The glory of the king, the miracle of God of war

Chapter 147 Do You Want To Be Like This?

Chapter 147 Do You Want To Be Like This?

"Ah!" Liu Mengyang's sudden sentence caught Zi Lingyi by surprise, and he didn't react immediately. Liu Mengyang and Xu Zijie looked at Zi Lingyi expectantly and curiously. Zi Lingyi thought for a while, and felt that there was no need to hide it. Liu Mengyang and Xu Zijie nodded their heads and said yes, "Yes".

Zi Lingyi's answer, like a bomb, shocked both Liu Mengyang and Xu Zijie. Although it was in their guess, when they heard Zi Lingyi's answer, they said they were shocked.

"Then when do you plan to confess your love?" Liu Mengyang continued to ask.

"How do I know, wait slowly, there is always a chance." Zi Lingyi shrugged and said, then took a sip of white water, Liu Mengyang and Xu Zijie were speechless, Xu Zijie walked up and hurriedly said: " I said Xiao Yi, you are a big man, you can't wait for other girls to confess to you, right?"

"Did I say to wait for her to confess?" Zi Lingyi asked.

"You!" Xu Zijie pointed at Zi Lingyi, not knowing what to say for a while, so he could only put down his hand angrily, and Zi Lingyi looked around meaninglessly, and found Zheng Xuanxue coming in from the door, so he waved. Shouted: "Xiaoxue!"

Zheng Xuanxue looked over when she heard Zi Lingyi's voice, and when she saw Zi Lingyi, she also smiled and walked over. This time it was a social party, everyone was wearing casual clothes, and so was Zheng Xuanxue, but this time, Zheng Xuanxue was Wearing a skirt again.

Zheng Xuanxue walked up to Zi Lingyi, looked at Liu Mengyang and Xu Zijie, waved and said, "Hi, hello."

"Hello, Goddess Ruoxue."

"Hello, hello." Both Liu Mengyang and Xu Zijie said with a "hehe" smile, their expressions were a little embarrassed, mainly because Zi Lingyi answered the question just now, and Zi Lingyi also swallowed, so as not to be seen : "That. Xiaoxue, where is Xiaoman? Have you looked for him?"

"Not yet, but he should come." After finishing speaking, Zheng Xuanxue also looked around, found Xia Mo who was already in the venue, pointed to him, and said, "No, senior brother is there, I'll go tell him a bit."

"Oh." Zi Lingyi simply said "Oh", and then Zheng Xuanxue walked up. Zheng Xuanxue walked to Xia Mo's side and began to communicate with Xia Mo. Zi Lingyi just watched from a distance.

Suddenly, with a "pop", someone patted Zi Lingyi from behind, and Zi Lingyi lost his steps, turned his head and saw that it was Liu Mengyang who took the photo, and saw Liu Mengyang pushing Zi Lingyi with both hands, and whispered anxiously : "You go there too, hey, what are you looking at?"


"Come on, show off to your rival in love, let's go!" After speaking, Liu Mengyang pushed Zi Lingyi forward, Xu Zijie turned his head with a smile and shrugged.

At this moment, Zheng Xuanxue is still chatting with Xia Mo. She explained to Xia Mo that Zi Lingyi's four-star mission scroll still lacks one person. Let Xia Mo gather in the City of Hope at 7 o'clock tomorrow night, and Xia Mo will give Her answer was: "Well, yes, I'm free tomorrow night."

At this time, Zi Lingyi was pushed over, and then Liu Mengyang and Xu Zijie retreated. Zi Lingyi clenched her fists, gritted her teeth, turned her head to stare at Liu Mengyang and Xu Zijie, and said angrily, "You two wait for me!" Go!"

"Xiao Yi, what's the matter with you?" Zheng Xuanxue looked at Zi Lingyi's back and asked, Zi Lingyi heard Zheng Xuanxue's voice, turned around immediately, looked at Zheng Xuanxue and Xia Mo, and Xia Mo looked at Zi Ling Yi, said in a lukewarm manner: "You are the purple bell flower blooming."

"Ah, yes." Zi Lingyi nodded.

