The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 132 Zombie-like massacre of the city

Chapter 132 Zombie-like massacre of the city

Zi Lingyi ran out of the cave and rushed out of the Tia Valley, and the corpse puppets behind him followed closely. There were too many, a thousand troops, or a thousand undead corpse puppets, this army, just In this way, he rushed out and rushed into the wild scene.

Already able to summon the mount, Zi Lingyi summoned the mount, charged quickly, rushed to the side of the mountain forest, and after pulling away the distance from the corpse puppet, he stopped, sat on the side, panting : "Hoo hoo. Oh my god, my god, there are so many corpse puppets, my god"

After Zi Lingyi regained her breath, she looked around. There were mountains and forests all around her. Only then did Zi Lingyi realize that it is now in the world scene, and the corpse puppets are also in the world scene. They have all been released. Then...
Zi Lingyi was stunned, and after a long time, he slowly said: "This time I really made it big, I made it big!"

"Ehhhhhhhhhhh!" Suddenly, behind Zi Lingyi, the roar of the corpse puppet came. Zi Lingyi was taken aback, and immediately stood up in fright. Turning around, he found that in the forest, there was a One after another, the corpse puppets walked towards Zi Lingyi.

Zi Lingyi gritted his teeth, turned around and ran for a while, thinking at the same time: "They are chasing me closely, and now I am in a state of fighting and I can't log out, but this is not a long-term solution, they must return to the town , How many players are there in Suzaku Town?"

Suzaku Town, one of my six main cities, the site of the Dragon Tooth Gang, is now online and in Suzaku Town, there are at least 3000 million players. Zi Lingyi was speechless for a moment, and the 3000 million players were about to suffer.

Wait, Suzaku Town, the territory of the Dragon Tooth Gang?Zi Lingyi's thinking stopped immediately, and he thought of other places, heaved a sigh of relief, smiled helplessly, there was no other way, since they were all in trouble, he didn't mind using it once, so
Zi Lingyi turned around, waved to the group of corpse puppets behind her, and shouted: "Come on! Come here! Go here! Don't get lost!"

"Ehhhhhhhhh!" the corpse puppet moaned and roared, chasing Zi Lingyi, and Zi Lingyi also slowed down, attracting the corpse puppets bit by bit. His purpose was simple. Yabang is in Zhaowang Valley, as well as the previous events, they are all deceiving people too much.

I have never had a helper, and now that a helper is here, Zi Lingyi smirked and brought these corpse puppets to the main helm of the Longya Gang in Zhuque Town, that is, the main base, the main helm of Pingshan, with only one purpose, to let these Corpse puppets bloodbathed the Dragon Tooth Gang.

Don’t you bully the few with more, your five big gangs are very attractive, come on, I can bring 1000 people to massacre your 10 people at the helm, who is afraid of anyone, but the movements of the corpse puppets are very slow So Zi Lingyi also had some hard work, just like that, after 1 hour, Longya Gang Pingshan at the helm
The city of Pingshan General Rudder is full of patrolling soldiers and shooters on guard. They are watching the situation on the plain in front of them, and one of them is looking at the front and snoring. Surprised.

"What's the situation?" the man lost his voice.

"What's wrong?" The person next to him looked at him and asked.

"Look! Look quickly." This person immediately pointed to the plain in front of him, and the other person also looked over. The two saw that there was a person running in front, a white figure, and behind this white figure was a white figure. Another person, an extremely large number, walked over slowly.

Another member of the Dragon Tooth Gang saw it, and was taken aback immediately, and immediately shouted: "I'm going! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!!"

In an instant, all the people at the front door heard it. They were startled, and they all went to the city to look over. When they saw it, they found that the white figure in the front had rushed over, and the name on the top of the head could already be seen. It was Purple. The bell flower blooms, Qiu Xiaoyi.

"That person is Purple Bell Blossom!"

"I'll go! It's really him, he dares to come to die."

"Dare you, do you see a group of people behind him!"

"This guy has so many helpers, doesn't he have a gang?" People from the Dragon Tooth Gang discussed for a while, and the rudder leader Longya-Iron Tooth immediately sent a message to the gang leader Longya-Jinzhu, the content was: " Chief, it’s not good, we found the purple bell flowers blooming, and he led people to kill the chief helm!”

"What! How could he have people? How many people do they have?" Longya-Master was taken aback and asked hastily.

"About 1000 people."

"There are more than 1000 people, so you are afraid of a fart! We have 10 people staying at the main helm, go, tell me all the brothers to go online, and I must kill the purple bell flowers!" For the same thing, Longya-Irontooth also responded: "Yes!"

Five minutes later, the 5 defenders of Pingshan's main rudder had 3 on the line, and the rest were still on the line, and this force was enough. Long Ya-Tie Chi immediately ordered to open the city gate to fight!

Just like that, the city gate of Pingshan's main rudder opened, and nearly [-] defenders of the Dragon Tooth Gang rushed out of the city, brandishing their weapons and shouting in unison: "Kill!!!"

A group of people rushed towards Zilingyi and the army of corpse puppets. Zilingyi smiled, turned around immediately, summoned the mount, and went out from the flank at the fastest speed. They were about to be surrounded, but fortunately, Zilingyi released With the skill of "Jingjiujin", coupled with the fast speed of the three-star mount, he barely rushed out.

There were about a dozen corpse puppets chasing after Zi Lingyi, but Zi Lingyi ignored them on horseback, and the rest of the corpse puppets all went to attack the defenders of the Dragon Tooth Gang, and the defenders of the Dragon Tooth Gang were not free either. Just ignore Zi Lingyi, more than 1000 people are right in front of you.

The members of the Dragon Tooth Gang felt a little strange. Why did these people look so strange? The members of the group are just a shout.

"Damn it! How can this guy not be killed!"

"Ahh! He bit me! He bit me! Ahhh, it hurts so much!"

"Bastard! He barely killed him by tearing his corpse into thousands of pieces. What kind of monster is this!" At this moment, the Dragon Tooth Gang on the front line has already understood that these guys are definitely not players, but NPC monsters. Many NPCs come to attack the city, what kind of international jokes are they making?

The two sides fought for nearly 30 minutes, but it wasn't over yet. Longya-Irontooth, who was standing on the city wall, looked at it suspiciously. What's the situation? If you can't fight, what the hell is going on.

After the battle lasted for an hour, the Dragon Tooth Gang had wiped out nearly 900 prototype zombie puppets, and the defenders at the helm of Pingshan had reached more than [-]. However, the members of the Dragon Tooth Gang below
"Bang bang bang" a dragon's long spear fell to the ground, he was bent over, gasping for breath, staring with sweat profusely, his face turned blue, suddenly, he roared to the sky, opened his hands, and his whole body began to produce abnormalities. Change.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" This dragon roared angrily, and other members of the Dragon Tooth Gang also started roaring, the voice was very sad, Longya-Iron Tooth couldn't stand it anymore, and turned on the horn on the local channel, Typed: "Hey! What's wrong with you? Why are you shouting so sadly, hello!"

These people bent down one after another, gasping for breath, but when they straightened up, their faces were hideous and blue, and all the names on the top of their heads disappeared, and they all mutated into corpse puppets!

"Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"" the group of corpse puppets groaned and roared, and the Dragon Tooth Gang who had just descended all mutated into corpse puppets, and walked towards the main rudder of Pingshan where the city gate was opened.
(End of this chapter)

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