Chapter 140

10 minutes later, Room 2801, Xunxin Zhuangyuan Community, Huaiyuan Road.
"Ahaha! Zheng Xuanxue raised her hands high, dragged off her shoes and walked into the room excitedly. Zi Lingyi held the key given by Zheng Xuanxue in her hand and covered her head, completely speechless. Now, he can only pray that nothing else will happen.

Zi Lingyi took off her shoes, changed into a pair of slippers casually, looked up, and looked around. This is a living room, the dining table is on the right, the TV is on the left, the bathroom is on the front left, and the kitchen is directly in front. These two rooms The doors are all open, Zi Lingyi can recognize it, and there are two rooms on the right side, the doors are closed, it should be a bedroom and a guest room.

"Is this your home?" Zi Lingyi asked.

"That's right! Haha!" Zheng Xuanxue turned around and said with a smile, her spirits of alcohol still persisting.

"Your family is quite rich." Zi Lingyi put her hands on her hips, looked around and said, the decoration of this room is very good, the layout is also good, and the furniture is also complete. If it is not for the rich family, the average college student can't afford it. .

Unexpectedly, Zheng Xuanxue did not answer Zi Lingyi's question, but stumbled to the closed door, opened it, and leaned over while leaning on the door frame.

Zi Lingyi was startled, and immediately walked up quickly. When Zheng Xuanxue was about to fall, Zi Lingyi stretched out her hand and stopped Zheng Xuanxue's lower abdomen. Zheng Xuanxue covered her mouth, feeling sick and want to vomit.

"Xiaoxue, are you okay? Do you want to vomit?" Zi Lingyi sensed Zheng Xuanxue's situation, and Zheng Xuanxue shook her head, still on the verge of falling, Zi Lingyi gritted her teeth, looked inside the room, and found that there was a bed and a bookcase inside Yes, there is also a wardrobe and a computer, and it is not only very neat and clean, it should be Zheng Xuanxue's room.

Zi Lingyi simply picked up Zheng Xuanxue, and gently put her on the bed. After covering her with the quilt, Zheng Xuanxue closed her eyes and murmured. Zi Lingyi also straightened up, letting out a long breath. She said softly, "Xiaoxue, take a good rest, I'll go back first."

However, when Zi Lingyi turned around, suddenly, a hand grabbed Zi Lingyi's left hand very tightly. Zi Lingyi was startled and stopped, not knowing what to do. It's Zheng Xuanxue.

"Don't go, don't go." Zheng Xuanxue murmured, Zi Lingyi turned around, squatted on one knee in front of the bed, looked at Zheng Xuanxue: "Xiaoxue, you."

Suddenly, Zheng Xuanxue hugged Zi Lingyi, Zi Lingyi was startled, her hands were half-raised like this, she didn't know where to put them, but at this moment, Zi Lingyi heard Zheng Xuanxue's cry.

"What's wrong with you, Xiaoxue? Don't cry." Zi Lingyi said quickly, he wanted to get rid of Zheng Xuanxue and look at her face, but Zheng Xuanxue hugged her tightly, and Zi Lingyi didn't dare to use force, so she could only be caught by Zheng Xuanxue like this hold.

"Don't go, don't leave me alone. I'm so lonely. I'm really scared." Zheng Xuanxue cried, Zi Lingyi was a little surprised, how could Zheng Xuanxue be afraid of loneliness: "Are you afraid of loneliness? Why?"

"I've been alone since I was a child. I'm really scared. I'm so scared." Zheng Xuanxue's voice gradually became softer, and her strength gradually became lighter. Zi Lingyi clearly felt it, so she patted Zheng Xuanxue's back , said softly: "It's okay, don't be afraid, I won't go, I won't go"

Zheng Xuanxue hugged Zi Lingyi, and slowly fell asleep, breathing evenly, Zheng Xuanxue fell asleep, Zi Lingyi then let go of Zheng Xuanxue, put her on the bed again, covered her with the quilt, and then eased Taking a deep breath, she walked out of her room and closed the door gently, trying not to make a sound.

After Zi Lingyi left Zheng Xuanxue's room, he didn't leave. He just promised Zheng Xuanxue not to leave. Even if what she said was about drinking, Zi Lingyi would abide by it. Zi Lingyi didn't go to the guest room to sleep, but He just lay on the sofa, closed his eyes, and slowly fell asleep. Today was really exhausting, so Zi Lingyi fell asleep quickly and soundly.

The next day, at 7:[-] am.
Sunlight shone through the curtains into Zheng Xuanxue's room. Zheng Xuanxue woke up and sat up covering her head. Her hair was a little messy. Zheng Xuanxue straightened it up casually, then looked around and found that she was in her own home.

"It seems like I was drunk yesterday." Zheng Xuanxue began to recall what happened after being drunk yesterday. Although Zheng Xuanxue was drunk, she was not particularly drunk, but just vomited out her heart at once, so Zheng Xuanxue still remembered what happened yesterday what.

"Xiao Yi." Zheng Xuanxue remembered yesterday, when Zi Lingyi took her home bit by bit, and later, she went up to hug him. Thinking of this, Zheng Xuanxue immediately shook her head to divert her attention.

Zheng Xuanxue sat up, her clothes were still on, and they were all formal attire. Zheng Xuanxue didn't pay much attention to her clothes, and went out of the room directly. As soon as she got out of the room, she found Zi Lingyi sleeping on the sofa. Haven't woken up yet.

When she saw Zi Lingyi, Zheng Xuanxue closed her eyes, and when she opened them, she couldn't help but smiled, Zi Lingyi, this man is really upright, he is really good, he doesn't take advantage of others, and he treats friends well. Be honest with each other and walk the talk.

10 minute later.
From the direction of the kitchen, there was a burst of fragrance. Zi Lingyi had a good sense of smell, and asked quickly, and there was also a sound from the kitchen, which seemed to be the sound of a baking pan or an oven. Zi Lingyi smelled it. After Xiang Xiang heard the sound, he woke up quickly. He slept very early yesterday, and it was already at this point, and he was almost awake.

After Zi Lingyi sat up, she scratched her hair: "Well, what does it smell like, it smells so good."

Zi Lingyi looked at the kitchen. At this moment, Zheng Xuanxue came out from the kitchen, holding a plate in her hand, which seemed to be a dish. The aroma came from the dish in Zheng Xuanxue's hand. Seeing Zi Lingyi woke up, Zheng Xuanxue looked at Zi Ling Yi, smiled slightly and said, "You're awake, go to the bathroom to wash up and come have breakfast, the white ones are for guests."

"Oh." Zi Lingyi was a little dazed, but she still stood up and went to the bathroom to wash up. You can find white toothpaste, Jieer towels, and toothbrushes are also disposable white. They are all used by guests, and they are easy to find. Zi Ling After Yi finished washing, he came out of the bathroom and walked to the dining table.

After Zi Lingyi sat down at the table, Zheng Xuanxue put her hands on the long table and said with a smile, "Come and eat, you can try my cooking too."

"Well, let me take a look." Zi Lingyi also smiled, and then looked at the breakfast, and found that it was a sandwich, which seemed to be made of cheese and ham, and it looked very good. Judging from the smell just now, it should taste good, However, when Zi Lingyi picked it up and was about to eat it, she stopped suddenly.

In this environment, in this situation, I'm staying at Zheng Xuanxue's house, sitting opposite Zheng Xuanxue, this style of painting seems a bit wrong, right?

(End of this chapter)

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