The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 145 Spirit Umbrella - Feather

Chapter 145 Spirit Umbrella - Feather
Zi Lingyi also looked at the details of the four-star scene dungeon scroll. There are five people in the location, and the location is actually on the outskirts of the City of Hope, near the southeast. The mission is called "Eternal Movement", which is probably related to music. Moreover, this mission can only be done at night, just like the previous "Scarlet Castle".

"How about this, at 7 o'clock in the evening the day after tomorrow, you come to the gate of City of Hope and find me to form a team." Zi Lingyi thought about the time and said, the day after tomorrow he has class in the morning, and Zheng Xuanxue has no class all day, so it should be no problem.

"Okay, deal, don't trick me." Hu Liao pointed at Zi Lingyi and said.

"Don't worry, my integrity is very high. By the way, I suddenly remembered that I have to ask for something." Zi Lingyi smiled and said, Hu Lie suddenly collapsed: "Damn, you still want something." ! Are you out of your mind?"

"Don't worry, this thing is not expensive." Zi Lingyi waved her hand and said sincerely, then opened the item option in the inventory, found the name shielding card, and asked for 30 of them in one go, and saw that it was a name shielding card , I was relieved, this thing is really not expensive.

Hu Lezhi also looked at Zi Lingyi's inventory, opened the item item, and found that Zi Lingyi actually had a blueprint for transforming a universal weapon. He pointed at the blueprint excitedly: "This! This, this, this!?"

"What? Oh, you said this, I don't sell this."


"He can transform weapons, so he should be able to add attributes. You should also know that I have taken everything I can." Zi Lingyi said with her hands on her hips. Let Zi Lingyi take it, how could he waste the added attributes of the modification blueprint.

Zi Lingyi smiled, but he also felt that he had taken too much, so he put Bian Que's token, as well as the skin blueprint fragments of Hua Mulan, Lu Bu, Cheng Yaojin, etc., into the transaction On the bar, Hu was relieved, and this kid found out his conscience.

The two clicked on the trading option, and these items turned into particles of various colors and floated into their treasure bags. Zi Lingyi turned and left contentedly. At the same time, she turned her head to look at Hu Li, shook her hand and said: " Thank you, it's 7 o'clock in the evening the day after tomorrow, so I won't be late."

"Don't worry, you must come." Hu Li shouted with his hands on his hips. After finishing speaking, Zi Lingyi couldn't wait to equip the five-star white horse first. This five-star white horse is called Wuhen Qianli, and Zi Lingyi put the saddle on it. , then whistled, rode on the white horse and left.

Zi Lingyi rode on the white horse, searched for places on the small map extremely quickly, and arrived at a weapon shop. This was the weapon shop with the least traffic in City of Hope, and it was very remote, with no one in the shop.

Zi Lingyi got off his horse, walked to the door of the store, and looked around. Except for NPCs, there was no one around. Seeing this situation, Zi Lingyi couldn't help but smiled and said: "It's good if there is no one. No one is fine."

After finishing speaking, Zi Lingyi stepped into the weapon shop, and within two seconds after stepping in, his game name suddenly appeared again. There is no need to use the next one.

After entering the weapon shop, Zi Lingyi closed the door, looked around, saw that there were irons all around, and there was a big man forging iron over there, Zi Lingyi went up, looked at the blacksmith, and said: "Boss, I want to ask Now, how are you going to change this thing?"

After finishing speaking, Zi Lingyi handed over the modification blueprint of the universal weapon. It said on the drawing, go to the blacksmiths in each main city to modify it. When the blacksmith saw the modification blueprint of the universal weapon, he did not show surprise, but was very indifferent. Hitting the railway: "Then you have to see what equipment you have that can be changed."

"My equipment? Is this okay?" After finishing speaking, Zi Lingyi pulled out the Fengyu Sword and handed it to the blacksmith with both hands. The blacksmith raised his head, glanced at the Fengyu Sword, and said, "This is a good sword. , but he cannot modify it."

