lingyi was in a coma in the laboratory. After an unknown period of time, Zi Lingyi began to talk to himself: "What happened? Why is the surrounding so blurry? Have I become a zombie? Even if I change, I can always Can you see what you are doing? What is going on?"

"Hmm..." Zi Lingyi murmured, he sat up slowly, covered his head, and opened his eyes. When he opened his eyes, his vision had recovered and he could see things clearly.

Now Zi Lingyi feels as if he has run a full hundred laps and then rested for a while. His whole body is exhausted and sweating profusely, but the dizziness is gone, his consciousness is clear, and the bitten part of his left shoulder is no longer there. It hurts.

"This medicine is so effective. Huh." After finishing speaking, Zi Lingyi let out a long breath. It seems that the poison of the corpse puppet should be cured. Zi Lingyi also opened the crystal bracelet to see that he was unconscious how long
But Zi Lingyi saw that it was already 5:20, he entered the cave at 3:30, and he was expected to arrive at the secret room at 3:50, so at least Zi Lingyi fainted A full hour and a half.

"Bang bang bang!" Suddenly, there were knocks on the door, Zi Lingyi was taken aback, turned her head to look in the direction of the door, only to hear knocks on the three doors, and the roar of the corpse puppet from all three doors : "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

Zi Lingyi gritted her teeth, leaned on the wall, and stood up with all her strength. These three doors were all iron doors, and the corpse puppet couldn't break through for a while, but this was not a long-term solution. She was trapped here and couldn't get out.

"What should I do? Is there any exit here? What exit?" Zi Lingyi looked around to see if there was any exit, but there were no exits on the other three walls. However, Zi Lingyi raised her head and saw that there was ventilation above. The pipe, and the pipe is large enough to drill in by itself.

Without further ado, Zi Lingyi smiled at the corner of his mouth. Although he was still a little weak, he had almost recovered. He kicked his feet and jumped up, grabbing one side of the ventilation duct with one hand, and pushing it with the other. After blocking the net, Zi Lingyi got in.

Following the ventilation duct, Zi Lingyi left the laboratory smoothly. After leaving the laboratory for a certain distance, Zi Lingyi went out through the ventilation duct on the other side. After landing, Zi Lingyi looked around and found that It was the hall before, that is, the hall with iron frames under the feet and green water under the iron frames.

When Zi Lingyi saw this hall, he did not dare to relax, because if the corpse puppet returned the same way, then he still had to run, without further delay, Zi Lingyi immediately left this hall, followed the way he came, and came to the previous That fork in the road is the first hall from the cave.

After coming over, Zi Lingyi came from the entrance on the left, so Zi Lingyi walked to the right, pushed open the iron gate, and went in directly.

Once inside, Zi Lingyi found that there was actually another iron door inside, but the difference was that this iron door was extremely huge, and it felt like it had been redesigned, similar to real security doors, mechanism doors What.

Zi Lingyi stepped forward, put his hand on it lightly, then pushed it hard, and found that it didn't move at all. Zi Lingyi knew that the door couldn't be opened by himself, but suddenly, the iron door made a burst of noise. Vibration and noise, Zi Lingyi was taken aback, and immediately took a few steps back to create a distance.

The iron gate slowly opened on the left and right sides, and at this moment, Zi Lingyi's crystal bracelet issued a mission progress voice, which read: "The second part of the ghost doctor Bian Que mission is completed, and the third part of the mission goal is to kill Bian Que! "

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. , found that it was actually another laboratory, and this Bian Que was indeed an experimental madman.

Zi Lingyi walked in, scanned Bian Que with the crystal bracelet, and got his attribute information: "Ghost doctor - Bian Que, blood volume 30000, defense value 300, attack power 150, mana value 500000, movement speed 50, Attack speed +0%."

"Passive Skill - Virtuous Healing: Normal attacks and skills will be accompanied by a poisoning effect of continuous spell damage, and a layer of poison mark will be superimposed, up to 1 layers."

"Passive skill 2 - Devil's Fang: All of Bian Que's normal attacks and skill attacks have a 200% bloodthirsty effect."

"Skill-Deadly Elixir: Bian Que throws a deadly poison at the enemy. After the poison spreads, it lasts for 4 seconds to cause spell damage and deceleration effect to enemies within the range."

"Skill - Diagnosis of Good and Evil: Bian Que releases the potion knife in the designated direction, causing magic damage to the enemy it touches, and then restores a certain amount of blood to itself."

"Skill - Master of Life: Bian Que detonates all nearby marks, causing spell damage to the enemy, with 200 healing effects, and an additional 50% damage and healing effect for each mark."

Seeing Bian Que's attributes, Zi Lingyi closed the interface, put down his hands, and stared at Bian Que. The attributes of the boss are one of the original heroes of Glory of Kings, Bian Que, but in this dungeon, Bian Que It is designed as a BOSS, just like the original Wu Zetian.

Bian Que's health, attack power, and defense power are not very high, but the most important point is that Bian Que's life recovery ability is too high, and there are large-scale skills that cannot be dodged. This boss is hard to beat. And maybe he is very skilled, just like Dila of the Bright Church, it will be difficult then.

Bian Que walked over slowly, holding the medicine bottle in his hand. He waved his hand and said with a ferocious face: "I want to thank you for helping me test the ability of the corpse puppet, but now, it's time for you to be cleared!"

"Sorry, I don't want to talk nonsense with you here, come on!" Zi Lingyi shouted with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and as soon as he finished speaking, he drew out the Phoenix Feather Sword and made a fighting posture.

(End of this chapter)

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