"Hi, I'm running around the world, and my real name is Xia Mo." Xia Mo said politely and stretched out his hand, Zi Lingyi also smiled, and shook hands with Xia Mo: "I know, I'm Zi Linghua Kaiqiu Xiaoyi, her real name is Zilingyi."

After the two shook hands, Zheng Xuanxue also looked at Zi Lingyi and asked, "Xiao Yi, why are you here now?"

"Uh..." Zi Lingyi was a little embarrassed, she didn't want to come here, Liu Mengyang pushed her, Zi Lingyi didn't know how to answer, and Zheng Xuanxue and Xia Mo just watched, Zi Lingyi couldn't help it, To tell the truth: "It was Liu Mengyang who pushed me here."

"Why did he push you?" Xia Mo pointed to Liu Mengyang not far behind Zi Lingyi.

"He said he asked me to demonstrate or something." Zi Lingyi waved her hands, but didn't say the full version of the sentence, but after Zheng Xuanxue and Xia Mo heard it, they always felt that they heard something.

"Demonstration." Zheng Xuanxue lowered her head, and Xia Mo crossed her arms, looked at Zi Lingyi lukewarmly, and then at Liu Mengyang.

Seeing that Zi Lingyi and Xia Mo were looking at him, Liu Mengyang's complexion suddenly turned pale. He was probably betrayed by Zi Lingyi, otherwise Xia Mo had nothing to do to see what he was doing. Liu Mengyang gritted his teeth in his heart, anxious and angry Said: "I'll go, Xiao Yi, you idiot!"

At this time, a beautiful figure walked quickly among the crowd of students. Everyone looked at her. When it came out, it was Bing Yu Nuo.

After Bing Yu Nuo squeezed out, she looked around and found Zi Lingyi. For some reason, Bing Yu Nuo subconsciously walked over, and hurriedly walked in front of Zi Lingyi, panting: "Hu Zi Student Ling, help me"

"I'm going, what's the matter?" Zi Lingyi felt frightened.

"No, those classmates." Bing Yunuo pointed to the crowd behind him, only to see a group of male students walking over, Bing Yunuo was afraid, and hid directly behind Zi Lingyi, Zi Lingyi suddenly felt creepy: "What the hell is going on?" Things, please make it clear, hey, come out from behind me!"

"There will be a dance session at the party later, and they invited me to dance." Bing Yunuo explained the situation, and Zi Lingyi and the others understood. Zi Lingyi looked at the group of male students, there were probably a dozen of them, and they were not ashamed. really thick.

"Ice school beauty, can I invite you to dance for a while." A group of male students came forward and asked.

Zheng Xuanxue looked at Bing Yu Nuo hiding behind Zi Lingyi, felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, snorted, and stepped back a few steps with her arms folded, and Zi Ling Yi immediately moved away from Bing Yu Nuo, he couldn't bear it He turned around and walked in front of Xia Mo, and said, "Brother, can you dance?"

"What?" Xia Mo didn't realize why Zi Lingyi asked this suddenly.

"Can you dance!!" Zi Lingyi roared loudly, Xia Mo also covered one ear with one hand, and then put down his hand: "Yes, what's wrong?"

"That's good." Zi Lingyi breathed a sigh of relief, then turned to look at the group of male students, walked up, and said to them: "I'm sorry, Bing Xiaohua has already made an appointment with Xia Xiaocao, the two of them Dance."

"What!?" The people around exclaimed in unison, including Bing Yunuo and Xia Mo. Both of them were shocked in their hearts. When did they make an appointment with each other? However, Zi Lingyi turned his head and looked sideways at Xia Mo. Mo, said softly: "I can't dance, please help me."

However, Xia Mo disappointed Zi Lingyi, he laughed, then walked up and explained: "I'm sorry, I never made an appointment with anyone to dance with, excuse me."

Xia Mo turned around and left. When he got to Zheng Xuanxue's side, he turned to Zheng Xuanxue and said, "7 o'clock in the evening, I will remember."

After finishing speaking, Xia Mo really left and left the Friendship Party, the surroundings were suddenly silent, and Zi Lingyi also looked embarrassed, and said anxiously in her heart: "I'll go! Do you want to do this!"

(End of this chapter)

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