"Why?" Zi Lingyi asked suspiciously.

"Because it is a legendary weapon, my technical ability is limited, and I can only modify its appearance at most, but I cannot add functions to it. You can go to other blacksmiths to have a look." The blacksmith replied lukewarmly, and the purple Ling Yi nodded upon hearing this.

Zi Lingyi stuck the Fengyu Sword on the ground, took out the Bailing Umbrella from behind, handed it to the blacksmith, and said: "Then you can see if this is okay, there is nothing on me that can be changed, they are all wearing This one can be taken off.”

"Bai Ling Umbrella? This is fine."

"Okay, then change this!" Zi Lingyi smiled excitedly, and the blacksmith waved his hand, opened the crystal next to the iron table, and the crystal popped up an interface, which is the payment interface. You need to pay 500 diamonds and 300 weapons debris.

In the last bloody battle in Zhaowang Valley, so many dungeons were downloaded, Zi Lingyi could still afford this, but Zi Lingyi still had a Hongxia Zixuan skin to pay for, so Zi Lingyi first I looked at the diamonds and skin fragments that Hongxia Zixuan needed, and found that there were also 500 diamonds and 300 skin fragments.

The skin fragments are not enough, but it has nothing to do with the weapon fragments. When it comes to the four-star scene dungeon, just take an extra blue crystal treasure box, so Zi Lingyi clicked the OK option, and then said to the blacksmith: "Okay , please modify it."

"Wait a moment." The blacksmith said calmly. After finishing speaking, he picked up the Bailing Umbrella and threw it into the spirit fire. Then, the blacksmith picked up the hammer, turned his back to Zi Lingyi, and struck a while. Then use spirit ice to cool down, and then implant red spirit crystals and so on.

After a series of processing, about 10 minutes later, Zi Lingyi, who was sitting on the seat, finally heard the voice of the blacksmith: "Okay, you can get it."

"Let me take a look." Zi Lingyi stood up a little excitedly, praying for the things modified from the weapon modification blueprint, and the blacksmith presented the new Bailing Umbrella with both hands, Zi Lingyi took a look after it, and was immediately pleasantly surprised .

For the new Bailing Umbrella, the pattern on the surface of the umbrella has changed to a blue crystal pattern, which is very gorgeous. The white part of the umbrella is matched with blue crystals to make it look more holy, and the umbrella front is a golden rhombus The thorn looks very sharp, and there is still a socket under the umbrella handle, it is still a sword in the umbrella.

Zilingyi scanned the new Bailing Umbrella with the Red Spirit Crystal Bracelet. After scanning, she looked at the properties on the interface. After seeing it, Zilingyi became even more excited. directly into a weapon.

Umbrella - Feather
Modified Weapon
Durability: 800
Attribute-1: It can be carried on the back as an ornament.

Attribute-2: Sword weapons can be inserted into it as a sword in an umbrella.

Attribute-3: Can fall from a high altitude with an umbrella, slow down the falling speed, and ensure that it will not be damaged by blood volume.

Attribute-4: Regardless of competitive mode or scene mode, you can use the peak of the umbrella to directly strike the enemy. Just use the umbrella to attack, and the damage is 75% of the normal normal attack damage.

Attribute-5: Regardless of competitive mode or scene mode, increase the player's own mana by 25 points.

Attribute-6: Whether it is competitive mode or scene mode, the umbrella has a defense value of 10000 points. You can open the umbrella and use the umbrella to resist the enemy's attack. Every 60 seconds, the defense value is automatically refreshed and restored.

"This umbrella is really top-notch!" Zi Lingyi sighed. He picked up the new spiritual umbrella - Feiyu, opened the umbrella surface, and saw that there were patterns inside, and the color and crystals were very similar to his Phoenix. The combination is simply perfect.

(End of this chapter)

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