Chapter 152 A Sudden Wedding

The battle was still going on, the ground was full of corpses of armored soldiers, and Hu Liao slashed horizontally with his claws, hitting the chests of two soldiers, and after releasing two pieces of red spirit crystals, a handful of blood-red crystals appeared in Hu Lie's right hand. With the sword, he rushed forward and slashed with the sword, hitting a soldier's shoulder fiercely, and then sparked.

A few more soldiers rushed up in front of them, Hu Liao bent his hands directly, gathered energy on the ground, and then roared, an energy mausoleum appeared on the ground, knocking all the five soldiers who rushed up into the air. Skill.

After several soldiers were knocked into the air, they gathered together with the soldiers behind them. Hu Liao seized the opportunity and released two "Male and Female Double Swords" skills and the "Moxie Seizing Soul" skill in succession. Three soldiers were hit by powerful energy one after another, and they were all killed instantly.

This is not over yet, a soldier behind him wanted to sneak attack Hu, and just raised his spear, Hu turned his head, staring at blood-red fluorescent eyes, his face was ferocious, very horrifying, but before the soldier had time to start being terrified, Seeing Hu Le, he clawed up with his left hand, grabbed his head, and pressed him hard to the ground.

"Ah! The soldier let out a scream, then kicked him up and kicked him away. The soldier flew over the ground and slammed into the feet of the three soldiers. Suddenly, the four soldiers piled up Together, Hu Le waved his hand again, a blood-red sword appeared in the sky, and then, the sword came down with a "boom", hitting four soldiers, and all four soldiers were killed. Ganjiang Moxie's scene skills, the Heavenly Sword descends.

Tiewu-Zhanfei just slashed with his sword and killed all three soldiers. The three soldiers fell to the side. Tiewu-Zhanfei turned around and retreated with the sword of Yinhan in his hand. He made a fighting posture and just turned his head. I saw Hu Le's style of play.

"This is called Hu Le, and his skills are good." Tie Wu-Zhan Fei exclaimed in his heart. The strength Hu Li showed just now is far better than ordinary players. Not to mention in Miracle Continent, even in the Heroes of Jianghu, he is also ranked. number one.

"Not bad, you!" At this time, a voice came, and Hu Le and Tie Wu-Zhan Fei turned their heads to look, only to see Zi Lingyi who was doing a backhand flip, and then jumped back, Zi Lingyi I also saw Hu Le's fight just now.

Zi Lingyi supported the ground with one hand, then raised her head, said with a smile at the corner of her mouth: "Next, it's my turn!"

As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi kicked on one foot, jumped up, and rushed straight towards a group of soldiers. The soldiers waved their spears and slashed at Zi Lingyi. Zi Lingyi moved to the left to dodge, and then A sword slashed obliquely and hit a soldier in the chest.

The spearhead of a spear on the right slashed across, Zi Lingyi bent down, and at the same time turned around and moved forward to dodge, and advanced in front of two soldiers, the two soldiers were shocked, but Zi Lingyi directly slashed with a sword, hitting two On the abdomen of a soldier, two more chivalrous lines appeared.

"Kill!" All the soldiers shouted, and as soon as the words fell, several spears rushed forward and hit Zi Lingyi directly. Gritting his teeth, he pushed hard, pushing away dozens of long spears.

Zi Lingyi seized the opportunity, turned around, slashed the sword horizontally, and slashed the sword three times in a row. Zi Lingyi immediately made a fighting posture, and then roared: "Qinglian Sword Song!"

As soon as the words fell, Zi Lingyi turned into five white sword shadows, and slashed at the surrounding soldiers. After a burst of saber light and sword shadows, the red spirit crystals on the soldiers shattered one by one, and when the five white sword shadows returned to their positions , when Zi Lingyi stood in place, the surrounding soldiers remained motionless.

"Bang bang bang!" With an explosion of energy and a white sword light, more than a dozen soldiers around them all fell to the ground. Zi Lingyi held the Phoenix Feather Sword and stood there with a smile at the corner of his mouth. Then he turned around and looked at everyone. Seeing that the surrounding soldiers had all fallen to the ground, these armored soldiers were all eliminated.

"It's done!" Zheng Xuanxue smiled and stretched out her thumbs, while Zi Lingyi put her hands on her hips, turned around to look at Vinier and Rina who had already run away, and said, "This task should be considered complete, right?"

"Ding! The third part of the mission of the eternal movement is completed, and the goal of the fourth part is to witness the wedding of Vinier and Rina!" The voice message of the mission came from the crystal bracelet. When the news came out, Zi Lingyi and the others were shocked Already, a wedding?What the hell?You were still in love just now, and you got married just after an illusion?

At this time, a particle vortex appeared on the streets of the town, forming a light tunnel. This time, everyone walked into the light tunnel together without saying anything. the next illusion.

The next illusion is directly the white auditorium. Zi Lingyi and others walked out of the light passage, and after entering the church, they saw Vinier in a dress and Rina in a wedding dress. They walked towards each other slowly, with happiness on their faces. smile.

"Are we here to be the witnesses?" Zi Lingyi said speechlessly with her hands on her hips.

"Probably not." Tie Wu Zhan Fei shrugged.

The guests all around clapped their hands and blessed the couple, but suddenly, the door of the auditorium was suddenly opened, and the armored soldiers from before rushed in, fighting against the people around them.

"Ahh! Run away!"

"It's from Joel's family!"

"Don't! Don't come here! Don't come here! Ugh!"

Accompanied by screams and screams, the iron armored soldiers rushed in front of Venier, who was also panicked by the current scene, but after he reacted, he immediately pulled out a weapon from the nearby weapon rack. Gritting his teeth with a long sword, he rushed towards the soldiers and fought them to the death.

Zi Lingyi and the others were also taken aback. What's the situation? These soldiers actually chased them here, and when they took out their weapons, they realized when they were about to fight. Now, it was the same as the first illusion. No, no one can beat them, and they seem to be unable to see themselves.

This means that in this illusion, Zi Lingyi and the others can only watch and can't do anything, while Vinier holds a long sword and attacks the armored soldiers coming up. The iron armored soldier in front was pierced through the abdomen and fell to the ground. But the armored soldiers behind him surrounded him continuously. Venier gritted his teeth, held a sword in his right hand, and stretched out his left hand to stop Rina behind him, vowing to protect his lover.

However, when the soldiers surrounded them, all of them suddenly stopped, and they all turned into white particles, which drifted away with the wind, and a burst of light suddenly appeared at the gate behind the auditorium, Zi Ling Yi and the others turned around and saw bursts of particles appearing in front of the gate, forming a vortex.

The vortex turned into a light tunnel, and Zi Lingyi and the others waited until the illusion was almost over, and the fourth environment was below, so Zi Lingyi and the others put away their weapons and walked slowly towards the light tunnel.

(End of this chapter)

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